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1、GMP与制药技术/设备论坛GMP and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology & Equipment Forum主办单位:国药励展Organizer: Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd.会议时间:2012年11月7日 14:0017:00Time: 14:0017:00, Nov. 7th, 2012会议地点:厦门国际会展中心305会议室(三楼)Venue:305 Meeting Room, Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center会议内容:Conte

2、nts: 国际共同标准下的原料药工厂的GMP审计International GMP Inspections of API Manufacturers 李树德,ISPE中国理事会成员(台湾)Michael Lee, Board Member of ISPE China嘉宾简历:李树德,现任瑞华新药副总经理。【瑞华新药公司是一家研发、生产、销售癌症治疗新药为主的高科技企业, 公司位于台湾。】他现在也义务担任 ISPE(国际制药工程协会)中国办公室执行委员会委员一职,并参与技术委员会、培训委员会的实际工作。【ISPE是世界最大的制药工程领域非营利组织,它一直致力于培养技术专家,并引领全球制药科技的革

3、新。ISPE拥有来自全球90个国家的25,000名会员,他们主要由制药生产和研发领域的专业人员组成。】他多次被聘请为制药工业的行业专家,出席各种有关药厂的GMP管理和行业各种的研讨会,并在学术讨论会上演讲有关新建药厂的项目管理、生物制剂的冷链合规(Compliance)等议题。他曾经多次负责药物生产工厂建设项目的管理,工作内容涉及产品技术转移、工艺系统安装、公用工程设计、供应商审核评价, GEP 优良工程实践 (Good Engineering Practice)、设施调试、工艺验证以及符合cGMP规范的质量体系建立等。积累了在制药工业的专业知识,李先生在建立新的制药工厂的项目执行上,获得了杰

4、出的成就。在台湾及中国大陆建立了多个领先的GMP药厂。他也参与指导了在越南及印尼的药厂项目。李树德曾任职担任生产管理、技术转移和工艺改进。在各个的工作中,于多个部门,经验涵盖:项目建设、生产管理、质量管理等制药核心领域,从新生产线的安装、验证、技术转移、到制定、实施质量管理体系,通过澳洲TGA、美国FDA等各国监管部门审查,到运用精益生产管理,改革生产流程,整体提升生产绩效。在实践中,李先生累积了丰富的药厂建设与管理经验, 对制药行业的质量规范、生产运营、供应链体系优化、风险与安全管理,都有非常深入的体认。他曾经担任:l 百迈博制药公司副总经理。【上海百迈博制药有限公司有限公司是一家研发、生产

5、、销售单克隆抗体药物为主的高科技企业。公司位于上海张江高科技园区。】l 梅里亚公司(Merial) 中国区 生产项目总监。【梅里亚是美国默克制药公司和法国赛诺菲-安万特集团的合资公司。公司业务是疫苗与药品的生产与行销。】l 神隆公司(ScinoPharm)技术处长,负责生产技术、质量保证、实验室、物料/采购、ERP 企业资源规划管理系统;参与建成了价值2亿美元的全新原料药(API)生产厂,并获得了美国FDA的GMP 认证,建立了全新的ERP企业资源规划管理系统(SAP)。l 葛兰素史克公司(GSK)台湾厂的厂长,负责推动了新产品的开发与上市,并领导了生产厂的扩建项目,以提高产能。工厂获得了由T

6、GA澳大利亚国家药物总局的GMP 认证。l 罗氏大药厂(Roche)台湾厂的厂长/上海厂技术副总经理,领导在台湾和上海建立全新的GMP生产厂。作为韩国罗氏的技术顾问,协助强化其质量管理体系。l 勃林格殷格翰公司(Boehringer Ingelheim)台湾厂的厂长,领导建立全新的GMP 生产厂,并领导了工厂的扩建项目。Biography: Michael Lee, VP Manufacturing, TDW Pharmaceuticals, Inc. TDW Pharmaceuticals, based in Taiwan, is currently developing a new dru

7、g for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). TDW is now working with Polaris Group USA to conduct a Phase III, multi-national, multi-center study for HCC. TDW is also developing new drug for the treatment of gout and Tumor Lysis Syndrome. Michael contributes to the BioPharma & Pharma Indus

8、try by acting as the Board Member of ISPE China and as the member of its Technical Committee & Training CommitteeDuring his career path, Michael has also been involved heavily in the establishment of ERP system, supply chain system & cold chain system for these pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical o

9、perations. He has been frequently invited to give speeches to the industry on cold chain & supply chain management topics in Taiwan & China.Before joining the current company, Mr. Lee was the VP of Project & Mfg at Shanghai Biomabs (& established the cold chain system in the company). He also served

10、 as Director of Manufacturing Projects at Merial China (A joint venture of Merck & Sanofi-Aventis) ( & established the cold chain system in the company).His other past employment include:l Technical Director of ScinoPharm (USD 200 million investment in Taiwan); l Taiwan Plant Director of GSK; l Taiw

11、an Plant Director of Roche Group; l VP Technical of Shanghai Roche (USD 60 million investment in China); and also as Technical Advisor to Roche Korea for quality system enhancement; l Taiwan Plant Manager of Boehringer Ingelheim (the 1st green-field GMP facility project in Taiwan after the announcem

12、ent of the new GMP regulation in Taiwan).内容摘要:一个关于对原料药生产厂家的GMP查厂的国际合作的试点计划于2008年12月至2010年12月之间进行,参与的药监部门包括来自澳洲、欧洲和美国的主管部门。该计划的目的在于经由对GMP查厂规划的良好沟通及讯息交换,来促进参与者之间的合作与相互信赖。参与的机构开发并使用了新的工具以达成工作的分工与数据的交换。因此,就可以分享查厂的检查报告并组织对欧、美、澳洲以外的原料药厂的共同查厂。由于各参与机构对查厂讯息的分享而增加了讯息的透明度与可见度。这样就促使了参与的机构能够透过合作,对共同感兴趣的原料药厂执行共同查

13、厂。共同查厂所带来的另一个效益是可以在相同的时间内检查更多的原料药厂。在此一先导计划成功地结束之后, 参与的机构同意来维持此项合作,并扩展合作的对象。下一步的参与机构将扩展至欧洲各国的主管单位。由于这个先导计划所带动的更多机构之间的合作查厂,增加了讯息的共享,并且推动了对查厂工作的分工。这项合作计划也促进了国际间查厂人力资源更有效的运用。如此一来,就可以对全球更多的原料药厂进行检查。这样,全球原料药生产资源的共同利用就能惠及全球的病患,并促进了全球的公共健康。Abstract: A pilot program on International collaboration on GMP insp

14、ections of API manufacturers was conducted between December 2008 and December 2010 involving competent authorities from Australia, Europe and the United States. The purpose of the program was to foster cooperation and mutual confidence between participating regulators through better communication an

15、d exchange of information on inspection planning.New tools for work sharing and exchange of information were developed and used by the participants to share inspection reports and to organize joint inspections of API manufacturers located outside the participating regions. Increased transparency and

16、 visibility of inspections performed by participating authorities allowed a successful collaboration between authorities on sites of common interest and increased the number of inspections performed of value to more than one authority.Following the successful conclusion of the pilot it was agreed to maintain the cooperation established and to extend participation, initially to other European authorities



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