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1、主备人孙轶鑫课时课题Lesson16教学目标知识与技能Let students read, write new letters, words and expressions.修改建议过程与方法Task-based ,audio-lingual methodology情感、态度、价值观培养学生热爱学习,团结友爱的互助精神。教学重点Learn three-skilled words: subject, scienceLearn four-skilled words: music, art教学难点Expressions: What subjects do you like? I like学情分析学生

2、已基本掌握Do you like? I like句型教具学具ppt , some pictures, some cards 教学程序教学环节师生活动设计意图修改建议一、单元导入,明确目标二、自学指导,合作探究三、大组汇报,教师点拨四、变式练习,拓展提高五、课堂小结,单元回归Step 1 Warming up:1. Greeting: 2. Free-talk: PS 引出reporter3.role-play:Show a timetable; try to interview the students of the school.4. To practice the phrases: How

3、 many classes do you have today? What are they? Step 2 Presentation1) To play a guessing game using the expression: What class is it? (Let students stand up and spell them)guess the subject: art: look at a picture music: listen to a sound science: watch a videoLearn new words:Music,art,science subje

4、ct2)Q&A Game: Show the pictures of the subjectsDo you like? I like.Practice: listen and coulorLearn subjectsWhat subjects do you like?(practice the sentence in groups.)3)Ask and answer: What subjects do you like?I likeA happy weel: (Let students practice these two sentences) Step 3: Practice1) Study

5、 the chant: Do you like? I like2) Watch a cartoon and repeat the dialogue in pairs. Make up the dialogue in groups. Let some students come to the front to act it out.3) do some practice:Role-play:Step 4:Review the learned words , letters and key sentence激发学生英语学习的热情,快速进入英语学习的状态 教师新知引入,促进学生的新知理解,并加以小组练习进行新知巩固,以小组展示,来深化学生对新知识的运用考察教师新知引入效果,并促进学生的新知理解,并加以小组练习进行新知巩固,以小组展示,来深化学生对新知识的运用增加重复率,使学生巩固记忆教学反思板书设计Unit 3 How many classes do you have? Lesson 16 What subjects do you like? I like music. art science课后反思


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