NSE Book8 Module9 Unit2

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1、NSE Book8 Module9 Unit2 Getting to know more about kangaroos.青岛宜阳路小学 焦璐一、教材分析本课选自外研社新标准(一年级起点)Book8 Module9的第二课时。本模块的主要任务是谈论自己喜欢的动物,介绍动物的特征和生活习性。在模块总目标下,将本课时的话题定位为 “Getting to know more about kangaroos”。本课时文本内容是一篇介绍袋鼠的短文。本文介绍了袋鼠的居住地,饮食等生活习性以及母袋鼠拥有育儿袋、使用后腿跳跃等身体特征,使学生初步了解袋鼠的相关特征。本课使用了一般现在时进行谈论。通过文章的学习


3、过从颜色、大小等方面描述事物外在特征,使用can来描述物体所具备的能力。学生们热爱动物,大多渴望了解动物,他们乐于参与课堂活动,乐于分享自己在实际生活中的相关经历,学习积极性很高。三、教学目标【语用任务目标】学生能够从live,eat,drink等方面与他人谈论、交流自己喜爱的动物特征和生活习性。【语言知识与技能目标】1.学生能听懂、读懂、并能朗读和书写语用词kangaroo, back, eat, drink, live。2.学生能在文本学习中,听懂、读懂袋鼠特征和生活习性,能够运用Kangaroos live in Australia. They eat.They drink.做关于袋鼠的

4、简单介绍。3.学生能运用live, eat, drink等核心词语描述、谈论一些动物的某种生活习性。4.学生能运用已学的核心词和核心句谈论自己喜欢的动物的特征和生活习性。【文化与情感目标】学生能够了解不同动物的特征和生活习性,感受动物世界的神奇,激发学生热爱动物的美好情感。【学习策略目标】在课堂交流中,学生能注意倾听、大胆问答,能用英语进行思维活动和语言表达,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。【教学重点】学生能够了解袋鼠的相关特性,并运用live,eat,drink等核心词描述一些动物的特征和生活习性。【教学难点】学生能够运用核心语句,描述自己最喜欢的动物。四、教学过程Step 1 Warmi

5、ng up 1. Greetings.Greet all the students and help students get ready for the class.Step 2 Lead in 1. Review knowledge about M9U1. (map, language, animals, national flag)2. Show part 1. Talk about the pictures. Then listen and find what the sheep says: I _ grass. I _ water. 3. Listen and repeat.Step

6、 3 Presentation and practice 1. Present the picture of part 2: Talk about 2 kangaroos. Teach “special bag”. Then listen and find the answer of “How do kangaroos jump?”2. Show pictures of kangaroos. Talk about the body parts of kangaroos. (front legs, back legs, tail) Then guess how high and how far

7、kangaroos can jump.3. Listen and find important information about kangaroos. a. Choose: Where do kangaroos live? Can we see kangaroos in China? Where can we see them? b. What do kangaroos eat? Talk in groups: which animal eats grass and leaves, too? c. What do kangaroos drink? Step 4 Consolidation a

8、nd extension1. Listen and repeat. Then ask students to read by themselves.2. Do activity book: Listen and circle T or F. Then check.3. Make a short summary: Talk what you have known about kangaroos in pairs.4. Talk about animals in Students book P54 Part 3.5. Show more animals. Ask students to choos

9、e and talk in groups. Then check the answers.6. Show the girl talking about her favourite animal. Teach students how they can talk about their favourite animals. Show the mind map to make a summary. Then show teachers favourite animal to students.7. Students talk about their favourite animals and then show. 8. Show the picture book of different animals. Feel for the wonderful world.Step 5 Summary Summarize the key points of the lesson.Step 6 Homework1. Read the text.2. Enjoy a story about Otters.3. Write down your favourite animals.五、板书设计


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