2023年七年级下Unit 1 Where’syourpenpalfrom?2.docx

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1、七年级下 Unit1Wheres your pen pal from(A卷)听力局部25分一、听辨单词,找出你所听到的句子中包含的单词5分1. John is from Canada.答案:C2. Jodie lives in Mexico.答案:B3. Can you speak French答案:A4. Her favourite subject is gymnastics.答案:C5. Is your pen pal from the United StatesA.the United KingdomB.the United StatesC.New Zealand答案:B二、单句理解,根

2、据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语10分1.Where is Johns pen pal fromA.English.B.French.C.Brazil.答案:C2. Does she speak FrenchA.No,she cant.B.Yes,she does.C.Yes,she speaks.答案:B3. Your English is very good.A.Thank you.B.Dont say so.C.Its a little bad.答案:A4. Where does your uncle liveA.He lives in Spanish.B.He lives in Kor

3、ea.C.He lives in France.答案:C5. Whats your favourite sportA.Basketball.B.P.E.C.England.答案:A三、对话理解,根据你所听到的对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案10分1. M:Do you have a pen pal,BettyW:Yes.答案:Shes from South Korea.Q:Where is Bettys pen pal fromA.South America.B.South Korea.C.South Africa.答案:B2. W:This is my new pen pal.Shes fro

4、m Canada.M:What language does she speak,AnnW:She speaks English and French.Q:What language does Anns pen pal speakA.English and Spanish.B.Spanish and French.C.English and French.答案:C3. M:Whos thatW:Hes my uncle John. He lives in New York.Q:Where does Johns uncle liveA.He lives in Canada.B.He lives i

5、n Australia.C.He lives in America.答案:C4. W:I like English very much.What about you,JimM:I dont think so.My favourite subject is physics.Q:Does Jim like EnglishA.No,he doesnt.B.Yes,he does.C.He doesnt know.答案:A5. M:Lets play football,Maria.W:Its difficult for me.答案:I like playing basketball.Q:Whats M

6、arias favourite sportA.Football.B.Basketball.C.Baseball.答案:B笔试局部75分一、把以下词组译成英语10分答案:be/come from答案:speak Japanese答案:what language答案:an interesting place_答案:from China答案:on weekends答案:pen pal答案:Mexico city答案:favourite subject答案:fourteen years old二、单项选择15分1.His parents _ from England.答案:B2._ does your

7、 son live with答案:C3.John is from _.答案:A4.What city does your aunt live _A.inB.atC./答案:A5.Does Jim _ ChineseA.speakB.speaksC.say答案:A6.There are many _ in America.答案:B7._ her favourite teacher答案:B8.My birthday is _ November 25th.答案:C9.She can speak _ English and French.A.a littleB.manyC.a few答案:A10.I

8、like _ to the movie _ my friends.A.to go;withB.going;withC.going;and答案:B11.Please write _ me soon!答案:C12.Its _ interesting movie.A.a答案:C13.I dont have _ brothers _ sisters.A.some;andB.any;orC.any;and答案:B14.They often play basketball _ weekdays.答案:A15.My grandmother often tells me _ my grandfather.A.

9、for答案:B三、完成以下句子10分1.Simon认为物理是一门很难的学科。Simon _ _ is a very _ _.答案:thinks physics;difficult subject2.你的英语老师来自哪里?他来自加拿大。_ _your English teacher _He _ _ Canada.答案:Where is;from;is from3.他经常给父母写信,告诉他们有关他的情况。He often _ _ _ _ and tells them _ himself.答案:writes to his parents;about4.足球和游泳是吉姆最喜欢的运动。_ and _ a

10、re Jims _ _.答案:Football;swimming;favourite sports5.我喜欢在星期天做运动。I like _ _ _ Sunday.答案:doing sports on四、阅读短文填单词10分Hello,Jack!Nice to read your letter.My 1 is Wei Fang.I am a 2 girl.I am from Xian is an old city.It is big 3 nice.We have many foreigners(外国人) 4 our city.Some of 5 are working here.Some of

11、 them are visiting(在访问,旅游.Many of them say “Xian is great!Xian food 6 good!I am learning(正在学) English now.I want to 7 English with foreigners,but I find it is very 8.Can you help 9Please write to me and tell about 10.Yours,Wei Fang答案:1. name2. Chinese3. and4. in 5. them6. is 7. speak 8. difficult/ha

12、rd 9. me10. yourself五、完成对话,每空一词10分live,little,place,what,language,where,favourite,dont,basketball,about A:Excuse me!1 are you fromB:Im from England.2 3 youA:Im from Canada.I 4 in Ottawa.B:Ottawa is a good 5.What 6 do you speakA:I speak English and a 7French.B:Whats your 8 sportA:Look,9.B:Oh,yes,but

13、I 10 like it.t六、阅读理解10分 I have one brother,one sister and my mum and dad.My parents look quite(非常) young,but in fact(实际上) theys quite tall and beautiful.1.My mother is _ now.A.fiftyB.about eightyC.over sixtyD.we dont know答案:C2.My fathers clothes are usually _.A.very niceB.funnyC.not very goodD.we dont know答案:C3.People think my sister _.A.is beautifulB.looks like my fatherC.looks like my motherD.is very tall答案:B4.Which one is IA.A.B.B.C.C.D.Not here.答案:B5.What makes(使) them look like on


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