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1、永丰小学2015-2016学年度第一学期期中考试五年级英语测试卷班级_ 姓名_ 分数_听力部分一 听句子录音,选出所缺的单词.(10分)( )1._ to meet you . A. please B.polite C.pleased( )2.She has a big _ . A.mouth B.mouse C.monkey( )3.Hes a _. A.worker. B.writer C.white( )4.Where _ _ from ? A.you are B.are you C.do you( )5.She is _. A.clever B.clock C.eleven( )6.W

2、hats _ job? A.her B.his C.your( )7.Her name is _ . A.Gina B.Olga C.Cathy( )8.This is my _ friend. A.new B.old C.beautiful( )9.She is so _. A.active B.pretty C.quiet( )10.I live at _ WuHan Road. A.15 B.16 C.17二.听句子,选择正确的答语。(5分)( )1.A.Her name is Lisa . B.His name is Carl. C.My name is Zhoupei.( )2.A.

3、Yes, I do. B.Sorry, I dont know. C.Sure, Here you are.( )3.A.Shes my aunt. B.Shes beautiful. C.Hes my uncle.( )4.A.Thank you. B.Ok. C.Shes my teacher.( )5.A.Ok, lets sing. B.Yes, I do. C.Ok, lets go .三听句子,选择正确的中文意思。(5分)( )1.A.她有大眼睛和长头发。 B.她有大眼睛和短头发。C.他有大眼睛和短头发。( )2.A.那个女人是谁? B.那个小女孩是谁? C.那个小男孩是谁?( )

4、3.A.我们班有二名新生。 B.我们班有20名新生。 C.我们班有二名新男生。( )4.A.我在美术俱乐部的新朋友。 B.我在音乐俱乐部的新朋友。 C.我在英语俱乐部的新朋友。( )5.A.这是我的全家福。 B.这是李燕家的全家福。 C.这是李芳家的全家福。 笔试部分一、 英汉互译(20分)家族_ 父母亲_ 从_多大年龄_ 一位男演员_ 她的鼻子_他叫什么名字?_她是我的阿姨_这是我的妈妈._她的名字叫周培._二、 单项选择(10分)( )1.She _ long hair and I _ short hair.A.has , has B.have , has C.has , have( )2

5、. _ this little girl ? _ is my sister.A.Who , She B.Whos , Shes C. Whos , She ( )3.Can you make a dress _ me ?A. to B. of C. for ( )4.Can you help me ?A.sorry , I dont know. B.Yes , I do . C. Ok, Im coming.( )5._ is my uncle , _ name is Tom .A.His , He B.He , His C.She , Her ( )6.Lets _ our class ?A

6、.begins B.begin C.begining( )7.I like _ Im a good _.A.singing, sing B.singer, singing C.singing , singer( )8.My father and mother are both _.A.writes B.writer C.wirters.( )9.Lets go to school.A.Ok , lets sing. B.Ok. C. Yes, I do.( )10.Lisa and Lily _ from Britain.A.is B.are C.am三、连词成句。(10分)1.Lilys 、

7、mother 、 a 、 teacher 、 is (?)_2.Let 、 introduce 、 you 、 to 、 me 、 my 、 friends (.)_3.Who 、 that 、 policewoman 、 is (?)_4.How 、 old 、 your 、 is 、 sister (?)_5.He 、 great 、 his 、 in 、 uniform 、 looks (.)_四、 补全对话(10分)Kate : Hi , Jim . Look at todays newspaper. Jim : Wow , A teacher .Kate:_?Can you gues

8、s ?Jim : _ ?Kate:No ,She is my aunt .She looks so beautiful . _.Jim :Oh, shes a good teacher . How about your uncle ? _.Kate:_.Jim :I want to be a policeman in the future .A. Is she your mother ?B. Hes a brave policeman.C. Whats his job ?D. She often helps children.E. Whos she ?五、 阅读(20分)短文(一)阅读短文,正

9、确的(T),错误(F)(10分)Hello, my name is Zhoupei. Im twelve. I come from China . I have big eyes and short hair . I like music best , so I want to be a super singer in the future . I have three friends , Cathy is my best friend . She is from New Zealand . She has beautiful long hair and big blue eyes . She

10、 likes music , too .She wants to be a music teacher, and she wants to teach music in China.( )1.Zhoupei has big blue eyes.( )2.Cathy is Zhoupeis friend.( )3.Cathy and Zhoupei both come from China.( )4.Cathy wants to be a super singer.( )5.Zhoupei has four good friends.短文(二)根据短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)Tom is a

11、n English boy . He is an active boy. He lives with his family in NanChang, China. There are four people in his family. Tom and his young(年轻的)brother Jim love Chinese. They often learn(学习)Chinese from their(他们的) classmates. Toms father is a good writer. He writes funny English stories for children. Toms mother is a dancer .She teaches them to dance .( )1.Tom and Jim are _. A.sisters B.b



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