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1、牛津英语模块四 unit1-unit4 知识点Unit 1 Advertising (Module 4)【考点释析】1、 An advertisement provides information and uses persuasive language and exciting images toencourage people to buy a product or service or believe in an idea、广告通过提供有关信息、使用劝导性语言与令人兴奋得图象来鼓励人们购买某种产品或服 务或者就是相信某种理念。provide vt、 供应, 供给vi、 采取预防措施;赡养

2、 provide forprovide food and shelter for a family Sheep provide us with wool、为家庭提供食物与住宿 羊供给我们羊毛。She provides for her family by working in a hospital、 家。她靠在医院工作来养The school supplies books to the children、 Cows supply us with milk、学校供应孩子们书籍。 奶牛给我们提供牛奶。【拓展】provided/providing that = on condition that co

3、nj、 倘若 Provided/Providing that he doesnt come, what shall we do?2、 A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to promote a product or service、商业广告就是广告客户支付费用以推销某种产品或服务得广告。 pay for sth 花钱买某物;付出代价,得到报应;偿还,赔偿pay three dollars for a hamburger Youll pay for this mischief!罚!She paid the p

4、rice for her laziness、 付出了代价。花三美元买了一个汉堡包 您会因恶作剧而受惩她为自己得懒惰 promote 增进,促进;提升,使晋级;宣传,推广,推销(商品等)commercials promoting a new product促进新产品销售得商业广告promote growth / prosperity / understandingbe promoted (to be) captain / to the rank of captain The boy was promoted to the fourth grade、促进增长/繁荣/了解 被提为队长这个男孩升到四年

5、级。3、 PSAs are meant to teach us and help us lead better lives、 公益广告旨在教导大众,为改进人们得生活提供帮助。mean 意欲;打算 (mean to do sth)I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept、我今天早晨本打算去跑步,但就是我睡过头了。be meant for = be intended forbe meant to do = be intended to do The building is meant for storage打算用作就是用来这座大楼预定作

6、仓库用。The program was meant to entertain children、 这个节目就是用来娱乐孩子得。 4、 I want to thank you for offering me such useful advice during my research、牛津英语模块四 unit1-unit4 知识点 offer vt、 提出,提供;开价;表示愿意The hostess offered us a cup of coffee、女主人给了我们一杯咖啡。offer to help sboffer 1,000 pounds for the house表示愿意帮助某人出价一千英

7、镑买这所房子【拓展】make an offer (of sth) 提议;出价;提供 make an offer of help / support / food make an offer of 250,000 for the house提出给以帮助/支持/食品 出价 25 万美元买这所房子 useful adj、 “有用得,有益得,实用得,有帮助得”,常用结构:be useful to do sth;be useful to sb;be useful for (doing) sthIt can be useful to write an outline of your argument fi

8、rst、先把您得论点纲要写下来可能会有帮助。These plants are particularly useful for taking in harmful gases in the new house、这些植物特别有助于吸收新房里得有害气体。5、 I recommend that we purchase 10 copies for the library、recommend vt、 常用结构:推荐,介绍,劝告,建议recommend sth for (用途)recommend sb for / as (工作、职位、头衔) recommend sth to sbrecommend doin

9、g sth / that-clause (谓语:should do) recommend sb to do sthI recommend him for the job / as general manager 总经理。推荐某物作某用途 推荐某人做/担当 向某人推荐某物建议做某事 = advise建议某人做某事 = advise 我推荐她做那项工作/做Our English teacher recommended Crazy English to us、recommend trying a new medicine建议试服一种新药She recommended that we (should)

10、 avoid asking for trouble、 她建议我们避免 找麻烦。6、 In order to determine your audience, you will need to do a little research、 determine vt、 决定;决心,决意;确定;使下定决心He determined to go / that he (should) go at once、 He has been determined to learn English well、 They determined on an early start、她决心立刻就走。 她已下决心学好英语。她

11、们决定早些出发。I have determined on / upon going to the countryside after graduation、 我已决定毕业后到农村去。【拓展】decide to do sthmake a decision to do sth make up ones mind to do sth决定干某事 决定干某事 决心干某事7、 It is important to always try to appeal to the way the audience will react、appeal to向呼吁/请求;投合得心意;引起得兴趣appeal to sb f

12、or为向某人呼吁/请求牛津英语模块四 unit1-unit4 知识点appeal to sb to do sthBright colours appeal to small children、appeal for aid / mercy / sympathy呼吁某人做某事小孩喜欢鲜艳得颜色。 请求援助/宽恕/同情8、 You can gather this information from your research、 获得信息。您可以从这项调查中gathervt、 使聚集,搜集 vi、 集合,聚集The teacher gathered the students round her、 围。老

13、师把学生聚集在她得周Finally he gathered up his courage and admitted his mistakes、 她最终鼓起勇气 承认了错误。【拓展】gather VS collectgathergathercollectcollect就是最概括得说法,应用也最广泛;collect 通常可与 gather 互换。 通常侧重把一些乱放得、分散了得或难以明确分开得东西收集到一起。通常侧重指所收集得东西就是分散得或能一次处理一件得,尤其用于把一些东 西作为收藏品收集起来,或就是仔细选择相似或有联系得东西,使成为有组织 得整体得一部分。通常表示有目得或有挑选得收集,而 g

14、ather 一般表示由少积多得收集。He collected / gathered his belongings and went away、collect ones thoughtsgather ones thoughts把自己得思想有条理地组织起来 把分散了得思想集中起来collect money (表示为某目得而)筹款,募款 【短语记忆】1、 make people aware of the needs of others要2、 do some research on advertisements3、 be intended to do sth让人们明白别人得需对广告做了一些研究 意思就

15、是使;就是用来intend for4、 protect from / against 5、 tell you the complete truth 6、 connect A to (with/and) Bconnect sth (sb) with sth (sb) 7、 fall for为真8、 play tricks on sbtrick sb into doing sth trick sb out of sth9、 keep away from10、 at a low price11、 on salefor sale12、 at 15% discount12、 over and over again打算供使用,打算送给,打算使成为 使免于,保护使不受 对您百分之百地说实话 (使)连接,联结与有联系,关联 爱上;上得当,对信以作



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