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1、牛津小学英语5AFun With English优秀教案【教材简析】 本教学设计的设计是牛津小学英语5A Unit4 Halloween第一课时,A局部的优秀教案。 从教材的角度,可以做这几点分析。 其一:时空性。本单元的核心内容是围绕西方的一个重要节日万圣节为话题,题材结合实际,贴近生活。Halloween是西方一个重要的节日,在5A教材中布置中被放在第四单元,根据教学进度的要求,本单元刚好在十月的下旬开始教学,这不可以不看成是教材设计者的匠心独运。 其二:神秘性。南瓜灯笼、恶作剧这些Halloween特有的字眼,在东方小朋友的眼中充溢了神秘气息,在同样的时间,不同的空间,让我们的小朋友通过

2、教材自身、网络去感受Halloween神秘的西方文化特质,去满足自身的好奇心,对于教学任务的完成会起到意想不到的效果。 其三:操作性。本单元A局部是围绕晚会的准备工作展开的一段对话,插图生动活泼,内容富有情趣,符合同学好奇、猎奇的心理特点,又利于同学模仿,操作。 新课标要求教师的教学能协助同学了解世界,认识中西方文化的差别,拓展视野。本单元的设计恰到好处地把这个节日介绍给我们的同学,让同学在听说读写基本技能和能力得到提高的基础上,更提高了同学实际生活中语言的交际能力。而这正是英语学习最为更本的目标。 【目标预设】 认知目标: 1让同学课前通过网络收集有关万圣节的资料以和和本单元相关的内容。即:

3、在A局部,BEN和他的家人为了万圣节买了那些东西,这些东西有万圣节特有的气息吗? 2 能听懂、会读、会说单词Halloween, tomorrow, a mask , pumpkin lantern, change. 3能听懂、会读、会说、会拼写单词a family, things, a horse, a vase, need. 4能听懂、会读、会说句型: What do you need? We need some What else do you need? ,please. Heres your change. 5. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写句型: Do you like? Yes, I

4、 do. / No, I dont. I like What do you like? I like Lets buy 功能目标: 1让同学通过本课学习,掌握表达“喜好、需要”的交际功能方式。 2能用自身的语言复述课文的重要内容。 情感目标: 1让同学通过课前收集万圣节的资料和本课学习,进一步激发同学学习英语的兴趣。 2从万圣节到端午节,谈东西方文化的异同。 【重点、难点】 1能听、说、读、写以上要求“四会”的单词、句型以和本课的主要内容。 2单词Halloween, tomorrow, pumpkin lantern, change.的读音和含义。 3句型What else do you n

5、eed?的正确使用。 4. 能用自身的语言复述课文的重要内容。 【设计理念】 在这个教时的设计中,将主要运用任务型的方法展开教学。万圣节这个神秘的节日,对中国的小朋友来说充溢了了解的欲望,这是开展本课教学的情感基础,也是兴趣的源泉,所以,老师首先要从教材自身的内容动身,通过课件、网络来挖掘课文中表示这个节日特有的气息,并通过和中国节日的对比来体会不同文化的特点。在每一遍的阅读中都给同学设计不同的循序渐进的任务,让小朋友在轻松的愉快的心情中通过对课文内容的复述来掌握语言运用的技巧,完成第一教时的教学目标。 任务型优秀教案,不但能协助同学了解西方节日的文化,能拓展同学的知识面,并且激发同学学习英语

6、的兴趣,真正的为提高同学英语的运用能力打下基础。 【设计思路】 这是对话课的教学,从保守的先教B、C局部作为第一课时、A局部作为第二教时的顺序,本课的设计把A局部作为第一课时,采用整体教学的方法,利用任务型教学模式,先整理阅读感知,找出不懂的生词和短语,再集中消化;在消化了生词短语以后,再整体阅读;第三次阅读的时候,集中理解不懂的句子;然后再分三个环节,1、导言,2、在家,3、在商店,一段一段讲解;最后,再整体朗读,拓展训练,在每一次阅读中都给同学一定的阅读任务,让同学对课文的学习一直是处于整体理解状态,是一个美丽完整的花瓶而不是支离破碎的瓷片。 【教学过程】 Step 1. Warm up

7、1 Freetalk T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you too. 2 Sing a song Boys and girls, lets sing a song. “We can sing and dance”together Step 2 Presentation 1 The first time to read (Task 1) On Teachers Day, I got many cards, On Childrens Day, you can sing and dance. And, at Halloween, what do the

8、foreign children do? Today, I will bring you to know what Bens family do. Task 1: what do you catch when I read the dialogue? Music. I read, the students listen. After listening, finish the first task. PPT shows the key words what the students answered. 2. The second time to read (Task 2 ) T :I read

9、 the dialogue just now, now, you read it by yourself. Task 2: circle the words or phrases what you dont understand. You can consult a dictionary or talk with your partner. 3. Examine the result of self-study. S: PPT shows the new words and phrases. Ask the students to read. And the teacher corrects

10、the pronunciation. Halloween, tomorrow, a mask , pumpkin lantern, change. a family, things, a horse, a vase, need. And then ask the students to explain the meaning of these words or phrases. A supplementary of a pumpkin lantern: 关于南瓜灯至少有两种解释:一是说人挖空了南瓜再刻上鬼脸,然后点上烛火用以驱散鬼魂;另一种说是鬼魂点上烛火,试图骗取人们上当而跟着鬼魂走,所以人

11、们就在南瓜外表上刻上一个嘲讽的脸面,用以讪笑鬼魂。在解释这个文化的知识点的时候,可以联系到中国的端午节的粽子,雄黄酒等。 4. The third time to read. (John and Wu) T: we learned the new words and phrases, now I will ask some students to read the dialogue. Task 3: John and Wu Step 3 Practice : have everything explained in full detail. 1 The fourth time to read

12、(1) Read the introduction Task 4: when, who, where, what PPT shows the answers and then read together (2) Read the dialogue when Ben and his family are at home. Task 5: what are they talking about? What do they want to buy? what do you know about Halloween? PPT shows the drills what the students sho

13、uld to learn. Make sentences with these drills : Do you like? Yes, I do. /No, I dont Lets buy(s) (3) Read the dialogue when they are at the shop. Task 6: what do they buy? PPT shows the drills and phrases. And the students try to read the part together. 2 Play a game: “What are they” T gives the stu

14、dents some pictures of animals, Ss try to guess the name. 3 The fifth time to read Read together. Task: what dont you understand? And what do you understand? Talk in pairs. 4. Practice in pairs. 5. Practice in groups: make a dialogue based on what we have learned. Step 4 Consolidation Showing pictures on PPT 1The new words phrases and drills. The knowledge of Halloween 2Different shops and make different dialogues. Homework 1.



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