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1、Module1 Dont touch the machines, please! (第一课时) 一、 教学目标与要求 1、 知识与水平目标 知识目标: 能够听说的单词和短语: machine crisp dangerous sir each 能够听说读写的单词和短语: welcome wait potato put 能听说读写的句子: Dont touch the machines, please! 水平目标: 通过多种活动,培养学生综合语言使用水平和观察判断水平。通过学习语言知识,培养学生对于知识的迁移水平和发散思维的水平。 2、 情感态度目标 培养学生能够对不文明或不安全的行为的实行劝阻或

2、提醒,以及在危险的地方培养学生的自我保护的意识。 二、 教学重点及难点 本单元重点学习祈使句。主要句型是:表示禁止的Dont,please! 以及表示肯定的:Wearplease! 本单元的难点在于如何让学生在实际语境中准确使用重点句型。 三、 课前准备 电脑多媒体,录音机,单词卡片以及各种与教学内容相关的实物。 四、教学过程 Step1 Greeting. 教师同学生实行上课前的打招呼和问候,(学生起立) T: Hello, how are you? Ss: I am fine. Thank you. And you ? T: I am fine. 正在照常理学生应该坐下时,老师突然说:Do

3、nt sit down. Let play a game. (让学生初步感知Dont 的含义)。 Step 2 Game. T: Lets play a game. I say, you repeat and do. 教师发出指令: Walk, write, run, sing, talk, and dance. 这些是本课会用到的一些动词通过游戏实行渗透复习。 教师然后加入一些副词,实行进一步的深入铺垫。 如:walk slowly, sing loudly .触摸。Touch your nose/eyes/shoulder/hair. (板书touch,注意渗透语音和拼写规则,齐读操练).

4、然后教师发出指令,让学生用手去指教师所说的单词。T: Point to the wall.Point to the desk.Point to the blackboard.Step 3 Lead in and presentation.The teacher shows the picture. A baby sheep is sleeping.The others are around the room.They are playing. At first,talk about the picture. Encourage the students try to say by themse

5、lves. They can discuss in groups.T: Now, who can give them some suggestions? The baby sheep is sleeping, what should they do? Tell them! For example, Dont talk here! S1: Dont play here ! S2: Dont . .!T: Then listen the tape carefully. Try to repeat out sentence by sentence and one by one. And try to

6、 understand the meanings. 1. Play the tape, and ask some students to try to repeat. check their answers. 2.Then let the students open their books. Read the sentences out. They can help each other. 3.Play the tape again. The students must listen carefully and repeat follow the tape . (point to the wo

7、rds.) 4.Practise to read in groups, until they can read fluently by themselves. 5.Encourage them to try to read it out.Step 4 Practice (About activity 4) 1.Page 4. Look carefully about these pictures, Talk in groups.Try to describe these pictures . 2.Then encourage them say out their sentences, talk

8、 the correct answers together. 3.Teacher gives the correct answers: Dont sing here! Dont write here! Dont talk here! Wash your hands! Wear this hat! Stop! 在找出问题答案之后,对学生进行安全教育,即在有可能存在危险的地方要注意采取防护措施。 Homework:1. Listen and repeat the dialogue 2 times.2. Make some rules in groups. 3. Learn about activity 1 and 2 from unit 2 by themselves. 板书设计: Module 1 Unit 1 Dont touch the machines, please! Dont sing here! Wash your hands! Dont write here! Wear this hat! Dont talk here! Stop!


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