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1、。第8单元动词(一)(一)动词的种类 动词是表示动作或状态的词,按其词义和在句子中的作用可分为行为动词,连系动词,助动词和情态动词。1行为动词行为动词可分为及物动词(vt)和不及物动词(vi),及物动词表示动作或状态,有完整的词义,能单独作谓语,后跟宾语;不及物动词表示动作或状态,有完整的词义,能单独作谓语,但后面不能直接跟宾语,如要带宾语则与介词或副词构成短语。例More and more people study English.(vt)The students are listening to the teacher carefully.(vi)2连系动词连系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能

2、独立作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语。常用的连系动词有be, get, turn, become, look, feel, grow, seem, sound, taste, smell等。例 Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.It feels damp. 3助动词助动词本身无词义,不能单独作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示否定,疑问及动词的时态、语态、人称和数等语法特征,助动词有be,do,have,shall,will等。例 How do you usually come to school?The children are

3、 playing yo-yo now. 4情态动词情态动词本身有一定的意义,但不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情态。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。情态动词有can (could),may(might),must, need, ought to, dare等。例Can I help you?-Must we go now? No, you neednt.a. can与be able to的用法有所区别。can只用于一般现在时和过去时,指本身有能力的“能”;be able to用于各种时态均可,指须经过努力而“能”。b. must与have/has to的用法。mu

4、st表示说话人主观认为“必须”,只用于一般现在时和一般将来时;have/has to表示客观需要,意为“不得不”,它可用于各种时态。cneed和dare既可作情态动词也可作行为动词。 (二)动词不定式动词不定式to do没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能独立作谓语,但可以和助动词或情态动词构成谓语,又可以在句子中作宾语、宾语补足语、状语、定语、主语、表语等。但它毕竟是动词,因此,具有动词的许多特点,如它可以有自己的宾语或状语构成不定式短语。1作主语:例To learn English is very important.但实际上不定式作主语常用it来作形式主语,而将不定式移至谓语动词后作真正的主语

5、。如上句可表达为:Its very important to learn English. 2作表语:例 My idea is to ring him up at once. 3作宾语:例 I have decided to go to Binjiang Primary School. 4作宾语补足语:a. ask, want, teach, tell, know, would like, allow等动词后面接动词不定式作宾语补足语。例The policemen asked him to get off the bus.b. hear, see, look at, feel, watch,

6、notice, listen to等动词后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例 We often see Miss Li clean the classroom.c. let, make, have这些使役动词后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。但在被动语态中这些不带to的都须带上to。例In those days the bosses often made the workers work day and night.d. 动词help接动词不定式作宾语补足语,可带to也可不带to。例Can you help me (to) carry the heavy bag? 5作定语。a. 与被

7、修饰词有动宾关系。如:I have something important to tell you.但如果不定式动词为不及物动词,后面的介词千万不要省略。例 Maybe they have three rooms to live in.b. 与被修饰词有主谓关系。例 Mr Liang is always the first to come and the last to leave.c. 与被修饰之间只有修饰关系。例 I have no time to play cards. 6作状语,表示目的、原因、方法、方向、结果等。例 Ill go to meet my friend at the ra

8、ilway station. 7不定式复合结构“for sb. to do sth” 作主语时,常用“It is +adj+ for sb. to do sth” 的句式。It is interesting ( difficult, hard, easy, important, dangerous, important, possible, late , time) for sb to do sth. 例Its dangerous for you to ride so fast.Its very kind of you to help me.It is interesting for us t

9、o read this story. Its late for me to have class. It is important for her to stay at school.形容词good, bad, polite, unkind, kind, ice, clever, right, wrong, careful等用“It is +adj +of sb. to do sth.” It is kind ( nice good careful careless ) of sb to do sth. 其他形容词用for。例 It is very kind of you to give me

10、 a hand . It is careless of him to do exercises.8动词不定式与疑问句who, what, which, when, how, where, whether等连用。例I dont know when to start.= I dont know when well start.He didnt tell me where to go. =He didnt tell me where he would go. I dont know where to go. We knew who(whom) to ask. He wants to know wha

11、t to do. I want to know why to stand there. I didnt know how to when to leave. Do you know how to answer this question? 注意:a. 有些动词或动词短语不能带不定式,只能接动词的-ing形式。如:enjoy, finish, keep, mind, miss(错过),be busy, go on, keep on, be worth, practise等。例 The peasants are busy picking apples.Would you mind my openi

12、ng the door?b. 有些动词后可接不定式,也可接动词的-ing形式,但意思不同。例 Lu Jian forgot to post the letter.(该寄但还没做)Lu Jian forgot posting the letter.(已经寄过信了)They stopped to sing a song.(停止在做的工作而去做另一件工作)They stopped singing.(停止正在做的工作) 9. 不定式的否定形式: 在to 前加not . ( not to do sth.) 例 Ask her not to speak loudly. We found people no

13、t to throw it about. Tell the students not to make much noise. 10. let , make, have, had better=d better, will you please= would you please= could you please(跟动词原形,否定式是在第二个动词原形前加not) 例 Lets go. Let me see.Li Feng made the baby stop crying. Dont have them be in trouble. You had better turn the radio

14、down. Will you please sweep the floor? Let us not talk. Make him not shout again. Youd better not come back. Will (Would) you please not follow me? Could you please not tell me about it? 11. wish 和hope 的用法: 希望做某事: hope to do sth. wish to do sth. 希望某人做某事: wish sb to do sth hope+that 宾语从句例 It hope to get an English dictionary. You wish to stay here.(你希望留在这。)We hope (that) we can see you again.= We hope to see you again.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-



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