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1、附录1 译文本文依托“多功能清雪车研发”项目,设计了以装载机为牵引主机的多功能清雪车,针对不同类型积雪清除方法及其属具结构特点,以除雪属具技术参数的分析、计算为基础,设计了不同除雪属具及属具组合形式以达到清除不同类型道路积雪、一机多用的目的,全文研究工作总结如下:(1)分析阐述雪的物理性能,包括:密度及分类、硬度、抗切强度及摩擦性质等。通过分析路面与积雪相互作用的关系,为清雪车设计与关键参数计算奠定基础。(2)在阐述清雪常用的方法及清雪车的主要分类的基础上,分析介绍了以装载机为牵引主机的多功能清雪车的主机参数和工作装置,对各个工作装置的功用进行论述说明,并进行了整机牵引平衡和功率平衡的分析计算



4、螺旋叶片外径D、螺旋螺距s对螺旋集雪器清雪效率影响很大,清雪效率随螺旋叶片外径D和螺距s的增大而增大,螺旋轴直径d对螺旋集雪器清雪效率的影响不大;螺旋集雪器转速n对集雪功耗和螺旋集雪器清雪效率的影响都很大,转速增大,螺旋集雪器集雪功耗增大,清雪效率增加;清雪车行进速度V对螺旋集雪功耗影响很大,螺旋集雪功耗随行进速度的增大而显著增大。(7)结合数值仿真结果对螺旋集雪器进行结构优化。以螺旋集雪器集雪功耗最小、清雪效率最高为目标函数,以刚度限制、功率限制以及螺旋外径D、螺距s、转速n、螺旋角的限定条件为约束条件,应用遗传算法对螺旋集雪器结构参数进行优化分析,优化结果为:螺旋外径D =0.6m,螺距s

5、 =0.5m。清雪车是用于清除道路积雪,保障交通通畅、行车安全的冬季道路养护专用机械设备。我国东北、西北的大部分地区冬季持续低温,积雪数月不化的路面湿滑成为堵塞交通甚至引发恶性事故的重要因素。特别近年来,随着高速公路建设的飞速发展,公路和城市道路清雪的重要性显得尤为重要。现有国内清雪机械的生产研发不能满足市场的需要,而国外进口的清雪设备价格昂贵,服务和配件的供应周期长、费用高,不能完全适应我国的路况。因此设计制造适应我国多雪地区的高效清雪车具有现实意义和经济效益。清雪车清雪能力的强弱很大程度上取决于清雪装置性能的好坏,所以深入研究清雪装置的结构和性能是非常必要的。目前许多国家都采用机械化“实时

6、除雪”技术。所谓机械化“实时除雪”技术就是使用浮雪清雪机械在降雪过程中实施清雪,降雪过程也就是清雪过程,雪停后清雪工作也基本完成。针对“实时除雪”这一概念,就需要效率高、省时、省力的浮雪清除设备。用于清除浮雪的装置主要为螺旋集雪装置,一般与高速旋转的风机、抛雪筒联合使用。雪被螺旋集雪装置收集并通过风机旋转带动从抛雪筒抛到路边或者运雪车上,节省了收集雪的时间,清雪效率较高。但目前我国螺旋集雪装置的清雪效率和发达国家相比还有一定差距,需要深入研究,提高清雪效率。附录2 英文参考资料The research was performed with the research project“the de

7、sign of multifunction snow remover”.According to the clearance method of difference type snow,the multifunction snow remover was designed with the loader for traction host,which had multi operation tools.The operation tools was designed and assembled based on the analysis and computation of its para

8、meters for the purpose of clearing difference type snow.The dissertation main includes the following:(1)The physical properties values of the snow,which included densit classification,hardness,anti-shear strength,friction property were analysis.The interactional relations between road and snow were

9、analyzed,which is the foundation of the design of multifunction snow remover and the key parameters computation.(2) More comprehensive classification methods of the snow removers were provided.The classification methods were summarized referring to as many as relative materials.The parameters of loa

10、der and the tools of multifunction snow remover were analyzed and introduced.The functions of the snow tools were introduced detailed.The traction and power balance of the whole machine were computed and analyzed.(3) To clear fresh snow,the equipment of spiral snow collection and centrifugal snow ca

11、st was designed,and its structure was introduced.The power and rotate speed of spiral snow collection,the power and rotate speed of centrifugal snow cast,the distance of cast,et al,were computed and analyzed.(4)Combining with the project,the installation style and working system of spiral snow colle

12、ction are illustrated,and the structure and working principle are introduced,then the design technical parameters of spiral snow collection and performance parameter of loader are given;the spiral blade is chose and its expansion form is illustrated,which lay a function for subsequent related analys

13、is and calculation;the physical characteristics of snow is studied,lay a theoretical foundation for the mechanical analysis of snow later.(5)Base on the mechanical analysis and velocity analysis of snow,the relationship between various parameters of the spiral snow collection and the working propert

14、ies was studied,and the helical vane,the pitch of helical vane and helix angle are determined preliminarily.The mathematical models of efficiency of cleaning snow and consumed power of the spiral snow collection were established.According to the press,displacement and power to choose the type of mot

15、or for snow plough, and the diameter of helical axis and the rotational speed of the spiral snow collection is determined.In order to avoiding sympathetic vibration,modal analysis of the spiral snow collection is made,the conclusion of which shows that resonance will not occurs to the spiral snow co

16、llection in the determined rotational speed.(6)According to the mathematics models established,by means of the tool box of Simulink of MATLAB,the system block diagrams are builded.Then according to the related technique parameters and the references and literatures,mathematical models of efficiency of cleaning snow and consumed power of the spiral snowcollection were simulated.Which analyzed the influence on the efficiency of cleaning snow and consumed



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