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1、小鸭子作文小鸭子今天,我家买了两只小鸭子,很讨人喜欢。小鸭子全身长着淡黄色的绒毛,从远处看像一个小绒球。它的嘴扁扁的,吃东西的声音是“叭叽,叭叽”的,特别好玩。它的小眼睛像圆溜溜的小皮球一样,我觉得小鸭子特别可爱!Today, my family bought two ducklings, which are very likable. The duckling is covered with light yellow fluff, which looks like a small fluffy ball from a distance. Its mouth is flat, and the

2、sound of eating is Baji, Baji. Its very interesting. Its small eyes are like a round little ball. I think the duckling is very cute!那天,我和我的好朋友娇娇去放鸭子,被放出来的鸭子像疯了一样,到处乱跑。一会儿跑到道路上,一会儿跑到草坪上,一会又跑出院子外面了。我好不容易才把它们赶到院子里来了,这时都快吃午饭了,我和娇娇一个人负责抓一只小鸭子,小鸭子跑得太快了,我们抓不着。我一会儿在草坪上跌一跤,一会儿在陆地上又差点儿摔一下,最后我们好不容易才把它们抓住了,放在盒子

3、里面拿回家。That day, my good friend Jiao Jiao and I went to release the ducks. The released ducks ran around like crazy. Some run to the road, some run to the lawn, some run out of the yard. I managed to get them to the yard. At this time, we were almost having lunch. Jiao Jiao and I were responsible for

4、 catching a duckling alone. The duckling ran so fast that we couldnt catch it. I fell on the lawn and almost fell on the land. Finally, we managed to catch them and put them in the box to take home.我把小鸭子的窝放在凉台上,因为我也不知道小鸭子到底住在哪里,所以我就随便给小鸭子搭了个窝。那是一个大盒子,上面没有盖儿,里面铺上报纸,然后拿一个小碗儿,里面放上食物,再拿一个小碗儿,里面装着水。I put

5、 the ducklings nest on the verandah, because I dont know where the duckling lives, so I made a nest for the duckling. Its a big box with no lid on it. Its covered with newspaper. Then take a small bowl with food and water.每天我看着这两只小鸭子跑来跑去的,真可爱!Every day I watch these two ducklings running around. How lovely!



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