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1、开放英语2在线作业答案1、 Dont let _ in. The doctor is operating on the patient now.Aanyone Bsomeone Cnobody2、 Will she _ do the work?Abe able to Bable to Cis able to3、 She _ jogging every morning.Agoes Bdoes Cplays4、 _ a glass of coffee. AId rather have BI have CI prefer to5、 Wheres _ newspaper?Atoday Btoday s

2、 Ctodays6、 I dont like coloured clothes. I like white_.Aones Bone Cany7、 Have you got any books on Chinese painting? I want to borrow _.Aany Bevery Cone8、 He likes _ football very much.Aplaying Bto play Cplay9、 Money isnt _.Aanything Bsomething Ceverything10、 My parents work very hard in the farm. T

3、hey _ get up early in the morning.Aoccasionally Bsometimes Calways11、 June 1st is _ Day. AChildrens BChildrens CChildren12、 I _ dont understand. Could you say it again?Astill Byet Cas well13、 We always _ the neighbours cat while theyre away.Atake care Blook after Clook at14、 She _ in America for man

4、y years. She hopes to go back to China next year.Alives Blived Chas lived15、 I am getting on very well _ the new job.Awith Bon Cin16、 This red bicycle is _ and that blue one is _.Ahis, Tom Bhis, Toms Chis, Toms17、 A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary. B: Youre welcome. But could you _ to me t

5、omorrow?Agive it back Bgive back it Cget back18、 When he woke up, he heard the _ of knocking at the door.Avoice Bnoise Csound19、 We always _ the neighbours cat while theyre away.Atake care Blook after Clook at20、 The child is _ his father.Acalled as Bnamed as Cnamed after21、 My uncle _ in this city

6、since 1980.Ahas lived Blived Cis living22、 When he woke up, he heard the _ of knocking at the door.Avoice Bnoise Csound23、 I _ dont understand. Could you say it again?Astill Byet Cas well24、 She _ jogging every morning.Agoes Bdoes Cplays25、 The students were a little bored _ the lesson today.Aat Bfo

7、r Cwith26、 My father is _ than my mother.Athree years older Bolder three years Cthree years old27、 It was really hard to _ five children on her own.Abring up Bgrow up Clook up28、 We _ in the same house when we were students in Britain.Aused live Bused to living Cused to live29、 Your daughter doesnt

8、_ you at all.Alook after Btake like Ctake after30、 Mary spent the whole afternoon looking _ the shops.Afor Bround Cup31、 She was _ the grandchildren again.Alooking for Blooking forward to Clooking around32、 The film was _ that I fell asleep in the cinema.Atoo bored Bso bored Cso boring33、 The meetin

9、g _ for five hours. No one knows when it will end.Ahas lasted Bhave lasted Clasted34、 Dont worry about it! The baby will look like _ her father _ her mother.Anot only, but also Balso, too Ceither, or35、 We want to learn some English songs, _ we can sing for our foreign guests.Aso that Bso Cfor36、 Wh

10、y _ you go to see the film yesterday evening?Adidnt Bdoesnt Cdont37、 Last Sunday I _ to Mr Smiths birthday party, and some other friends _ there, too.Awent, was Bwent, were Cgo, are38、 Ten years have passed _ he moved to live in the South.Afrom Bwhen Csince39、 、_ was she dancing with? Her new boyfri

11、end?AWho BWhat CWhich40、 、_ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.AAnyone BSomeone CEveryone41、 He _ for almost ten years.Ahas been married Bhas got married Cgot married42、 My parents have _ been to the Great Wall.Aas yet Bsometime Cnever43、 、_ see the film this evening?AWhy dont we go to

12、BWhy didnt we go to CWhy arent we go to44、 Because of the illness, she _ in bed for a few months.Awas keeping Bkept Cwas kept45、 The children are enjoying _ at the party.Athemselves Btheirs Cthemselves46、 Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. I want to buy _ for her.Aanything special Bspecial something C

13、something special47、 They might tell him _ about their companies.Ainteresting something Bsomething interesting Cany interesting48、 Mike offered to help and so _ John.Adoes Bis Cdid49、 If it _ tomorrow, we _ to the Summer Palace.Arains, will go Bwont rain, go Cdoesnt rain, will go50、 You _ the exam in English if you _ hard.Apass, work Bwill pass, work Cpass,


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