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1、七年七年级级下下学学期期末英期期末英语试语试卷卷一一、单单项项填填空空,请请认认真真阅阅读读下下面面各各题题,从从 A A、B B、C C、D D 四四个个选选项项中中,选选出出最最佳佳选项选项。(满满分分 1010 分分)1.Gui Haichao,a member of Shenzhou XVI team,will collecton the space station.AmessagesBfactsCinformationDnews2.Do you have anything else to say?I told you everything.I have nothing to.Ahid

2、eBholdChit3.Tom fell off the bike yesterday,and his knees wenthis jeans.AoverBacrossCabove4.When youat the square,you can see all the people hurrying like ants.Alook afterBlook upClook down5.The film is very interesting,but I dont think it can becup of tea.AanybodysBeverybodysCnobodys6.Howyou look!W

3、hat happened?DhuntDthroughDlook outDsomebodysI passed the exam through hard work.AbeautifulBcomfortableCexcitedDfriendly7.Which by in the following sentences has the same meaning as the one in the sentence Alice saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.?A.By this time next week well be in Beijing.B.S

4、he learnt to speak English by herself.C.They live in a house by the river.D.He walked by me without speaking.8.The reply we look forward tothe other day.AcomesBcame9.Could I smoke for a moment?CcomeDis coming,sir.Look at the sign.It says No smoking.AIm afraid you cantBOf course you canCIm afraid you

5、 couldntDOf course you could10 The master wants to .NoticeboardLast Sunday,my pet cat Mimi lost her way.She is three years old with long grey fur.She has whitepaws and the eyes are green.If you find her,please send an email to .Thanks for your help.A.tell others what her cat looks likeB.tell others

6、she loves MimiC.ask others to send an email to herD.ask others to help find her cat二二、完完形形填空填空 (满满分分 1010 分)分)请先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was a hot,sunny day.KJ wanted to go to the store to get ice cream.He was too11to go by himself.Mommy was sleeping.His big sister Kadija said

7、she would12him there.She was in the first grade,a year older than he was.She was13she knew the way.The two kids walked out of the front door.Hold my hand,Kadija said.So,KJ held her hand.He felt safer that way.They walked14Mrs.Glovers place.She lived across the street.Her clothes were hanging on the

8、clothesline.Mrs.Glover was out in front.She waved(挥手).The kids15walking.Soon they came to the16Kadija told KJ,We turn here.This is the way to school.KJ agreed.They kept walking.Now we turn again,Kadija said.We have to stay away from Leons dog.KJ did not see or17the dog.But he agreed anyway.The kids

9、turned another corner.Soon,Kadija stopped.She looked18.After a minute,she said,I think we are lost.KJ started to cry.But they both saw19red moving between the buildings.It was Mrs.Glovers dress!It was flapping(摆动)in the wind.We just went around the20!Kadija said.I know how to get home.Lets go back.N

10、ext time,we will wait for a grownup.They went back home.Mrs.Glover was standing at her window.This time,the kids stopped and waved.11A12A13Abigbring sureBB Bfattake afraidCC Cyoungcarry happyDD Dsickdrive nice14A fromB toC acrossD past15A stoppedB keptC beganD practised16A endB roadC cornerD side17A

11、 hearB noticeC soundD listen18A forB outC upD around19A everythingB anythingC somethingD nothing20A windowB neighborhood三三、阅阅读读理解理解(满满分分 2424 分)分)阅读理解C schoolD storeClose your eyes,open your heart.Work hard,get ready to start.Its almost time to lift off and fly.Believe in yourself and youll fly very

12、 high.Open your wings,spread them out.This is what flying is all.I know you can make it through this test.Come on now,do your best.Now that you can fly and soar(翱翔).You can enter that successful(成功的)door.21.Which of the following words can be filled in the blank to complete the poem?AinBaboutCfrom 2

13、2What does the writer want to tell readers in the poem?DaroundA.Try to fly as high as you can.B.Get yourself interested in flying.C.Work hard and believe in yourself.D.Close your eyes and open your heart.阅读理解Zibo,a city in Shandong Province,has been very hot in China for its local food in the last f

14、ew months.College students going to Zibo for barbecue and taking a highspeed train to taste Zibo barbecue have become hot topics on Chinese social media.Zibo barbecue is famous for a different dining way.On each table is a small stove(炉子).People can make skewers(肉串)by themselves.When the food is rea

15、dy,put it into a small pancake,usually with a spring onion inside.Theres nothing you cant fix with one barbecue,and if there is,then two.One of the visitors said.Data(数据)from Meituan and Dazhong Dianping shows that booking hotels and restaurants in Zibo during the fiveday May Day holiday is 800%high

16、er than that in 2019.Its said the number of visitors arriving and leaving through Zibo railway station reached 50,000 a day,with most of them being visitors who come to taste Zibo barbecue.The local government wants to bring more visitors to the city.So Zibo makes a special barbecue map andadds 21 new barbecue bus lines so that visitors can get on the bus to rest,get off to eat.Now the biggest problem is that this city cant hold so many people.People should book hotels and restaurants two weeks


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