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1、冀教版四年级下册小学英语全册试卷(含4套单元试卷、1套期中试卷、2套期末试卷)Unit 1过关检测卷(所有试卷均插入了听力音频)听力(40分)笔试(60分)总分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一得分Unit 1 听力测试.mp3时间:40分钟满分:100分第一部分听力(40分)一、听录音,给图片排序。(10分)() () () ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片。(10分)三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分)()1. A. Lets put the chair under the desk.B. Lets put the chair on the desk.()2. A. T

2、his is my mew teacher.B. This is Kim. She is my new friend.)3. A. There are twenty girls in the class.B. There twelve girls in the class.()4. A. She is in the classroom.B. She is on the playground.()5. A. She is playing a game.B. She is reading a book.四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分)B. This is a ruler.B. He is i

3、n the classroom.B. I have ten books.B. She is in the classroom.B. Nice to meet you.()1. A. Its Jennys ruler.()2. A. She is in the classroom.()3. A. There are ten books.()4. A. She is my new friend.()5. A. Im fine, thank you.第二部分笔试(60分)五、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。(5分)-school一 read-sea( )1._ book() 2.m

4、eat() 3.一 sweatermoonbread()4.一 zoo() 5.thread六、根据句意及图片提示,补全句子。(5分)1. How many crayons do you have?-I have.2. The desk is the chair.3. 一Whafs in your ?一A pencil.4. This is Me Wu. He is a.5. The ball is the boxes.七、读一读,选一选。(10分)()L This is Bob.is my friend.A. HisB.HeC. She()3. 一Is thisruler?A. JennyB

5、. he()5. -:book is on the chair?A. WhoB. Where()7. What is he doing? _He is_A. singB. sings()9. is my ball?A. WhatB. Whose八、将下列句子与相应的图片连线。(10分1. Lily is in front of the blackboard.2. There are eight books on the desk.Yes, it is.C. Jenny9sIfs Li Mings.C. Whosea song.C. singing-Its under the bed.C. Wh

6、ere9A.牖B.4息3. My sister is reading a book in her room.4. The girl is under the tree.5. This is Mikes pen.九、根据图片回答问题。(10分)1. Is this Peter9s crayon?2. Where is the girl?3. What is the girl doing?4. Whafs this?5. How many ducks are there?十、选择正确的句子补全对话。(10分)A: 1.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: This is our

7、classroom.A. I am behind him.B. How many desks are there in your class?C. Where is Tom now?D. Nice to meet you.B: 2.A: There are forty.B: 3.A: No. This is Toms desk. 4.B: 5.A: He is reading books in the library.H、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)My name is Tom. I am a boy. Tm ten years old. There are forty-five

8、 pupils in my class. There are twenty-two boys and twenty-three girls. There are many flowers in front of the classroom. They are very nice. There is a playground beside the classroom. Many boys and girls are playing games on the playground. But I like playing ping-pong with my friends on the playgr

9、ound.()1. Tom is a girl. She is ten years old.()2. There are twenty-two boys in Toms class.()3. The flowers are in front of the playground.()4. The playground is beside the classroom.()5. Tom likes to play ping-pong in the classroom.听力材料:Unitl过关检测卷一、1.1 see a blackboard in the classroom.2. She is my

10、 new teacher.3. There are five books on the desk.4. This is Lily*s pencil.5. Li Jie is a pupil.二、1. There are thirty boys in my class.2. The girl is between the boys.3. Is this Lilys pen?4. Where is my schoolbag?5. The dog is under the chair.三、1. Lets put the chair under the desk.2. This is Kim. She

11、 is my new friend.3. There are twenty girls in the class.4. She is in the classroom.5. She is reading a book.四、1. Whose ruler is this?2. Where is the boy?3. How many books do you have?4. Where is Lynn?5. How are you?答案:一、4 2二、l.A三、l.A四、l.A五、l.F1 3 52.B 3,B2.B 3.A2.B 3,B2.T 3.F4.A 5.A4.A 5.B4.B 5.A4.

12、T 5.T六、1. forty 2. beside 3. pencil box 4. teacher 5. between七、1. B 2. C 3.C4 .C :问句是现在进行时,答语也用现在进行时。5 . C八、1D 2E 3A 4B 5C九、1. Yes, it is.2. She is beside the boy.3. She is reading a book.4. It is a blackboard.5. There are fourteen ducks.十、l.D 2.B 3.E 4.A 5,CUnit 2过关检测卷H、l.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F听力(40分)笔试

13、(60分)总分题号二四五七八九十十一得分Unit 2听力测试.mp3时间:40分钟 满分:100分第一部分听力(40分)一、听录音,给图片排序。(10分)二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分)()1. A. Today is Tuesday.B. Today is Thursday.()2. A. The weather is rainy in Shanghai.B. The weather is windy in Shanghai.)3. A. Her friend Linda9s birthday is in March.B. Her friend Lindas birthday is

14、 in May.)4. A. New Years Day is in January.B. The Spring Festival is in January or February.)5. A. The boy in yellow shorts is the second.B. The boy in yellow shorts is the third.四、听短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)( )1.1 am a student.( )2.1 am fourteen years old.( )3. My birthday is September the second.( )4. Its cold and snowy today.( )5. Trees are green in April.第二部分笔试(60分)五、从句子中选出含有所给单词画线部分读音的单词,并写在横线上。(5分)1. fur



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