2023年Unit Sports events情态动词Ⅰ知识梳理.doc

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1、Unit 2 Sports events情态动词()概念引入The classroom can seat thirty students. 这教室能坐三十位学生。 You must obey the school rules.你必须遵守校规。It is cold in the room. They must have turned off the heating. 屋里很冷,他们肯定把暖气关了。It must / may / might / could have rained last night .The ground is wet. 地湿了,昨晚肯定/可能/也许下雨了。注意这些句子中的斜体

2、词部分,都是情态动词,这些情态动词看着很熟悉,但是也有点陌生,如后两个句子中与have done连用。究竟哪些词属于情态动词呢?它们各自都有什么用法呢?为什么情态动词有时需要与have done连用呢?从此单元开始,我们就小结一下情态动词的用法。语法讲解概念及shall/should概念在动词(一般动词)之前形成动词的否定,疑问,时态,语态,语气或表示特殊意义的动词叫做助动词,其中具有感情色彩一些助动词叫做情态动词。 分类: be动词, have, do;-助动词shall, should, will would, can, could, may, might, must, ought, ne

3、ed, dare, used和had better. -情态动词例如:-What was the something you saw? 你看见的是什么?-I, I couldnt say. 我不能说。-You couldnt say or you wouldnt say? 你不能说还是你不愿意说?情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形及其被动语态一起使用,给谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等。情态动词后面加动词原形。shall 1. shall在纯表示将来的陈述句中只用于第一人称。 2. 在问句中征求对方的意见和指示的时候常用于第一、

4、三人称。 Shall I post your letter for you?Shall we carry your baggage?Henry is waiting outside. Shall he come in?3. 用于第二、三人称,表示说话人的许诺、命令、警告、威胁或允诺等。 Tell Jerry that he shall get a gift if he is nice.You shall be punished for what youve done. should 1. 构成过去将来时作为shall的过去时。He asked me whether I should be fr

5、ee tonight.2. 表示主语的义务或责任。 You shouldnt eat between meals, for it will make you fat. 3. 表示很大的可能性,常译为“按道理说应该”。 There should be a double “m” in the word swimming.4. 用于否定句、疑问句表示“竟然”,含意外、惊异、愤怒、失望等语气。Why should you be so late today?I dont understand why you should think that I did it.5. 在if 从句中表示“万一”。Ask

6、Tom to ring me up if you should see him.6. 重要句型:should have done 表示过去没有做到本来应该做的事情shouldnt have done 做了本来不应该做的事情You should have given him more help.You shouldnt have left home without saying a word.can/could(could是can的过去时)(1)表示能力。如:He can speak English better than you. can和be able to都可表示能力,两者在意思上没有什么

7、区别。但是can只能有现在式和过去式could,而be able to则有更多的形式,可位于情态动词之后表达过去成功地做了某事。如:He will be able to do the work better.He was able to finish the work on time.(2)表示客观的可能性,也可以表示一时的情况,意为:有时候会。Accidents can happen to any drunken driver.According to the radio, it could rain this afternoon.It can be very hot here in sum

8、mer.(3)表示“许可”时can可以和may换用,如:如果要表示语气婉转,可用could代替can,这时could不再是can的过去式,注意回答时不能用could,而用can。You can (may) go home now. - Could you come again tomorrow?- Yes, I can./ No, I cant.(4) 在疑问句和否定句中表示推测、怀疑、惊奇、不相信的态度。如:Can this green bike be Liu Dongs? How can you believe such a liar like him?(5) could have don

9、e有虚拟的含义,即“本来能够做,但事实上却没有做”。例如:You could have told me earlier.I could have helped her.I could have passed the exam if I had worked harder.may/might (might是may的过去式)(1)表示允许或许可,否定用mustnt, 表禁止。如:-May we swim in this lake? -No, you mustnt. Its too dangerous. 肯定可以用比较婉转的说法进行回答。如:- May I use this dictionary?

10、- Yes, please. /- Certainly. / Yes, you can.(2)在表示请求时,用might比may 语气更婉转些, 如:May I have a look at your new computer? 注意:May I?在文体上较正式,较客气,日常口语中常用Can I?(3)may或 might都可以表示可能性,表示“或许”、“可能”之意,might表示语气更加不肯定,如:They may (might) be in the library now .He is absent. He may/ might be ill.The person who sets out

11、 late might be careless in driving.(4) may have done表示“某一事件在过去发生的可能性”。如:Why hasnt she come?She may have missed the train.另外,might have done还有虚拟的含义,表示“与事实相反”。如:You were stupid to try climbing up there. You might have killed yourself.(5) May用于祈使句,表示祝愿。如:May you have a happy life.May you succeed.比较:Wis

12、h you a happy new year. Wish you success.must和have tomust(1)must表示“必须”、“应该”之意,语气比should, ought to强烈, 其否定式 must not,缩写形式为 mustnt,表示 “不准”、或“禁止”之意,如:We must study hard and make progress every day. You mustnt touch the fire. (2) 对以must提出的疑问句,如作否定回答时,要用neednt或用dont (doesnt) have to (不必)来回答,而不用mustnt,因为mu

13、stnt表示的是“禁止”或“不许可”之意,如: - Must we finish the work tomorrow? - No, you neednt (dont have to), but you must finish it in three days.(3) must可以表示推测,表示“一定”或“必定”之意,只用于肯定句中。如:- Whose new bike can it be? - It must be Liu Dongs. I know his father has just bought him a new one.You must be ill. I can see it f

14、rom your face.(4) must have done 用于对过去或已经完成的事情的推测。must be doing 用于对现在正在进行的事情的推测。It must be raining outside. 外面一定在下雨。He must have gone over the article, hasnt he? 你已经浏览过这篇文章了,是吧?have to (1)have to和must的意义相近,只是 must侧重表示说话人的主观看法,而have to 则表示客观需要,如:I must ask you not to do that again. 我必须要求你再也不要那么做了。 So

15、n, if you want to catch a fish, you have to think like a fish.孩子,如果你想要抓住鱼,你必须像鱼一样思考。You have to hand in your compositions before next Monday.(2)have to 有人称、数和时态的变化,否定式要用助动词,如dont have to:They had to speed up, for the weather turned terrible. He has to stay at home because of illnesswill和wouldwill的基本用法(1) 可以表示“意志”或“决心”,如:I have told him again and again to stop smoking, but he will not listen. Can someone help me? I will.(2) 请求或询问对方的意愿,如:Will you please tell me how to ge


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