2023年In the old days朗文英语教学.docx

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1、2023In the old days朗文英语教学In the old days朗文英语教学朗文是全球闻名的英语教化出版机构,也是全球最大的教化出版社机构—培生教化出版集团所拥有的最闻名品牌之一。下面是我为大家共享In the old days朗文英语教学,欢送大家观看学习。In the old days旧时代J: Welcome to Backpack. Our show today is about how people live a long time ago. Here's a song about life &Way back then&.欢送回来朗文少儿英语。今

2、日我们一起看看过去的人们是如何生活的。现在我们先来学习唱一首歌名为;Way back then;的歌。Singing time: Way back then唱歌时间:Way back thenJ: Now it's your turn to sing the song.好了,轮到你们来唱咯。Singing again: Way back then唱歌时间:Way back thenJ: 100 years along time, how did people used to live back then before the telephones, or airplanes, or c

3、omputers Let's watch the story and find out.102年前,在没有 ,没有飞机,没有的时候,人们是如何生活的呢让我们先来看一下视频吧。You live in a modern world. Computers, telephones, cars, airplanes. But how did people used to live A long time ago, people wrote letters and books on rolls up paper like these. They're called scrolls. Tod

4、ay, we use computers and the Internet to write to other people. And what's this It's a telephone. Look how big the telephone was back then. Today our telephones are very small, and we can use them anywhere. Take a look at these cars. They didn't go very fast, and back then very few peopl

5、e have cars. But today lots of people have cars. And cars go very fast. Look at this! It's a airplane. The White Brothers invented the airplane. This pictures are the first airplanes. Today we flight everywhere. We flight from one country to another country. We even fight into space. Before comp

6、uters, telephones, cars, or airplanes, life is used to be very different.今日,你们住在一个现代化城市里,有, ,汽车和飞机。但是过去的人们又是怎么生活的呢很久以前,人们用卷轴来写信和书。今日,我们通过上网就可以给别人发电子邮件了。这是什么这是一个 ,过去的时候特别大。今日我们运用的 都是很小,而且随身携带。看看这些车子,它们走得不快,而且过去的人们也没有几个拥有一辆车。发观今日,许多人都有车,而且速度很快。看看这个!这是怀特兄弟独创的.飞机。这些是第一架飞机的画面。今日我们世界各处飞,从一个国家飞到另一个国家。我们甚至飞

7、到太空了。从前没有、 、汽车和飞机的年头的生活真是很不一样。Let's talk让我们一起来探讨J: Hi! Life is very different now from the way was in 18-hundreds. How did people used to live Let's talk about that. Jenny and Grace are here today. Grace, before electricity what did people used to do大家好!现在的生活和19世纪时相比有很大的区分。那么19世纪时的人们是如何生活的呢今

8、日,我们就一起来探讨一下。Jenny和Grace也来到了这里。Grace,你知道过去没有电的时候,人们是怎么做的吗G: Well, before electricity they wouldn't know electric light, so people burning candle and they ran a canle light.呃.过去没电的时候,他们还不知道电灯,所以都是点蜡烛照亮的。J: And back then, they didn't have electricity though, they should cook with fire.虽然过去的人们不

9、知道电,但他们用火来煮食。J: And what did people do before a car, a bus or a plane过去没有小汽车,公交车或飞机时,人们出门时怎么办G: Before there were gasline power, there were horses in carriages. It cost a long time to travel.在还没有觉察能源之前的年头就有了马车,但外出须要花费很长的时间。J: That's right! We can flight from one country to another in a few hours

10、. But it used to take months to go from one country to another.对的!现在我们可以几个小时之内就从一个国家飞到另外一个国家了。过去可能须要花费几个月的时间才能从一个国家旅行到另一个国家。J: Yep, and what about telephone那 呢J: OK! Tell us about telephone.对,Jenny,请你来和大家说一下过去的 吧。J: Well, in my grandma's house, she has a very old phone and it's really big.在我

11、奶奶家,就有一个又老又大的 。J: That's right! And look at my phone, it's a mobilephone. It's very small. The perfect size in my pocket. Life used to be very different from our grandparents and their grandparents. How did your grandparents live Well, that's all the time we have today. Thanks for wa

12、tching! My phone is ringing. I'll see you next time on Backpack.是啊,你们看看我的 ,是小型的,刚好可以装进我的口袋里。我们祖父母和他们祖父母一代的生活都是很不相同的。那么你的祖父母在过去是怎样生活的呢好的,这就是我们今日节目的全部内容。感谢观看!噢,我的 在响。我们下个星期朗文少儿英语节目见吧。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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