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1、人教版新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit3教学设计 Unit 3 This is my sister.教学设计课程目标一、知识和能力目标 通过本单元教学,使学生能运用所学英语,正确地描述物体的颜色;同时进一步学习分辨人物的用语,并加以运用。二、过程和方法目标 本单元口语训练应当自始至终在一种鲜明的色彩背景下进行,旨在营造那种为学生所喜爱的欢快气氛,教师应当在十种颜色上大做文章;在使用实物时要使颜色醒目;在组合图画时,要尽量用大色块;在使用投影时要使颜色突出来。教师可以从教室环境上入手营造色彩气氛,如:选取十种颜色的硬色板,剪成各个大写字母;或者将色板剪成各种卡通动物形象,悬挂在教室当中或在墙上,

2、注明各种颜色的英语字块。三、情感态度和价值观目标 用各种可以调动学生积极性的活动来提高学生的活跃性,激发他们参与讨论的热情。同时可以对学生进行美育教育,从小培养他们对美的正确认识。学情分析 “What color学生在学习的过程中很容易把它错写成或错读成“Whats color”,因此在练习中要反复强调。教学准备A tape-recorder, 一张白纸和各种颜色的彩笔四.课时安排:5课时Period 1Objectives:1.To learn to introduce people2.To learn to use this, these, thatProcedures:Step1 War

3、ming up by studying the titleHello, class. What is this in English? Yes, it is. It is a photo. It is a photo of my sister. This is my sister. Read after me. This is my sister. 这是我的妹妹。Now turn to page 101. Look at the words and expressions from Unit 3 and make sentences with me.This is my mother. Tha

4、t is my father. This is my brother. That is my friend. Etc.Step2 1a Finding and matchingPlease open your books and turn to page 13. Look at the picture in 1a. Find these people in the picture. Match the words with the people in the picture.1. mother c 2. father i 3. parents h 4. brothers b 5. grandm

5、other g 6. grandfather e 7. friend a 8. grandparents d 9. sister f Step3 1b Listening and circlingLook at the picture in 1a, and listen to the tape. You are going to listen to the conversation twice and circle the people in the picture. Then you shall read the conversation after the tape. One of you good at drawing shall come to draw the picture in 1a.Step4 1c PAIRWORK Take turns to talk about your family. Here is an example in the book. First read it after me and then read it loudly several times on your own.Step5 SummaryStep6 Homework



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