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1、 Chapter 3 The Earth October 30th 2013 Phrases1 制造/获取能量 make energy 2 污染空气 pollute the air3 把倒(放)入 put into4 停止做某事 stop doing sth.5 扔掉;丢弃 throw away6保护地球 protect the Earth7 为提供 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.8 把带到; taketo9空气污染 air pollution10 在陆地上 on the land11.在地球上 on Earth12 在空中 in th

2、e sky13在水底下 under the water14在地下 under the ground15许多 a lot of =many =much16 五公里 five kilometers17四分之一 a / one quarter18四分之三 three quarters19一杯水 a glass of water20两杯咖啡 two cups of coffee21 六袋米 six bags of rice22购物袋 shopping bag23越来越少 fewer and fewer Meaning of the words and phrases1. provide sb. wit

3、h sth.=provide sth. to sb.=offer give sb. sth.2. burn - seton fire3. pollute- make dirty4. kill - make die5. protect- keep safe6. problem - difficulty7. about 25% of - about a quarter of8. few- not many9. quiz - test10. large- very big11. 75%- three quartersParaphrasing (解释句子)1.Protecting the Earth

4、is very important to us. It is very important for us to protect the Earth.2. The hotel provides people with free breakfast. The hotel provides free breakfast for people. The hotel offers give people free breakfast .3. We have an English test twice a month. We have an English quiz twice a month.4. Th

5、e smoke from different factories pollutes the air. The smoke from different factories makes the air dirty.5. She tries her best to protect the little trees. She tries her best to keep the little trees safe. 6. Some plants are large, some are very small.Some plants are very big, some are very small.7

6、. The old man burns wood to keep warm in winter.The old man sets wood on fire to keep warm in winter.Language 【归纳总结】名词可分为可数名词( 如egg, pen)和不可数名词( 如milk, rubbish )。 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。通常在单数可数名词前需要用冠词a或an, 如:a pen / an egg等;多数单数名词词尾加-s或-es变成复数名词,可数名词的复数形式变化如下: 一般在名词词尾加-s.如:cakes, pens; 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词的词

7、尾加-es. 如:watch-watches, wish -wishes, box-boxes, brush-brushes boss-bosses 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词改y为i再加 es.如:story-stories, city-cities, factory-factories 以f或fe结尾的名词改f或fe为v再加es. 如:shelf-shelves, wolf-wolves, leaf -leaves , knife- knives, 以“辅音字母+o”结尾的有生命的名词 在词尾加es. 如:tomatoes, potatoes, heroes但有些名词的复数形式需要特殊记

8、忆,如:child children, mouse mice , man-men, woman- women policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomenfootfeet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese有些名词单复数形式相同如:one sheep- three sheep , a deer -four deer , a Chinese -ten Chinese, a Japanese- nine Japanese fish的复数有两种:fish 和fishes , 通常fishes 用来表示不同种类的鱼 不可数名词前不可直接用冠词

9、a或an,后面不能加-s,表示数量时可通过“a(n) / 数词 +量词 + of”来表达,如:a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶,three kilos of meat 三千克肉。There is a little coffee in the cup.There are three bags of rice on the table. 另外,不可数名词前常用some, a little, much或a lot of来表示数量的多少。当这样的表达作主语时,谓语动词仍用单数形式,如:Air has no smell. 空气没有味道。A lot of rice is in the big b

10、ag. 在那个大口袋中有许多大米。There be的构成There be + 某物 / 某人 + 某地表示:某地有某物或某人基本句型: 单数句 复数句肯定句:There is a radio on the table . There are some radios on the table.否定句:Is there a radio on the table? Are there any radios on the table ?肯定回答: Yes, there is . Yes , there are.否定回答:No, there isnt . No, there arent.就近原则be动词

11、单复数形式要与紧跟there be之后的主语保持一致,如果主语是单数或不可数名词用is,如果主语是复数are。1.There is a girl and two boys in the picture. 2. There are two boys and a girl in the picture. 写出下列名词的复数形式1 policeman_2 woman _. 3 life_4 sheep_ 5 child_ 6 tomato_7 article _ 8 mouse _ 9 Chinese_10 tooth _11 baby _ 12 match_Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. This is a report about _ (protect) the Earth.2. There is a lot of _ (pollute) around us now.3. People burn things _(make) energy.4. _(few) and fewer fish in the


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