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1、六年级英语语法学习秘笈作者:李阳 专题一:名词变复数:学英语很牛皮,名词复数为第一,看变法,要分类,普通名词最容易,后加s很给力。特殊词特殊记:结尾形式不大意,后跟sh x ch和s,肯定要加es.(例如:boxboxes)O结尾要分析,两个口诀须记忆:黑人爱吃土豆西红柿(Negro potatotomato)(此类名词很好记,有生命,要珍惜,结尾加上es).动物园里去拍照,捡到收音机没人要。(zoo-photo-radio)(此类名词o结尾,没有生命却必备,结尾s就可以)(例如:zoo-zoos).有些词真爽朗,名词复数不变样,记口诀,日日学,掌握奥秘,很卖力:鲤鱼跃龙门,绵阳草上奔,呦呦鹿

2、儿鸣。中国人日本人,一起去找警察厅。(fish-sheep-deer-Chinese-Japanese-Swiss-police)(例如:a fish, three fish)第四类要搭配,男士女士a变e(man-men, woman- women)第五类要牢记,特殊词形无规律(child-children ox-oxen公牛)专题二:单三变位造句子看人称,单三变位不轻松,男他女她动物它,后面动词ses.Be动词兄弟三,am-is-还有are,我(I)加am, 你(You)加are, is前面他(He),她(she)它(it),我们(We)来了还要are,你们(You)来了依旧are, 他们(

3、They)最后还是are.专题三、疑问句1、 一般疑问句:一般疑问不挑剔,要变句子,别心急,can be (amisare)would 是前提,原句当中他们在,首位提前很愉快,第一人称我(IWe)变你(Youyou),后面照抄很容易,到了最后变符号,原来句号变问号。二类情况不容易,句子当中没词提(缺少amisarecanwould),此时考虑助动词,助动词,三姐妹(dodoesdid),单三人称用does,单复(They)其他就用do,过去时态用did,(不分人称),有一点要牢记,原句动词还原样。2.特殊疑问句: 特殊句也容易,搞清疑问词放第一,问地点选Where,问时间选when,问内容选w

4、hat,问可数数量选How many,不可数数量How much, 具体时间What time,若问原因选Why,回答就用because. 问价钱How much, 表选择用Which.其次要看三剑客,情态动词cancould,系动词就是be,助动词三姐妹(dodoedid).具体方法如下例:I like to go fishing.(对划线部分提问)What do you like?He likes swimming.( 对划线部分提问)What does he like?I like to ride a bike.(对划线部分提问)What do you like?I get up at

5、6:00 in the morning.( 对划线部分提问)When do you get up?David lives in Tianjing street.(对划线部分提问)Where does David live?There are 50 students in our class.( 对划线部分提问)How many students are there in your class?There is some water in the glass.( 对划线部分提问)How much water is there in the glass?200 yuan for a pair of

6、 runners.(对划线部分提问)How much for a pair of runners?I like apple very much, but I dont like pear.(针对句子提问)Apple and pear, which do you like ?The boy cries loudly.( 男孩大声地哭。) Why does he cry? (他为什么哭泣?)Because his mother is lost.(因为她妈妈丢了)Its 6 o clock now.(针对具体时间提问。)What time is itWhats the time please?专题四

7、、存在句存在句有两类,自然界有,人有。自然界有:There + be(isare) +存在的东西+地点。例如:There is dog in the yard(院子).There are many boys in the river.人有:人+havehas +有的人或物件 例如: I have a friend. You have a sister. She has a pen.专题五、否定句:否定句很简单,否定词是关键,句中若有情态动词(cancouldwould)、be 动词(amisare),变否定句直接加not. 例如:I can fly-I can not fly. He coul

8、d go.-He couldnt go. We are dood friends-We are not good friends.若句子中没有以上词类,在人称后加上dontdoesnt.例如:He often play badminton-He often doesnt play badminton. She likes to fly kites-She doesnt like to fly kites.It has a long tail-It doesnt have a long tail.(注意否定词后动词要还原)I have a big ball-I dont have a big b

9、all.You do your homework-You dont do your homework.They plant trees.(他们植树)-They dont plant trees.We like meat-We dont like meat.专题六:选择疑问句选择疑问句是指在两者或三者以上中选择其中一个的问句,选择疑问句必须详细地回答,不能简单用YesNo来进行回答。例如:Do you like this flower or that flower? I like this flower.Does he want these or those? He likes those.选择

10、疑问句的标志性词就是or.专题七:常用句子时态1、 一般现在时:现阶段经常发生的动作或状态,或习惯性的动作,太阳的东升西落,日月星辰的变迁。人(单三)+动词(ses)+其他例如: He runs every morning.(他每天早上跑步。) She likes to eat noodles.(她喜欢吃面条。)The dog often wags its tail.(那个狗总是喜欢摇尾巴。)The sun rises from the east.(太阳从东方升起来).人(一人称,二人称、三人称复数、一人称复数)+动词(原形)+其他例如:I like apples. We eat banana

11、s. You play the piano. They do homework.注意如果动词是be 动词,那么单三人称后用is,第一人单数后用am,其他人称后用are.例如:He is lazy.(他很懒) I am handsome.(我帅) She is beautiful.(她漂亮) You are tall.(你个子高) We are happy.(我们幸福) They are bad.(他们坏)专题八:小升初常考句型:1、 What do you often do?(你经常都干些什么?)2、 Whats your favourite teacherfruitsports?(你最喜欢的

12、老师,水果,体育运动是什么?) My favourite .is.3. Whats the matter?(你怎么了?)4. Would you like?5. Would you would like to .?6. 人+喜欢的东西 +best.(某人最喜欢什么了?)7. What do you like to do?(你喜欢干什么?)8. Whats the time pleaseWhat time is it?( 几点了)9. Where do you live?(你住在哪里?) I live in10. How old are you?(你几岁啦?)11. What colour is it?(它是什么颜色?) 12. Which do you like better?(你更喜欢哪个?)13. Are you a boy or a girl?(选择疑问句)14. Whats your mother?(你妈妈什么职业?)15. What does your mother do?(你妈妈是干什么的?)16. Where is the+人物?(什么在哪里?)17.How do you go to +地点?(你怎样去。?) I go to +地点+by +交通工具 1



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