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1、必修4 Modules 4-6测试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分分)(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分分)第一节 语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. During _ Second World War, which country was at _ war with almost all the other countries in the world?A. the; theB. /; /C. the; /D. /; the 22. They will buy less if they find they are cheated, and your super

2、market will get a bad _.A. reputation B. identity C. fortuneD. nickname23. According to the rules, everyone is forbidden, no matter who he is, _ in the reading room.A. smoking B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoked24. As we know, a chemical reaction is a process in which one substance is _ to another.A. att

3、achedB. converted C. relatedD. connected25. How does Mr Smith keep healthy? By living a regular life and _ plenty of exercise every day. A. takesB. takeC. takingD. to take26. A farm worker, who stayed up all night, claimed _ a figure cutting corn in the moonlight.A. having seenB. to seeC. seeingD. t

4、o have seen27. Johnson didnt finish his homework; he spent at least as much time playing games as he _.A. studiedB. did studyingC. was studyingD. did study28. Im sorry that your name _ me. Not at all. Just call me Bob.A. catchesB. replacesC. sticksD. escapes 29. On the top of the mountain _ dating b

5、ack to hundreds of years ago. A. stands an ancient towerB. an ancient tower standsC. does an ancient tower stand D. an ancient tower does stand30. Write down what you cant understand. _ the speech, there will be a few minutes for questions. A. FollowedB. Following C. To followD. Follow31. After thre

6、e hours ride, they reached a place, which _ Longquan, and stopped to have a rest.A. called B. is called C. had called D. has been calling32. He should have hurried to the station. Yes, _ he wouldnt have missed the train.A. no wonder B. after all C. in that case D. in the way 33. With the development

7、 of modern electrical engineering, we can transmit power to _ needed.A. whereverB. whateverC. howeverD. whoever34. I guess you _ your train to Guangzhou. Well, I almost did.A. must missB. should have missedC. may miss D. might have missed35. I came out top of the pass-list in the examination. _ Cong

8、ratulations! A. Good luck!B. Cheers!C. Well done!D. Pass!第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)One day, Bina the ant was running about in search of food. Summer was almost over and autumn was 36 . Soon it would be winter and food would be 37 to find. Bina knew it was necessary to 38 as much as possible 39 he

9、r ant family could have enough to eat during the difficult 40 ahead. She had collected quite a bit already. Now she was near a bush, 41 bits of sweetmeats that younger members of her family loved to eat. 42 something sweet, she quickly went around the 43 and there she saw a good bit of cake with a w

10、hole raisin (葡萄干) in it! Just then, she 44 and saw something hanging from the leaf of the bush. Looking 45 , she saw that it was a tiny tail. It seemed to be all wrapped up in something. Bina did not 46 it, but the “thing” was the chrysalis (蛹) of a 47 . “Oh, you poor thing, I can run 48 I want to,

11、and look at you! You are 49 in your shell,” Bina said. But there was no 50 from the chrysalis, so she went on, “ 51 ant children can run around and do what they like, while you cant even move. What a(n) 52 you must have!” She walked away with her tiny piece of cake. A few days later, Bina came that

12、way again 53 to find more food. It was unusually 54 that day and she was sweating (流汗). Suddenly, a cloud seemed to come over her. She looked up. What did she see this time? It was one of the most beautiful butterflies she had ever laid 55 on!36. A. comingB. endingC. changing D. leaving 37. A. impos

13、sibleB. difficultC. likely D. dangerous 38. A. produceB. stealC. eat D. store39. A. on condition thatB. except thatC. so thatD. in case that40. A. evenings B. seasons C. months D. years41. A. looking forB. staring atC. watching overD. taking up42. A. TastingB. SmellingC. Finding D. Recognizing43. A.

14、 stoneB. treeC. bush D. flower 44. A. set outB. looked upC. ran awayD. sat down45. A. lowerB. widerC. closer D. deeper46. A. imagineB. likeC. want D. know47. A. butterflyB. fly C. moth D. silkworm 48. A. anywhereB. somewhereC. nowhereD. whichever 49. A. caughtB. trappedC. killed D. lost 50. A. orderB. requestC. answer D. advice51. A. BecauseB. If C. Even D. But52. A. lifeB. mind C. body D. advantage53. A. refusingB. hopingC. choosing D. meaning54. A. cold B. cool C. comfortableD. hot55. A. legs B. praisesC. eyes D. wis


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