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1、摘要摘 要改革开放以来,随着经济的高速增长和经济体制改革的持续深入,我国综合国力显著提高,人民生活水平总体上达到了小康。但是,在收入水平普遍提高的前提下,居民收入差距也逐渐拉大。收入差距的扩大不仅影响了经济的发展,而且还会对社会的稳定与和谐产生一定的负面影响,成为构建和谐社会的障碍。因此,合理解决居民收入差距问题对于我国顺利实现现代化,达到共同富裕的目标具有重要的意义。本文的内容主要包括以下几个方面:第一部分为绪论,阐明了本文的选题背景及现实意义;论文主要的研究内容与研究方法;文章的创新之处。第二部分,对居民收入差距的相关概念进行了界定,阐述居民收入差距的主要度量方法。第三部分, 分析了居民收

2、入与经济增长之间的相互影响机制,说明了收入差距与经济增长相互影响的内涵。第四部分,通过对相关统计数据的测度和分析,阐明了京津唐地区居民收入差距的现状。第五部分则着重分析了形成京津唐地区居民收入差距现状的原因。第六部分,在京津唐地区居民收入差距的现状、产生原因的分析的基础上,针对京津唐地区实际提出解决居民收入差距过大的具体对策和建议。第七部分是结语,总结了居民收入差距和经济增长之间的关系以及调整收入分配差距的原则,并提出了本文存在的不足和有待进一步研究的问题。关键词:收入差距;经济增长;问题;对策11AbstractResearch on The Residents Income Dispari

3、ty in Beijing ,Tianjin and Tangshan AreaAbstractSince the reform and opening to the outside world, there is a large raise in the residents income. Our countrys economy develops steadily and rapidly, national strength has significantly improved and the peoples living level has achieved comparative pr

4、osperity on the whole owing to the rapid development of economy. However, Under the premise of general increasing in income levels, the income division expands unceasingly, which brings about inevitable and negative influence to the society, thus becoming an obstacle to building a harmonious society

5、. So, we must settle the problems of the residents income gap reasonably. It is very significant to realize of modernization successfully and achieve common prosperity.This article is mainly composed of five parts:The first part is the introduction. The introduction clarifies the background and rese

6、arch topics of significance; description of this research ideas and research methods; the innovation spot. Secondly, the author defines the theory about income gap, which lays the foundation of analysis deeply of the income disparity in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan area. Meanwhile, it clarifies the

7、 main measure methods. In the third part, the article analyses the mutual influence mechanism between the inhabitants income gap and the economic growth. It also explains the division of income and the economic growth which affects mutually between. The forth part shows the present situation of inco

8、me disparity of different cities and towns, urban and rural, industries of this area through to the correlation statistical data measure and the analysis. To a certain extent, the fifth part explains the reasons which have formed the present situation of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan regions. The si

9、xth part gives some concrete suggestions and countermeasures to solve the oversize problem of income disparity, which is under the analysis of present situation and the causing reasons of income disparity of this area. The seventh part is a conclusion between, summarized the inhabitant income differ

10、ential and the economy grows the relations as well as the adjustment division of income disparity principle, and proposed this article existence insufficiency and the pending further studies question.Keywords:Income Disparity;Economic Growth;Problem;Countermeasure目录目 录1 绪论11.1 研究背景和意义11.2研究内容和方法21.3

11、 创新之处22 基本概念的界定及测定收入差距的方法22.1居民收入32.2居民收入差距32.3经济增长42.4测定居民收入差距的主要度量方法43 京津唐地区居民收入差距与经济增长的影响分析73.1 积极影响机制研究73.2 消极影响机制研究83.3 小结84 京津唐地区居民收入差距的现状104.1 京津唐地区居民收入差距的总体状况104.2 京津唐地区城镇居民收入差距的总体状况104.3 京津唐地区城乡居民收入差距的现状124.4 京津唐地区农村居民收入差距的现状134.5 京津唐地区不同行业间收入差距的现状144.6 京津唐地区不同所有制职工的收入差距的现状154.7 小结165 京津唐地区居民收入差距的问题分析175.1 京津唐地区城镇居民收入差距的问题分析175.2 京津唐地区城乡居民收入差距的问题分析185.3 京津唐地区农村居民收入差距的问题分析195.4 京津唐地区不同行业间的收入差距的问题分析205.5 京津唐地区不同所有制职工的收入差距的问题分析215.6 小结216 调节京津唐地区居民收入差距的对策236.1 调节城镇居民收入差距的对策236.2 调节城乡居民收入差距的对策246.3 调节农村居民收入差距的对策266.4 调节不同行业间的收



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