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1、8A Unit One 单元测试卷一、 词汇:20%A. 根据中文、释义及句意完成句子。1. -Whats the _ of the building? -Its about 20 meters tall.2. Amys sister has a _ face. It looks like a big apple.3. Millie is _ (good at music). She can sing very well.4. Lily is from Britain. She has_ (深色的) blue eyes.5. I cant understand its general mean

2、ing. Who can give me some _ (建议)?6. I think _ (攀登) is as exciting as diving. 7. When he stands in the front of the class, he feels very _(紧张不安的).B.从方框中选用合适的词并用其适当形式填空。correct name true high humorous smile thin1. Rose is my best friend. I like her _ eyes.2. Jimmy is a clever boy and he always answers

3、 the questions _.3. If you want to be even _, you should exercise more.4. The boy _ LiMingis one of my best friends.5. Our Chinese teacher makes his lessons interesting. He has a good sense of _.6. I am _ sorry to tell you the bad news.7. The _ of the building is 12 meters.C. 从方框中选用合适的动词并用其适当形式填空。pl

4、an take become talk try think1. She always _ to be friendly to others.2. Mr. Wu _ us to the Summer Palace tomorrow, wont he?3. Cindy doesnt know how _ to her new classmates in her new school.4. What makes him _ youre a lazy student?5. Many years later, he really _ a great scientist.6. The students _

5、 to have a trip to Shanghai EXPO next week.二、 单项选择:30%( ) 1. What _ honest boy Daniel is!A. aB. /C. anD. the( ) 2. There is _ in the fridge.A. anything elseB. else anythingC. nothing elseD. else nothing( ) 3. Miss Green _ at home. Look, the light is on.A. maybeB. mayC. may beD. be( ) 4. Alan was lat

6、e for school _ the heavy rain yesterday.A. asB. becauseC. forD. because of( ) 5. I think his answer is right. Do you agree _ me?A. aboutB. withC. toD. of( ) 6. My friend Jack looks fine. He always _ a smile _ his face. A. withon B. putsin C. putsonD. wearson( ) 7. His mother looked _ at the pictures

7、. How _ she looked!A. careful; carefulB. careful; carefullyC. carefully; carefulD. carefully; carefully( ) 8.Dontmake_ noise!Thechildrenaresleepingnow.A.toomuchB.toomanyC.muchtooD.manytoo( ) 9.This film is _ interesting than that one. A. much B. very C. the most D. more ( ) 10. The fish smells_ Plea

8、se throw it away. A. good B. nice C. bad D. badly() 11.Basketballis_ footballintheworld. A.sopopularas B.notasmorepopularas C.notaspopularas D.popularthan( ) 12. Winter is coming. The days are getting _. A. short and short B. short and shorter C. more and more short D. shorter and shorter( ) 13. I n

9、ever feel _ when I stay with him because he is such a _ man. A. boringbored B. boringfunny C. boredboring D. boredfunny( ) 14.Chinais_ inthe world.A.thelargestcountriesB.thelargestcountryC.oneofthelargestcountriesD.oneofthelargestcountry( )15. -Thankyouforhelpingmewith my homework,Sandy. -_. A.Nopro

10、blemB.Never mindC.NothanksD.Yourewelcome三、 句型转换:10%1. Lily seems more carefully than Amy in class. (同义句转换) Amy_ seem as _ as Lily in class.2. Mum is busy all day because of too much housework. (就划线部分提问) _ _ Mum busy all day ?3. Sandy is pretty and clever. (就划线部分提问) _ is Sandy _?4. Simon is cleverer

11、than any other student in our class. (同义句转换)Simon is _ _ in our class.5. This shirt is 100 yuan . That shirt is 120 yuan. (两句合并一句) This shirt is _ _ that one.四、短文填空:10%My name is Max. I am twelve years old. I have many friends. Most of them are as o _(1) as I am. Some are older. Some are y_(2).I hav

12、e a best friend named Bill. He lives near me. We go to the same school and we are in the same class. Bill is b_(3) than me at Maths. So when I have p_(4) with my Maths, I often go to ask him. And I often help him w_(5)his English.Bill is taller than me. He is q_(6) fat. He doesnt like sports, so he doesnt get much exercise. But I like sport very much. I play football o_(7) go swimming every day, and I often wear sports clothes, so my classmates say I look


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