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1、六年级新概念英语春季学期看图写单词专项积累练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图补全类单词。1s_d 2c_la3ball_n 4s_nny5r_bb_t2. 看图,补全句子。1. 2. 3.4. 5.1My father is a_. He works in a_.2My aunt is a_.3He_every day.4They like_.5My sister likes_. She wants to be a_.3. 根据图片或首字母提示完成句子。1Is this your_, Ben?Yes. Its_.2Whats your fathers job?Hes a_.3Healthy ch

2、ildren eat a lot of v_every day.4. 看图完成对话。1My brother bought a new_2Bobby_every day.3My teacher wasnt at_.4The_is so exciting.5Dont always read_.5. 看图,结合常识回答下列问题。A: When is our Childrens Day?B:A: How do people celebrate it?B:6. 看图片,写单词。1 23 45 67. 根据提示词,用why和because看图写句子。1happy, ice creamA.B.2laugh,

3、 happyA.B.3eat, hungryA.B.8. 看图片,补全句子。1She_twice a day.2She often_for her grandparents.3She_well.4He often_.5He usually_in his bedroom.9. 森林之王“泰哥”以强壮的身体当之无愧成了动物们追捧的“万人迷”,它有礼貌地回答了粉丝们的问题。请你来写一写吧! (1)How long are you? (2)How heavy are you? (3)How old are you? (4)Whats your favourite food? (5)What do yo

4、u like doing? 10. 根据图片提示,补充单词。f_therm_thergr_dm_thers_st_rgran_fa_er11. 看图,回答问题。1What book have you got?.2Whats your favourite festival?.3Whats your hobby?.4How long is the road?.5How do I get to the zoo?.12. 看图,写出身体部位名称。1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7.13. 看图,写出下列过去式短语。123414. 根据图片和问句,补全句子。1What did Mike do yest

5、erday?2Johnyesterday, so he didnt go to school.3Maryall day.4Iall day yesterday.5Did helast weekend?Yes, he did.15. 看图,将单词补充完整。1b_ 2b_k_3pl_n_ 4sh_5tr_n16. 看图填空。1The elephants nose is_than the monkeys nose.2The giraffe is tall. Its the_in the zoo.3The pandas ears are short. They are_than the rabbits

6、 ears4The tiger is big. Its_than the rabbit.5The deer is_than the elephant.17. 根据图片和首字母提示完成句子。1You can go to the museum byb_.2Im going to thes_to buy some vegetables.3He likes sports. He wants to be ac_.4Do you have an English-Chinesed_?5My aunt is a doctor. She works in ah_.18. 读一读,为下列图片选择正确的一项。1()

7、A.science museum B.bookstore2()A.Turn left. B.Turn right.3()A.by train B.by subway4()A.take a taxi B.go hiking5()A.police officer B.postman6()A.be angry B.be happy19. 看图片,选择相应的单词写在横线上。1My grandma is short and_. (young / old)2The bear is_than the dog. (heavier / thinner)3Li Lei is_than Zhang Peng. (longer / shorter)4The ox is_than the monkey. (bigger / younger)5The giraffe is_than the deer. (shorter / taller)页码 / 总页数


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