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1、昆明大观楼长联英译文章加入时间:2004-5-23编者按:号称“天下第一联”的昆明大观楼长联,仅用180 字便把五百里滇池风光、数千年历史变迁与诗人的书怀凝练为一联,对仗工整、文辞豪放、状物写情、内 容深刻、传诵海内、脍炙人口。 要以英文诗歌体裁再现此长联风采,实不容易。广东 技术师范学院金惠康教授以散文诗歌体裁译出了很好的译文。金教授谦曰此乃“抛砖 引玉”祈望“征得一佳译”云。(题图为金教授的近作,点小图可观大图)。昆明大观楼长联英译(English Version for A Lengthened Couplet of Kunming Daguanlou Mansion)金惠康(广东技术师

2、范学院, 中国广州 510665)中国人写东西喜欢引经据典,依靠读者对中国人文历史背景的了解的来理解文本含 义。这也是“强环境”文化的特征之一。换句话说,将这些汉文本译成英文时,每一 成语、或是典故对西方人来说都有如一部天书,得把有关的所有信息用他们的语言向 他们解释清楚,每一细节都要讲清楚,点点滴滴都要明白的用他们的语言“言传”才 行。而他们的语言中常常又没用这些个东西,甚至也没有类似的表达。这便是汉译英 (外)所遇到的最大困难,也是中国英语必须考虑和面对的问题。因为大多西方人都 不熟悉中国文化和历史,中国英语向北美、欧洲等“弱环境”文化介绍中国文明,确 实需要费很大一番口舌才能打开局面。如

3、中国的词赋就高度凝聚着中国的人文历史, 如何以高度凝练的英文向海外读者介绍?诗歌作为一种表达人类情感、思想的文学形式,在所表达的具体对象上,可以有很深 的文化根源。不同文化所独有的社会现象,可发展出相应的体裁和格式。另一方面, 人类生活有基本的、共同的主题或环境,构成不同文化的共有基础。只是由于思维方 式,审美意向以及情感表达方式的不同,而形态各异。共同的主题或环境,使不同文 化的交流成为可能。而各异的表达方式,构成了文化差异的多姿多彩。下面是号称“天下第一联”的昆明大观楼长联,它仅用180 字便把五百里滇池风 光、数千年历史变迁与诗人的书怀凝练为一联,对仗工整、文辞豪放、状物写情、内 容深刻

4、、传诵海内、脍炙人口,不知海内外哪位高手名师能以英文诗歌体裁再现此长 联风采,也让海外文人墨客大开眼界,领略一下中国文化的精彩。现特抄录大观楼 长联(昆明孙髯翁)如下,英文乃敝人所作,不揣冒昧,以散文诗歌体裁试译之, 意在抛砖引玉,如若征得一佳译,岂不众乐乐哉!大观楼长联 昆明孙髯翁五百里滇池,奔来眼底。披襟岸帻,喜茫茫空阔无边! 看:东骧神骏,西翥灵仪北走蜿蜒,南翔缟素。高人韵士,何妨选胜登临,趁蟹屿螺洲,梳裹就风鬟雾鬓;更 苹(萍)天苇地,点缀些翠羽丹霞,莫孤(辜)负四围香稻,万倾碧沙,九夏芙蓉, 三春杨柳。数千年往事,注到心头。把酒凌虚,叹滚滚英雄谁在? 想:汉习楼船,唐标铁 柱,宋挥玉

5、斧,元跨革囊。伟烈丰功,费尽移山心力,尽珠帘画栋,卷不及暮雨朝 云;便断碣残碑,都付与苍烟落照,只赢得几杵疏钟,半江渔火,两行秋雁,一枕清 霜。A Lengthened Couplet of Kunming Daguanlou MansionOriginally by Sun Ranwen g in Kunming,ChinaEnglish Translated by Jin Huikang & James BeckThe 500-li Dianchi is rushing into sight and so exhilarated am Ito unbutton my coat and he

6、address,enjoying the vast-stretching waters! Look around:Mt Jinma like a galloping horse in the east,Mt Biji resembling a flying phoenix in the west,Mt Hongshan rolling up and down like a dragon in the north and Mt Crane shrouded in the transient white clouds in the south. Ascending the height Your

7、Majesty can enjoy a distant view of the isles made up of crab and snail shells and the sweeping willow branches in the misty breezes, endless marshes covered with weeds and reeds and with a few green- feathered birds perching,all underneath the skys rosy clouds. I would have felt very much regretted

8、 if I hadnt seen the fragrant rice paddies and long sandy beaches all around, lotus flowers in full blossom in summer,and hanging willow branches greened with new sprouts in spring.The thousand-year-long history is repeating itself in my mind and a little bit drunk am I looking up to sigh for those

9、historical heroes,where are they? Think about:terraced warships teemed with Han soldiers,iron monuments built in memory of the Tangs victory, territories settled by the first Song emperor with a jade ax and th e whole land conquered by the Yuan tribesmen coming on an expedition o n sheepskin rafts.

10、Gloriously martyred deeds with great efforts in vain and all grand palaces are gone forever with morning clouds and evening rains,leaving only broken stone tablets with a few lines of engraved scripts,all enveloped in the hazy sunset. There left behind are bronze bells heard occasionally and fishing

11、 boats with flickering lamps seen in the middle of the lake,wild geese leaving in a hurry in two files in autumn, and only frosted snow all over the terrains in winter.我们再来看看此联的汉/英语注释,仅几个典故及人文环境的解说就远长于原对联,这 主要是解说给既懂得中文又知晓英文的中国人听的;若要解说给外国人听,该多长的 “注释”才行? 细想一下,便可知何为“强环境”文化。1)上联注释:(上下联译文中有几处为了押韵而使用复数)五百

12、里滇池,奔来眼底:围湖造田后,今滇池南北仅长四十公里。但考虑到本联中所 描写的滇池,仍译为 The 500-li Dianchi is rushing into sight. 用 rushing into替代coming into sight,意在动态表达,与汉语“奔来眼底”相对。披襟岸帻,喜茫茫空阔无边!:披开衣襟,推(松)开头巾。次处“岸”作动词,意 为“推开”。英文用了倒装和一语双叙手法,and so exhilarated am I to unbutton my coat and headdress,enjoying the vast-stretching waters!东骧神骏,西翥

13、灵仪,北走蜿蜒,南翔缟素:在联中指的是环湖的四座山脉:昆明东 郊的金马山(像一匹昂首奔腾的神马);滇池西面的碧鸡山(似凤凰朝仪);昆明北 面的洪山(俗称长虫山,蜿蜒如龙蛇);南有晋宁县的白鹤山(如缟素般的云雾环 绕)。滇池有四(灵)象(四山)环绕,展现了滇池地带地灵人杰景象。汉语为四句 并列,英文同为排比句式,也一气呵成,以求对应:Mt Jinma like a galloping horse in the east,Mt Biji resembling a flying phoenix in the west,Mt Hongshan rolling up and down like a dr

14、agon in the north and Mt Crane shrouded in the transient white clouds in the so uth.高人韵士,何妨选胜登临:本句不难,只是“高人韵士”多指“游方道人和文 (骚)人墨客”,文中也是对慕名前来的游客的一种尊称,因而用了恢谐的尊称 Your Majesty,描述了“游客”(人类)君临天下(美景)的心境。Ascending the height Your Majesty can enjoy a distant view of 趁蟹屿螺洲,梳裹就风鬟雾鬓;更苹(萍)天苇地,点缀些翠羽丹霞:蟹屿螺洲是滇 池中蟹螺壳堆成的小

15、岛;鬟:梳成了环形的发。鬓:耳边的垂发。所以本句借用淑女 的鬟鬓在风中的飘扬来指风中摇曳的杨柳枝;“苹(萍)天苇地”指水草和芦苇铺天盖地,形容多而茂盛;“翠羽丹霞”指的是有翠绿色羽毛的鸟和红色的云彩,应了“五彩云南”之说。the isles made up of crab and snail shells andthe sweeping willow branches in the misty breezes,endless marshes covered with weeds and reeds andwith a few green-feathered birds perching,all

16、 underneath the skys rosy clouds.汉语为四句并列;英语句式相同。 孤(辜)负:枉然/对不起。指有如此之美景,不看不欣赏岂不可惜,枉然有此天造地 设之地。英文用了虚拟语句来表达了“要不就要后悔”,或是“枉然”之意,I would have felt very much regretted if I hadnt seen 九夏芙蓉,三春杨柳:前指夏天的90 天,而芙蓉(盛开)为荷花别名;后阙指整个 春季(早春,阳春和暮春)杨柳青青。英语对应为:the fragrant rice paddies and long sandy beaches all around,lotus flowers in full blossom in summer,andhanging willow branches greened with new sprouts in spri



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