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1、ABSTRACTxx私房面餐饮有限公司竞争战略研究摘 要随着国民经济的飞速发展,各行各业都呈现出强劲的发展势头,服务业作为第三产业,近年来在经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用,俨然已于第一第二产业并驾齐驱。伴随国民经济的迅速发展,人们生活水平不断提高,对物质文化生活的追求也不断升高,从而对服务业服务质量的要求也随着升高。当物质需求逐渐转化为精神需求,服务业从业质量受到了前所未有的关注。这种关注不仅来自于消费者,政府也对其十分重视。国家先后颁布了数项相关的法律法规,出台了多项相关政策来规范服务业从业行为,帮助服务业健康持续发展。通过分析我国服务业的发展现状我们不难发现,在企业竞争激烈的当前社会环境


3、企业在发展过程中需要建立一套适合自身发展的、科学合理的发展策略,要在科学的发展规划下进行企业改革创新,不能盲目跟风。与此同时,结合xx私房面发展经营状况,我们设计了一套调查问卷,结合深度访谈的了解方式,我们提出了有建设性意义的当前企业发展的总体发展战略,这一战略也为提升xx私房面的企业竞争力做出了指导。最后,我们通过SWOT分析,分析了xx私房面运营过程中的优点和劣势,并做出了针对性战略分析,为其做了详细的风险防范分析。本文以xx私房面为分析案例,制定了一套适合其发展的系统性企业战略规划方案,该方案对于其他餐饮行业的生存与发展也起到了一定的示范意义,可以供其他行业参考借鉴。关键词:竞争战略 总

4、成本领先战略 中式快餐 xx私房面RESEARCH ON MAJIA PRIVATE NOODLE COMPANYS COMPETITIVE STRATEGYABSTRACTWith the rapid development of the Chinese economy, all walks of life are showing a strong development trend. In recent years, the tertiary industry plays an increasingly important role in economic development, see

5、ms to have been keep pace with the first industry and the secondary industry. At the same time, peoples living standards continue to improve, the pursuit of material and cultural life is also rising, so the service industry service quality requirements also increased. When the material needs gradual

6、ly transformed into spiritual needs, the quality of service industry has been an unprecedented concern, which not only from the consumers, but also to the government. China has promulgated a number of related laws and regulations, introduced many related policies to regulate the service industrys be

7、havior, to help the healthy and sustainable development of the service industry. By analyzing the current development of Chinas service industry, we can easily find that in the current social environment of enterprises under fierce competition, how to improve the quality of service, to seize the con

8、sumer demand is the difficult problem of the services needed. The employees in the service industry should concern on this issues, both opportunities and challenges.This research takes Majia Private Noodle as a typical success case in the service industry. Majia Private Noodle was established in 200

9、8, the private sector to carry out cross regional chain operations in 9 years, the turnover has exceeded 100 billion Yuan and began to invest in overseas markets in 2014. As a Chinese fast food chain enterprise, the development of the Majia Private Noodle is representative. This paper from the enter

10、prise management practice, to solve the core problem mainly influence enterprise survival and development process as the goal, by using the PEST analysis method, the external environment of the private enterprises and their own conditions, are analyzed. The research that through the enterprise strat

11、egic plan to develop a set of scientific and reasonable as guide lines the reform and development of enterprises in theory is necessary. Then, the author puts forward the constructive overall development strategy by using the method of depth interview and questionnaire, which is based on the current

12、 situation of the management of the Majia Private Noodle. Finally, through Majia Private Noodles surface SWOT analysis, to find a private plane to participate in market competition, the advantages and disadvantages, puts forward the strategy and analysis of the Majia Private Noodle; proposed the imp

13、lementation of risk prevention and strategic planning of the Majia Private Noodle. This paper has developed a system of enterprise strategic planning scheme for the research on Majia Private Noodle, with a demonstration and reference for other fast food enterprises.KEYWORDS:Competitive Strategy Tota

14、l Cost Leadership Strategy Chinese Fast Food Majia Private Noodle3第一章 绪论目 录摘 要1ABSTRACT3图表目录3第一章 绪论1一、研究背景及研究目的1(一)研究背景1(二)研究目的2二、文献综述2(一) 国外快餐业研究概况2(二) 国内快餐业概况3三、研究框架7四、研究方法及预期创新点8(一)研究方法8(二)创新方法8第二章 理论基础9一、竞争战略相关概念9(一)竞争战略的概念9(二)竞争战略的分类9(三)竞争战略的比较与选择10(四)战略管理的过程11三、战略分析方法11(一)PEST 分析法11(二)SWOT 分析法

15、12第三章 xx私房面竞争环境分析14一、中式快餐业概况及xx私房面简介14(一)中式连锁快餐业现状14(二)中式连锁快餐业特点17(三)中式连锁快餐业发展趋势18(四)xx私房面简介19二、外部环境PEST分析19(一)政治要素20(二)法律因素21(三)经济要素22(四)社会要素23(五)技术要素24三、xx私房面内部条件分析25(一)企业资源25(二)企业能力28第四章 xx私房面经营现状分析31一、xx私房面经营管理现状31二、xx私房面战略管理中出现的问题调査32(一)调查背景32(二)调查形式32(三)深度访谈33(四)调查问卷33(五)调研结果分析33第五章 xx私房面竞争战略分析37一、xx私房面SWOT分析37(一)xx私房面的优势37(二)xx私房面的劣势37(三)xx私房面的机遇38(四)xx私房面的威胁38二、xx私房面的战略选择39三、xx私房面的竞争战略40四、xx私房面的战略保证40(一)xx私房面的品牌策略41(二)新型送餐模式41五、xx私房面战略规划方案解析42第六章 xx私房面战略保障措施44一、以提高个性化服务为目标培养人才44二、实施文化营销满足顾客深层次需求45三、采取移动互联网宣传为主的品牌渗透45四、完善财务和内控保障公司健康运转46第七章



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