1、液压式钢筋钢管多功能加工机机械部分设计目录 1 钢筋切削机构的设计11.1 明确设计要求进行工况分析11.2 切断力的计算21.3 刀具的设计41.4 刀具的固定和连接61.5 作用在切断机构上力的计算与螺栓的校核72 弯曲部分设计92.1 工作盘转速102.2 作用在工作盘上的扭矩M102.3 危险部位轴的直径112.4 传动轴处的键的设计与校核112.5 工作盘及附件的选择和使用122.5.1工作盘的设计原理122.5.2心轴的使用152.5.3成型轴的使用152.5.4挡板轴的使用152.5.5送料辊的使用162.5.6钢筋挡架的使用162.5.7钢筋的弯曲成型162.5.8心轴与成型轴
2、R的确定172.5.9工作转盘上的心轴的校核173 套丝机构的设计183.1套丝时切削力计算错误!未定义书签。83.1.1按车削计算183.1.2按套丝时的公式计算183.2 套丝机构的设计193.2.1板牙及其板牙架193.2.2齿轮轴的设计213.2.3齿轮轴的抗扭校核213.2.4齿轮轴内花键的校核213.2.5齿轮的设计校核223.2.6套丝机构中螺栓组的设计校核273.2.7夹具的设计283.2.8夹具的夹紧力计算294 液压马达的选择及其使用304.1 液压马达使用注意事项304.2 液压马达的选用305 液压马达支撑座的设计316 箱体的设计32总结33致谢35参考文献36摘 要
4、:套丝设计,套丝设计包括切削力和切削功率的计算,夹具的设计。第四:液压马达的选择及其应用。第五:液压马达支撑座的设计。第六:箱体的设计。其次 各部分结构设计完成后,其质量到底如何,其强度刚度能否达到要求,能否满足生产需要,这些要靠校核来检测,齿轮的校核,传动轴的校核,键的校核。对这些部分的校核都通过对其强度和刚度进行验算,用其结果与其许用的强度、刚度进行比较,从而确定各危险部位是否满足要求。关键词 弯曲成型机/成型轮/切割机/套丝/夹具/液压马达/液压缸/精度。A Design Of A Multi-function Hydraulic Type Of Machine For Reinforc
5、ing Bar Steel And PipeABSTRACTThe hydraulic type of machine using reinforcing bar steel pipe flection cuts off a set of silk to have the economy energy, processing the efficiency high, be easy to be controlled, processing the good function etc. characteristics, it fits the need of the modern and soc
6、ial development, having the good development prospect at the profession of construction. This text will introduce to you the design process and the structure of this machine more detailedly.The first, Make a various project according to the request of the design mission book, pass analytical good an
7、d bad of the argument everyones case, select to among them compare good of project, carry on the design. This design part divides in to six courses :The first, the design of cutting, this design containment to cut off the dint calculation, to arrange the hydra cylinder, the design of the knife ,the
8、first estimates the stalk path of a knife pole part and with the conjunction of the piston. The second: the design of bending machine, curve the design to include to compute the work dish to turn soon, in the works hour twists force and the size of the powers, the design principal axis, the first st
9、ep makes sure its the minimum stalk the path size, then design a work dish according to the request, and the structure size of the enclosure. The third: A threading machine design, this design includes to slice to pare the dint and slice the calculation of pare the power, the design of the tongs. Th
10、e fourth: The choice of the hydromotor and it is applied. The fifth: the design of the hydromotor that the hydromotor props up. The sixth: The design of the machines body.After each parts of structure design completed, its quantity exactly how, its strength just the degree can attain the request, ca
11、n satisfy to produce the demand, these pits that want to depend on calculating, the gears checking, the check of the driver shaft, the check of the key. All these passing to the pits of these parts as to its strength and just the degree carries on checking to calculate, the strength that allowed , u
12、sing these results, comparised with each others, thus making sure whether each dangerous part satisfies the request or not.KEYWORDS bending machine , the forming round , cutting machine, threading machine , fixture, hydromotor, hydra cylinder, accuracy.1 钢筋切削机构的设计建筑用钢材主要有碳素结构钢,优质碳素结构钢和普通低合金结构钢。在钢筋钢管
13、的切割中,钢管采用双重切割法,即在切钢管的前一工序中先在预先要切断的地方刨一刨口,再冲切,以防在切断过程中钢管压角,同切钢管相比,切钢筋时的面积较大,切割力较大,该设计要使切割机能冲切断钢筋的同时也能切断相同切割面积的钢管。本设计以钢筋切断为设计依据,这样就能满足现代的建筑施工要求。1.1 明确设计要求进行工况分析在设计液压系统时,首先应明确以下问题,并将其作为设计依据。(1)主机的用途、工艺过程、总体布局以及对液压传动装置的位置和空间尺寸的要求。(2)主机对液压系统的性能要求,如自动化程度、调速范围、运动平稳性、换向定位精度以及对系统的效率、温升等的要求。(3)液压系统的工作环境,如温度、湿
14、度、振动冲击以及是否有腐蚀性和易燃物质存在等情况。钢筋的切断工步应该是:无杆腔进油时,活塞杆快进;切刀碰到钢筋后活塞杆带动切刀慢速工进;切断钢筋后,行程开关控制电磁换向阀换向,有杆腔回油,活塞杆快速返回. 由于该机属于中小型建筑机械,系统压力范围为1018MPa.初定液压缸的设计压力为15MPa。 考虑各种阻力,设定切断缸的推力为439.6KN。由公式:D=3.5710-2 (27)其中 FKN PMPa代入数据得液压缸缸筒内径D=3.5710-20.193m由数据得知此缸用在该中型机械上显得较为笨重,如果使系统的压力升高,要换较大工作压力的液压泵,现在初步估算弯曲和套丝所需的工作压力和流量都
15、较小,因此如果液压泵的工作压力选的过大,则会造成能源浪费和大马拉小车的现象,因此系统的工作压力暂定为15 MPa。回路拟用增压缸,对切断缸的工作压力进行增大,现在初步确定将系统的压力增大两倍。切断钢筋时工作台的运动参数和动力参数:查材料手册,切刀切直径40mm的钢筋时,切到35mm时,钢筋即可切断。活塞杆带动刀具运动时,受到密封阻力、导轨摩擦阻力、以及回油背压造成的阻力等,由于很多数据没有确定,现在适当把液压缸的输出推力适当增大至439.6KN。表2-4 工作台的运动参数和动力参数工况行 程(mm)速 度(m/s)时 间(s)工作负载(N)快进50.020.25439600工进350.013.5快退400.0411.2 切断力的计算根据钢筋及预应力机械应用技术P52中提供的计算公式,钢筋切断力 (N) (1.1.1)式中 d-钢筋直径 mm -材料抗剪切极限强度 N/ 在