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1、8.17提优一、过去完成时的概念与结构特点 概念:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,即“过去的过去( past-in-the-past )”。-|- |-|-那时以前 那时 现在 构成:过去完成时由“助动词 had + 过去分词”构成,其中 had 通用于各种人称。 They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel. She had finished writing the composition by 10 :00 this morning. 二、过去完成时的判断依据 1. 由时间状语来

2、判定 一般说来,各种时态都有特定的时间状语。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: ( 1 ) by + 过去的时间点。如: I had finished reading the novel by nine oclock last night. ( 2 ) by the end of + 过去的时间点。如: We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term. ( 3 ) before + 过去的时间点。如: They had planted six hundred trees before last Wedne

3、sday. 2. 由“过去的过去”来判定。 过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,是指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系,动作在前的用过去完成时,在后的用一般过去时。这种用法常出现在: ( 1 )宾语从句中 当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作时,从句要用过去完成时。在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。如: She said that she had seen the film before. ( 2 )状语从句中 在时间、条件、原因、方式等状语从句中,主、从句的动作发生有先后关系,动作在前的,要用过去完成时,动

4、作在后的要用一般过去时。如: When I got to the station, the train had already left. After he had finished his homework, he went to bed. 注意: before, after 引导的时间状语从句中,由于 before 和 after 本身已表达了动作的先后关系,若主、从句表示的动作紧密相连,则主、从句都用一般过去时。如: Where did you study before you came here? After he closed the door, he left the classr

5、oom. ( 3 )表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示原本,未能 We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt.3. 根据上、下文来判定。 I met Wang Tao in the street yesterday. We hadnt seen each other since he went to Beijing.单选1. The police found that the house _and a lot of things_.A. has

6、 broken into, has been stolen B. had broken into, had been stolenC. has been broken into, stolen D. had been broken into, stolen2. It seems that the old man _something important.A. has lost B. had lostC. lost D. would lose3. The job proved to be much more difficult than I_.A. expect B. expected C. w

7、ould expect D. had expected4. She _in this school _the past ten years.A. was teaching, since B. had been teaching, since C. would teach, forD. has been teaching, for5. By the time the speaker entered the hall, all the listeners_.A. had seated B. were seated C. seated D. were seating6. By the end of

8、next July this building_.A. will be finished B. will have finished C. will have been finished D. had been finished7. By the time the war _, most of the people had left.A. was began B. was broken out C. broke out D. had been broken out8. He is talking so much about America as if he _ there.A. had bee

9、n B. has been C. was D. been9. That dinner was the most expensive meal we_.A. would have B. have had C. had never had D. had ever had10. When Jack arrived he learned Mary _for almost an hour.A. had gone B. had set of C. had left D. had been away11. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you thin

10、k I_ report it to the police? A. should B. may C. will D. can12. Not only he but also I _ interested in seeing films.A. is B. are C. am D. be 13. Im looking for a house. Id like with a pool.A. that B. it C. this D. one 14. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I_ report it to the poli

11、ce? A. should B. may C. will D. can15. The old man lived alone and _ the age of 89, he a rainy winter evening.A. at, passed away in B. on, past away in C. at, passed away on D. on, past away on16. Mrs. Zhang is all her time and energy a mum right now.A. devote; on be B. devoting; on beC. devote; to

12、beingD. devoting; to being17. You didnt come by bus, did you? . I came a taxi.A. No, by B. No, in C. Yes, by D. Yes, in 18. _ I have another cake, Mum? Of course, you_.A. Could, can B. Could, could C. Can, couldnt D. Could, couldnt19. She won an Oscar_ Best Actress _ her role _ this film.A. of, for,

13、 in B. for, of , of C. for, for, in D. of, of, in20. The workers insisted that they _ a free lunch every noon and the boss had to give in. A. be given B. being given C. will be to give D. would be giving 21. Audreys death was a great _ to film fans. A lost B lose C loss D losing22 . The girl devoted all her time she had _ others. A to help B helping C helped D to helping23. The medicine he took had no effect _ him at all. A to B for C on D with24. _ the street, dont forget the lig



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