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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于英语写作句子精选_英语写作常用句子 写作通常被认为是学习者英文水平的全面体现,由此,对于英语写作的讨论也始终是许多学者的讨论重点。另一方面,对于英语学习者来说,写作也是一个较难逾越的障碍。我共享关于英语写作句子,仅供参考! 优秀的关于英语写作句子 In the second place, from psychological aspect, the majority of children seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward additional educational activiti

2、es. 其次,从心理上讲,大部分孩子好像对额外的学习没有什么好感。 It is hard to imagine a student focusing their energy on textbook while other children are playing. 当别的孩子在玩耍的时候,很难想象一个同学能集中精力在课本上。 Moreover, children will have less time to play and communicate with their peers due to extra studies, consequently, it is difficult to

3、develop and cultivate their character and interpersonal skills. They may become more solitary and even suffer from certain mental illness. 而且,由于要额外地学习,孩子们没有多少时间和同龄的孩子玩耍和沟通,很难培育他们的共性和交际力量。他们可能变得孤僻甚至产生某些心理疾病。 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although extra st

4、udies indeed enjoy many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldnt be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. It is absurd to force children to take extra studies after school. 通过以上争论,我们可以得出结论:尽管额外学习的确有许多优点,但它的缺点不行忽视,且远大于它的优点。因此,放学后强迫孩子额外学习是不明智的。 Any parents should place considerable emphasis o

5、n their children to keep the balance between play and study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 任何家长都应特别重视保持孩子在学习与玩耍的平衡,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪慧的孩子会变傻。 There is a growing tendency for parent these days to stay at home to look after their children instead of returning to work

6、 earlier. 现在,父亲或母亲留在家里照看他们的孩子而不愿过早返回工作岗位正成为增加的趋势。 Parents are firmly convinced that, to send their child to kindergartens or nursery schools will have an unfavorable influence on the growth of children. 父母们坚决地信任把孩子送到幼儿园对他们的成长不利。 However, this idea is now being questioned by more and more experts, wh

7、o point out that it is unhealthy for children who always stay with their parents at home. 然而,这一想法正患病越来越多的专家的质疑,他们指出,孩子总是呆在家里,和父母在一起,是不健康的。 Although parent would be able to devote much more time and energy to their children, it must be admitted that, parent has less experience and knowledge about how

8、 to educate and supervise children, when compared with professional teachers working in kindergartens or nursery schools. 尽管父母能在他们孩子身上投入更多时间和精力,但是必需承认,与工作在幼儿园的专职老师相比,他们在如何管理训练孩子方面缺乏学问和阅历。 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that, although the parents desire to look af

9、ter children by themselves is understandable, its disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. 通过以上争论,我们可以得出如下结论:尽管家长想亲自照看孩子的愿望是可以理解的,但是这样做的缺点远大于优点。 Parents should be encouraged to send their children to nursery schools, which will bring about profound impacts on children and families, and even the society as a whole. 应当鼓舞父母将他们的孩子送到幼儿园,这将对孩子,家庭,甚至整个.产生深远的影响。 看了关于英语写作句子的人还看了: 1.英语写作美丽句子精选 2.英语写作经典美丽句子 3.英语写作的美丽句子大全 4.英语写作必背句子精选 5.经典英语作文句子精选第 1 页 共 1 页


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