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1、安徽省六安市霍邱县第一中学2015-2016学年高二英语下学期第一次月考试题第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分。)1. When should the boy get to the party? A.At 7:50.B .At 7:40C .At 8:002. How much will the man pay?A .33 dollarsB .30 dollarsC. 20 dollars.3. What does the woman want?A. A dress in medium size.B. A dress in small siz

2、e.C. A dress in large size.4. What did the boy do last night?A .He went to a party.B. He stayed at home.C .He worked overtime.5 What does Mary look like now?A .Thin with short hair.B .Fat with long hair.C .Fat with short hair.笫二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where are they talking now?A.

3、In the airport.B. In a bus stop.C. In a train station.7. When will the man go to New Zealand?A. This Friday.B .This Saturday.C. This Sunday.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What sport does the girl like best?A. BaseballB .Soccer.C .Tennis.9. What will the boy do this afternoon?A .Meet his friend.B .Play ball games

4、.C .Visit the park field.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.How long is the boys trip?A. For two days.B. For one day.C .For three days.11.What will the boy do during the trip?A .Go camping.B. Enjoy the sunset.C .Look at the stars.12.Why wont the girl ride a motorbike with the boy?A. She thinks its dangerous.B .She

5、 cant ride it.C She doesnt like motorbikes.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.How many things did the girl bring to the boy?A. Two.B. Three.C .Four.14.Where did the boy have an accident?A. On the way back home.B. On the way to an airport.C .On the way to the hospital.15.What do we know about the boys father?A .He

6、hunted a deer.B. He was driving the car.C .He didnt hurt himself.16.What didnt the boy like about the hospital?A .The food.B .The doctor.C .The nurses.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.How often does the speaker go surfing?A .Once a week.B. Twice a week.C .Three times a week.18.How many parts are included in coa

7、sting?A .Two.B .Three.C .Four.19.Where can people see lots of fish and sharks?A .On the Fistral Beach,B .In the New quay Zoo.C .In the Blue Reef Aquarium.20.What isnt mentioned in the passage?A .Riding a horse.B. Diving.D. Waterskiing.第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空21. - Oh, you sounded just like a native. .I s

8、till have trouble expressing myself.A. I dont careB. Well, not quiteC. Yes, youre rightD. Im glad you like it22.Dont lose your heart! I believe in _you can finish your work by yourself.A. which.B. ifC. D. that.23.When for his opinions about his new job, James said he found it very interesting and re

9、warding. A. askedB. askingC. having askedD. to ask24.Amazing! _ you got Guo Fuchengs stage photo with his autograph? I just went to his live concert last week. Easy! A. How it was.B. How was it that.C. When it was thatD. When was it25. The young author has published three novels so far, none of _ I

10、really enjoyed.A. themB. whatC. whomD. which26 Paul was fired last week because of _ attitude towards his jobA. violentB. informalC. toughD. casual27 Can you really_the difference between British Isles, Britain, United Kingdom and England?A make outBmake upC. make of D. make off 28. My mum_a dress w

11、hen she cut her finger.A. is makingB. madeC. was makingD. makes29.Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs _ you could have problemsA. butB. andC. orD. so30.Do you think Peter has passed the driving test?No. If so, he _his car to our college yesterday.A. droveB. would have drivenC had

12、drivenD would drive31.It be words that caused your problems in this English test because you have such a large vocabulary.A couldntB mayC shouldD neednt32. _ about 550 kilograms, Manuel Uribe of Monterey, Mexico, is probably the heaviest person in the world.A. WeighedB. Being weighedC. To weighD. We

13、ighing33.Would you mind answering me some questions about shopping on the net? _.A No, as long as it doesnt take long.B No, I am afraid I cant make it.C Yes, with great pleasure.D Yes, it is worth the time.34. It is known to all his friends that would ever discourage him because he would never give

14、up his dream to be an actor. A. something B. anythingC. nothingD. everything35. It took_ building supplies to construct these energy-saving house .It took brains, tooA more than B other thanC rather thanD less than.第二节 完形填空An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. A

15、ll she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money left. When she heard her daddy say to her 36 mother with whispered desperation(绝望),“ 37 a miracle(奇迹)can save him now”, the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She 38 all the change out on the floor and counted it carefu



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