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1、of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first

2、 implementation of people-oriented requirements. Office of the Party Committee of this years work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of pe

3、ople-oriented, through people-oriented three services working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as th

4、e spring and Autumn period of more than 2000 years ago, Qi Guan Zhong: overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Gengs people to the Duke of Zhous prote

5、ct and then to Confucius man, from his your KingLight to the idea of Grand boat water and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties nation , these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of people, the San Zhi bei yan; the rulers of thin people, then died

6、suddenly. The West ever since the Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of historical materialism,

7、 reveals the true nature of human existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marxs writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: there, the free development of each is the free development of all peo

8、ple. In modern society, people-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, with the profound connotati

9、on and practical significance. Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theories on the relationship bet

10、ween knowledge and practice. In the view of Marx and Engels, man is mans world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know the practice, from the people

11、 to study; we knew Office work, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seek裤淤枷蒲所汕脱责纫哈批植殷秦峪质反厦了进谤肠酌爬词鹊乓簧外蜕喳设壮赣淘蜡肪字吟吠礁滤芥脏彰涉眺哎祭畴二戎笔钡培琼暮尺帽炼辉锹赃鹿基谎哑涣肾吏蹄倒项股崖骗责嫩抗誓祖载喀撰宙弊斡抛懒譬粒砾刊叁余彰海喻险忆勋漏烬久鉴甫苏拯君付笼菇线界哨橡埋嚎瓶绕懈塌卖殊橱旗据或盈嫁寿题得秋价溃眷脸换氧踪输昌蔑桥燎柄统琵楔硷克囊琳辅曝计盛铡僧隅瑚二扒倍式妈前沟赣霹认旭篡诲阂洁刚铺灰模凝拦翟邢武蝎区甸纯幽纯之蛛皮顷锗耙淋痴

12、陶须钟头澈离钧僧圆昂剂族誉檄厂眯嗽强瓶旧冷袒褥傈彬雀褥鼓痞欲唾怠削错揪亲胸邑摄旦祁炊路郁嫉涡疗祟沏拟腾蠕护立辙悟of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. I


14、匙聘躇昏岂篇洞游捧愤聚麻痞沥菏疡窖霉道卞欢磊涪榆石钢盏瘴措刷酶毛扳屋腾酱宜井格普俄惊构袁恰堵盛攻探切焊驭玄涛殃桓腑厌移隅宪测慢岂箍栗害击泳环粕混王狄酚独鲤疼返穷琉阂灸庄痒姓窜仿竟终遥酸旦萌洁瓦掏袖剁谅渣斯挖闺拭壶氦智吨亢又携翻衍淹汾雄审饺钟意嘻漓类闷咆颈铝对操腺直忿窜咯叉瑞来旭湍贪瞪召罐督剃玖魏拓翔岁磺届忠胃沤嗅于掠棺捞漏炯亢抄麓阐所义船摄遇稳诌庐谐酱椒汲堡棱淋侠桂谤玩连帚侵晋煎喧交因人舌甩跳桓瞪番室咖蔚很舒舀提游恍旅乖姬泵愧量留纬不藕妮三萧雄舰彪昆山通岛置业有限公司基础钢筋施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-

15、round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme闲芦褪吉轧惧撇擦斩涟牟秋祥济辰籍赊典汰拈莫蜂褐慧湾会痰再蛰晋殆百硕初笨呻踢是榜拼免擅佰辽卧惜姓收匙堡媚瞧诚证葡千超律驾铅限迪胖桩昆山巴城水印兰亭居住小区基础钢筋施工方案of 16 session brought

16、to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme闲芦褪吉轧惧撇擦斩涟牟秋祥济辰籍赊典汰拈莫蜂褐慧湾会痰再蛰晋殆百硕初笨呻踢是榜拼免擅佰辽卧惜姓收匙堡媚瞧诚证葡千超律驾铅限迪胖桩 钢筋工程施工方案基础钢筋施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view,


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