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1、答案在风中飘荡赏析篇一:答案在风中飘荡 Blowing in the wind How many roads must a man walk down 一个人走过多少路 Before they call him a man 才能被称为男子汉 How many seas must a white dove sail 鸽子要飞越多少片海 Before she sleeps in the sand 才能在沙滩安歇 How many times must the cannon balls fly 炮弹要飞多久 Before theyre forever banned 他们才会永远被禁止 The ans

2、wer my friend is blowing in the wind 我的朋友,答案在风中飘荡 How many years must a mountain exist 一座山要存在多少年 Before it is washed to the sea 才会被冲入大海 How many years can some people exist 人们要存在多少年 Before theyre allowed to be free 才能获得自由 How many times can a man turn his head 人要回过多少次头 And pretend that he just doesn

3、t see 才能假装什么都没看见 The answer my friend is blowing in the wind 我的朋友,答案在风中飘荡 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案在风中飘荡How many times must a man look up 一个人要抬头多少次 Before he can see the sky 才能看见蓝天 How many ears must one man have 一个人要有多少只耳朵 Before he can hear people cry 才能听到人们悲惨的哭声 How many deaths will it

4、 take 要牺牲多少人 Till he knows that too many people have died 才会知道死亡的人已经太多了 The answer my friend is blowing in the wind 我的朋友,答案在风中飘荡 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案在风中飘荡篇二:Blowing in the wind 答案在风中飘荡 Blowing in the wind 答案在风中飘荡 How many roads must a man walk down 一个人走过多少路 Before they call him a man

5、 才能被称为男子汉 How many seas must a white dove sail 鸽子要飞越多少片海 Before she sleeps in the sand 才能在沙滩安歇 How many times must the cannon balls fly 炮弹要飞多久 Before theyre forever banned 他们才会永远被禁止 The answer my friend is blowing in the wind 我的朋友,答案在风中飘荡 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案在风中飘荡 How many years must

6、 a mountain exist 一座山要存在多少年 Before it is washed to the sea 才会被冲入大海 How many years can some people exist 人们要存在多少年 Before theyre allowed to be free 才能获得自由 How many times can a man turn his head 人要回过多少次头 And pretend that he just doesnt see 才能假装什么都没看见 The answer my friend is blowing in the wind 我的朋友,答案在

7、风中飘荡 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案在风中飘荡 How many times must a man look up 一个人要抬头多少次 Before he can see the sky才能看见蓝天 How many ears must one man have 一个人要有多少只耳朵 Before he can hear people cry 才能听到人们悲惨的哭声 How many deaths will it take 要牺牲多少人 Till he knows that too many people have died 才会知道死亡的人已经太

8、多了 The answer my friend is blowing in the wind 我的朋友,答案在风中飘荡 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案在风中飘荡篇三:答案在风中飘荡。 答案在风中飘荡 “为什么当那么多人需要帮助,我们却没有伸出援手,为什么老虎也要逃跑,为什么我们要让子弹射出枪膛,为什么我们从来不吸取教训,谁能告诉我,为什么我们要烧毁森林,为什么我们光说我们在乎,我们却站着旁观,为什么海豚在哭泣,为什么我们要让大海变成死海,为什么如果大家是一样的,大家却在互相谴责,为什么我们要过贪婪的生活,为什么我们要为了领土而发起战争,为什么?”他在这

9、首歌中不断的诘问人类战争,贫穷饥饿,以及生态环境的破坏,祈求人类和平,友爱,富足。而这些问题的答案大家心里都很清楚却很难回答,其实,答案永远飘荡在风中。 从古至今,每个时代都有战争的影子,就连现在,在世界的某个地方也在发生着战争。战争是残酷的,再完美的战争也会有它无法克服的弱点-总会有人死去。从十九世纪开始,从一战到二HTTP:/m.CSMAYI.CN/战,从甲午中日战争到八国联军侵华战争,再从美国南北战争到中国内战,光是大大小小的战争就已经发生了无数次,而在战争中死去的大大小小的生命,更是令人无法想象。在南京.中,日军的暴行更是震惊中外,在短短时间的内,中国30多万老百姓惨遭杀害,全城三分之

10、一的房屋遭到烧毁,日军对中国妇女更是无恶不作,整个南京城就象是地狱一样。由此我们可能会联想到德国纳粹屠杀犹太人,当他们被集体枪杀,被集体活埋,痛苦始终伴随着他们。这一切的一切都是战争带来的后果。而我们不禁会想,战争给我们带来了什么,带来了更多的痛苦,和更多的无奈。正如歌中唱的那样,“为什么我们要让子弹射出枪膛,为什么我们要为了领土而发起战争,”一直和平不好吗?西塞罗也曾经说过,“最勉强的战争也比最正义的战争受人欢迎”我们不禁想问,为什么要发动战争,为了领土?为了利益?为了满足人类贪婪的欲望?其实,答案就在我们心中。 纵观近代以来的生态环境,仿佛我们赖以生存的地球母亲从19世纪起就摔倒在了泥潭里,从此越抹越脏。从第一次工业革命起,原本碧水蓝天,鸟语花香的美好世界却被工业大机器熏陶,阴霾笼罩了 转载请保留,谢谢!



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