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1、合川市新华小学教学楼吊顶安装专项施工方案编制人:杜知青审核人:杨 冲二00六年六月十九日一、 适用范围休息厅;走廊;二、 引用标准及图纸建筑装饰工程施工及验收规范(JGJ73-91);建筑工程质量检验评定标准(GBJ301-88)三、 施工准备1. 材料(1)、硅钙板:材质及规格尺寸必须符合设计要求,不得有扭曲变形。(2)、铝合金龙骨构架及配件:材质及规格尺寸必须符合设计要求,不得有扭曲变形。(3)、吊杆:直径8冷拉钢筋,镀锌或防锈处理。2. 作业条件(1)、屋面或楼面的防水层完工,并验收合格。(2)、墙面抹灰作完。(3)、吊顶内各种管线及通风管道安装调试完。(4)、地面湿作业完成。(5)、楼

2、面预埋及吊筋的数量、质量,经检查符合要求。(6)、搭设好安装吊顶的脚手架。(7)、楼面标出+100cm标高线。四、 操作工艺(1)、吊顶标高线应根据房内+100cm水平准线,弹到四周墙面或柱上。(2)、根据吊顶大样图,将龙骨及吊杆的位置弹到平顶上。吊杆主龙骨的间距必须符合装饰硅钙板的模数,纵向间距600mm、横向间距800mm-1000mm,灯光糟及检修口等位置应增加吊杆。(吊顶大样图附后)(3)、根据墙上吊顶的安装水平标高线,用射钉将边龙骨钉固于墙体上。钉距以30-40cm为宜。边龙骨应钉平直、牢固。(4)、采用内膨胀螺栓固定在楼板底面,然后用直径8作吊筋,将吊筋上端套螺丝接在内膨胀螺栓内,


4、将硅钙板侧面凹槽对准主、次龙骨的翼缘轻轻插入,然后再安插片和另一块硅钙板。在相邻次龙骨上的硅钙板安装后,方能安第二根龙骨,并依次顺序进行。(9)、在安装过程中,每完成一道工序,应及时进行检查,发现缺陷立即纠正,以保证吊顶牢固可靠。其表面平整度、接缝严密和平直的程度均应满足规范要求。五、 质量标准1. 保证项目(1)、材料品种、规格、颜色等必须符合设计要求和有关标准规定。(2)、安装必须牢固,满足功能要求。2. 基本项目(1)、表面平整、清洁、无污染、锤印。检验方法:观察检查。(2)、顺直、无翘曲、无变形。检验方法:观察检查和尺量检查。允许偏差项目和检验方法。项次项目允许偏差(mm)检验方法1表

5、面平整2用2M靠尺检查2接缝平直1.5拉线、尺量检查3接缝高低1用直尺检查六、 施工注意事项1. 应避免的质量通病(1)、各种外露的铁件,必须作防锈处理;(2)、吊顶内的一切空调、消防、用电及电讯设备等,必须自行独立架设。(3)、所有焊接部分必须焊缝饱满;吊扣、挂件必须拧夹牢固。(4)、吊顶安装后,明显不平,甚至产生波浪:施工中应拉通线检查,标高线应准确弹到楼上,并控制其误差不大于5mm,吊杆应固定牢固,避免引起局部下沉。2. 成品保护(1)、骨架、罩面板及其它吊顶材料在进场、存放、使用过程中应严格管理,保证不变形、不受潮、不生锈。(2)、施工部位已安装的门窗、地面、墙面、窗台等应注意保护,防

6、止损坏。(3)、已装好的轻骨架上不得上人踩踏,其它工种的吊挂件不得吊于轻骨架上。(4)、一切结构未经设计审核,不能乱打乱凿。罩面板安装后,应采取保护措施,防止损坏、污染。3. 安全措施(1)、所有龙骨不能作施工或其它重物悬吊支点。(2)、吊顶高度离楼地面超过3.7m应搭设固定脚手架,脚手架搭设后,应进行检查,符合要求后方可上人操作。(3)、现场设备及照明用电,应严格按规程操作;现场一切用电不得乱拉乱架;所有电动工具尾线均需外套橡皮胶线。工具暂不使用时应拔掉电源插座。合川市裕华建筑工程有限公司2006年6月19日g an employment tribunal claimEmployment t

7、ribunals sort out disagreements between employers and employees.You may need to make a claim to an employment tribunal if: you dont agree with the disciplinary action your employer has taken against you your employer dismisses you and you think that you have been dismissed unfairly.For more informat

8、ion about dismissal and unfair dismissal, seeDismissal.You can make a claim to an employment tribunal, even if you haventappealedagainst the disciplinary action your employer has taken against you. However, if you win your case, the tribunal may reduce any compensation awarded to you as a result of

9、your failure to appeal.Remember that in most cases you must make an application to an employment tribunal within three months of the date when the event you are complaining about happened. If your application is received after this time limit, the tribunal will not usually accept it.If you are worri

10、ed about how the time limits apply to you, take advice from one of the organisations listed underFurther help.Employment tribunals are less formal than some other courts, but it is still a legal process and you will need to give evidence under an oath or affirmation.Most people find making a claim t

11、o an employment tribunal challenging. If you are thinking about making a claim to an employment tribunal, you should get help straight away from one of the organisations listed underFurther help.If you are being represented by a solicitor at the tribunal, they may ask you to sign an agreement where

12、you pay their fee out of your compensation if you win the case. This is known as adamages-based agreement. In England and Wales, your solicitor cant charge you more than 35% of your compensation if you win the case.If you are thinking about signing up for a damages-based agreement, you should make s

13、ure youre clear about the terms of the agreement. It might be best to get advice from an experienced adviser, for example, at a Citizens Advice Bureau. To find your nearest CAB, including those that give advice by e-mail, click onnearest CAB.For more information about making a claim to an employment

14、 tribunal, seeEmployment tribunals.The (lack of) air up there Watch mCayman Islands-based Webb, the head of Fifas anti-racism taskforce, is in London for the Football Associations 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend Citys Premier League match at Chelsea on Sunday.I am going to be at the m

15、atch tomorrow and I have asked to meet Yaya Toure, he told BBC Sport.For me its about how he felt and I would like to speak to him first to find out what his experience was.Uefa hasopened disciplinary proceedings against CSKAfor the racist behaviour of their fans duringCitys 2-1 win.Michel Platini, president of European footballs governing body, has also ordered an immediate investigation into the referees actions.CSKA said they were surprised and disappointed by Toures complaint. In a statement the Ru



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