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1、专科_英语二_山东大学网络教育考试模拟题及答案三套College English Test for Non-English Majors of Adult Education专科(英语二)模拟一I. Vocabulary and StructureThere are 30 questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One that best answers the question.1. True love cannot be C , and i

2、t is priceless.A. broughtB. caughtC. boughtD. broad2. Finally the crowd broke (up) _ D _ several groups.A. withinB. inC. atD. into3. Being afraid of the dark, she always slept A the light on.A. withB. byC. besideD. of4. John is not C whether Eddie likes the picture of him and his family.A. ensureB.

3、assureC. sureD. surely5. When he got C the train, he didnt know where he was.A. onB. upC. offD. at6. She went into the street and A a taxi home.A. tookB. takingC. takenD. had taken7. Why should we find some C to the problems brought by TV?A. meansB. wayC. solutionD. method8. This region B at an aver

4、age of 4,000 meters above sea level.A. laysB. liesC. locatesD. places9. I was _ C _ _ to find his article on such an _ _ _ topic so _ _ .A. surprised, excited, boredB. surprising, exciting, boringC. surprised, exciting, boringD. surprising, excited, bored10. He _ B _ his book on the desk last night.

5、A. lieB. laidC. layD. lain11. Although they are brothers, they are entirely _ B _ each other .A. get along well withB. different fromC. satisfied withD. ashamed of12. Hardly _ C _ the classroom when the class began.A. he had enteredB. he enteredC. had he enteredD. he was entered13. Come here and giv

6、e me a _ D _.A. helpB. handsC. supportD. hand14. This post card is sent by _ B _.A. a friend of fatherB. a friend of my fathersC. my father friendD. my father friends15. Its foolish to A your time.A. wasteB. leave overC. spendD. damage16. With a school record like a young woman, C why didnt you try

7、for a university scholarship?A. Im shockedB. Im amazedC. Im puzzledD. I feel pity17. Many companies are going C because of high interest rates.A. bankruptB. bankruptcyC. to a bankD. to banking18. It is only a A of time before the rebels surrender.A. problemB. meansC. thingD. matter19. An important q

8、uality of a mystery shopper is that he should be good A observation.A. atB. inC. forD. to20. B wed arrived there we had a wonderful time.A. onlyB. onceC. one timeD. one more21. For him, it would be a D to be able to have a day off work.A. importanceB. matterC. goodD. luxury22. a mystery shopper will

9、 typically work several stores, taking mental notes while inside, .DA. things to be rememberedB. things concerning the mindC. things fixed in the mindD. things done in the mind23. If a secret shopper will be sent in, , the candidate must have a particular profile thatmeets a high-end, luxury car-typ

10、e buyer profile. BA. different from othersB. worthy of note or unusualC. full of detailsD. hard to please24. Jack and Smith D the work equally between them.A. shakeB. shadeC. shedD. share25. The train arrived one hour behind _ C _.A. planB. timetableC. scheduleD. date26. How we _ A _ a chance to vis

11、it your country!A. longed forB. looked forC. waited forD. went for27. That was _ D _ minority nationalities were treated in old China.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. the way28. It is necessary that he _A_ _ for Beijing right now.A. leaveB. leavesC. will leaveD. left29. What chance does a _ C _ man who neve

12、r finished high school have?A. forty-years-oldB. forty-years-oldsC. forty-year-oldD. forty-year-olds30. Marriage C on true love often brings happiness.A. decidedB. determinedC. basedD. reliedII. ClozeThere are 2 passages in the part. In each passage there are 10 blanks. For each blank are provided 4

13、 answers. Choose the one that best completes the passage.Television 31 its first serious appearance in 1939, but it did not become common until the early 1950s. Since then, innumerable children 32 in front of the set. However, many people now worry about the effect of TV on the young. They wonder th

14、ere had never been 33 invention. Why are they so afraid? Is television really harmful?Like almost anything else, television has its good as well as its bad sides. It has 34 joy and interest into the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonely. Without it, some of these people would have little pleasu

15、re and no window 35 the world.Unfortunately, some television programs have been extremely harmful to the young. Childrendo not have enough 36 . They do not realize that TV programs often show an unreal world.Commercials lie in order to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless. Children believe them and want to 37 what they see on TV. They believe that they will make more friendsif they use a certain soapor so


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