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1、 六年级英语试题上学期单元自测六一、听录音,依据所听内容将序号填入相应的括号内。(听两遍)(6分)二、听录音,依据所听到的问句选出正确的答句。(听两遍)(5分)( )1.A.They study English. B.My parents like me very much.C.My parents work on a farm. D.My parents are going to see a play.( )2.A.I usually get up at half past six.B.They go to bed at nine in the evening.C.I am going to

2、 go to bed.D.I usually go to bed at ten in the evening.( )3.A.Yes,I do. B.Yes,they do.C.My friends swim in a river every summer. D.Of course,I can.( )4.A.Sure is playing table tennis. B.My teahcer is in her office.C.My classmates are. D.Shes going to the library.( )5.A.I like watching TV on Sunday.B

3、.No,I dont.C.I do my homework in the evening.D.Yes,I do.But I dont like watching TV at night.三、听录音,依据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)(5分)( )1.A.Theyre having supper. B.Theyre having an English class.C.Theyre doing their homework. D.Theyre talking in the classroom.( )2.A.Tom is making a phone call to his teache

4、r.B.Tom is reading his English book.C.Tom is writing a letter to his father.D.Tom is speaking to his teacher.( )3.A.He wants to go to the bank. B.He wants to find the cinema.C.He wants to take a bus. D.He wants to find the post office.( )4.A.Theyre going to swim.B.Theyre going to clean the classroom

5、.C.Theyre going to play football.D.Theyre going to sweep the floor.( )5.A.English is very interesting to learn.B.English is easy to learn.C.It is hard to learn English well.D.English is useful(有用的).四、听短文,依据问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)(4分)( )1.What does Kate want to do this afternoon?A.She wants to buy something

6、 for her father.B.She wants to play with Betty.C.She wants to go shopping.D.She wants to go to see her friend.( )2.What does Betty want to buy?A.She wants to buy a coat. B.She wants to buy a sweater,too.C.She doesnt want to buy anything. D.She doesnt wants to go shopping.( )3.When are they going to

7、meet?A.At 4:00. B.At four in the afternoo.C.Ater work. D.At night.( )4.What season is it?A.Its autumn. B.Its summer. C.Its winter. D.Its spring.五、听录音,完成以下对话,并依据对话内容推断后面句子的正误,用“”或“”表示。(听两遍)(10分)A)Nancy: Hello.Jim: Hello. Is that Nancy?Nancy: Yes, .Jim: Its Jim here. Ben, Yang Ling and I are going to

8、atoday. Would you like to us?Nancy: Yes, love to.Shall we meet at ten oclock in of the school?Jim: Yes.Nancy: By the , what are you going to do tomorrow?Jim: Im going to at home.Nancy: Im going to watch a basketball tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?Jim: Of course. you at basketball?Nancy: No,I

9、m not good at basketball. But I like it.Jim: Oh.See you at ten oclock,then.Nancy: See you.B)1.Nancy is calling Jim. ( )2.They are going to meet at ten oclock beside the school. ( )3.Nancy is going to have a basketball match tomorrow. ( )4.Nancy doesnt play basketball well. ( )笔试局部(70分)一、词组互译。(10分)1.

10、进展一次野餐 2.by the way3.京剧 4.give a concert5.参与 6.go on an outing7.看话剧 8.the sports meeting9.谈话 10.have school二、依据句意和首字母完成句子。(6分)1.-What would you like to drink, orange j or some tea?-Id like some tea, please.2.-I want to take Bus No. 9. But wheres the bus s .-Look,its over there.3.-Theres no food in t

11、he fridge. Can you go s with me?-OK. Lets go.4.-What do you do on rainy days?-I often s at home and listen to music.5.-Does your sister often w dishes after dinner at home?-Yes, she does.6.-Are they going to have a p tomorrow?-Yes,they are.三 、情景匹配。(8分)( )1.What are you going to do tomorrow?( )2.Is t

12、hat Liu Tao speaking?( )3.Would you like to join us?( )4.What time are you going to come home?( )5.What is she going to buy for her friends?( )6.How are you?( )7.Shall we meet at 8:00 tomorrow morning?( )8.Where are you going?A.Shes going to buy them some flowers. B.About 4:30, I think.C.To the library. D.Im going to see my grandparents.E.OK. F.Yes,this is Liu Tao.G.Not bad, thanks. H.Yes,Id love to.四、选择填空。(10分)( )1.What an


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