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1、Unit 8 Topic1 Section C一、学习目标:1. 谈论各种体形的人的着装艺术。2. 继续学习运用so that, such that和so that结构3. 能针对所听语段的内容,识别语段的主题,获取主要信息。二、学习重点(合作探究):1. 谈论各种体形的人的着装艺术。2. 继续学习运用so that,such that和so that结构。3.能在老师的帮助下或以小组讨论的方式起草和修改作文。三、学习过程:、预习自测: 在某事上获得成功_ 对某人来说做某事重要_ 一些成功的建议_ 简单的样式_ 使某人做某事_ 向某人道贺_ 穿在某人身上很漂亮_ 暖色调的衣服_ 显得强壮、丰满

2、_ 我希望你生意兴隆!_、解难答疑 appear “显得,似乎”,是连系动词。如: They appeared tired after a long walk. 走了那么久,他们显得很疲倦。 It appears (to be) a true story. 这似乎是一个真实的故事。appear “出现,显现”,是实义动词。如:The bus appeared around the corner.一辆公交车出现在拐角处。、反馈拓展: A级检测:单选串串烧( )1.The people here are as friendly as in our hometowm .A. that B. this

3、 C. those D. these( ) 2.The man get up early, but now he getting up late .A. is used to; used to B. used to; is used to C. used to; used to D. was used to; is used to( )3.Mr. Lee gave us _on how to learn English well.A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice ( )4._time flies! A. Wh

4、at B. What a C. How D. How quick ( )5.I cant understand this article _there is no new word in it . A. because B. if C. though D. so( )6.I think apple is _strawberry . I dont like it very much . A.as sweet as B. not as sweet as C. so sweet as D. not too sweet as ( )7.Its helpful for us to know._our s

5、adness . A. how deal with B. how to deal with C. what deal with D. what to deal with ( )8.His _ brother is two years _ than him . A.older , elder B. elder , older C. elder , elder D. older ,olderB级检测: 句型魅力秀:按要求完成句子。1. I dont know . How can I deal with my problems ?(合并为一句)I dont know deal with my problems .2. Paul didnt pass the math exam . (同义句转换) Paul the math exam .3. English isnt so important as Chinese . (改为肯定句) English is Chinese .4. He cried because his dog died . (对划线部分提问) he cry ?5. He doesnt live here any longer . (同义句转换) He lives here .2



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