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1、 新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson55课文解释 1 Without it we could not make a living没有它我们就无法生存下去。without it 起非真实条件句的作用,make a living,谋生。 2 hard by ,在近旁。 3 in a heat wave,在大热天。 4 stand to lose,处于损失的境况之中。 5 putout of order,使出故障。 6 Noah”s ark,诺亚方舟。这是摘自圣经旧约创世纪中的典故。诺亚是故事中上帝用洪水毁灭人类后的新始祖;诺亚借助一方形大船,与他家属及每种动物雌雄各一逃脱了洪水之灾。 参考译文 形

2、成我们农场东部边界的一条河流始终在我们生活中发挥着重要作用。要是没有这条河,我们就无法生存下去。泉水只能满意家庭生活用水,因此我们必需从河里抽水以用于农业生产。我们向那条河倾诉我们的隐秘。我们本能地懂得,就像养蜂人和他的蜜蜂那样,要是我们不把生活中的重大大事告知那条河,就可能大祸临头。 夏天,我们为这条河举办特别的生日宴会。有时,我们溯流而上来到我们宠爱的回水河汊举办;有时在船坞举办。那船坞是农场的一位前辈在一块草地上盖的;草地紧挨着一个专供游泳、跳水的深水池。天气酷热时,我们便选择在半夜举办生日集会,这种集会是最令人感动的。我们在河边迎接一年四季。春天在河边为最年轻的姑娘戴上花冠,夏天在河边

3、庆祝“仲夏前夜”,秋天在河边为丰收而感恩,冬天往河中抛撒一个冬青花环。 久雨之后,河水会泛滥成灾,但是在我们这里,气候很少发生特别;河水极少泛滥。值得庆幸的是,只有低凹地受到洪水影响,而低凹地在我们农场比例很小。其他农场地势欠佳,洪水有时会给农场主带来灾难。 有一年冬天,天气不好,我们眼看着河水浸没了地势较低的草场。全部的牲口已提前转移到畜圈里,没有造成什么损失。不过,我们很为我们的近邻担忧。他们的农场地势低洼,而且他们又是新来乍到。由于洪水造成了电话中断,我们无法了解他们的状况。从顶楼窗口看去,我们农场与他们农场接壤处的那段河流一览无余。在最紧急的时刻,我们轮番监视那段河流的险情。灾难的第一

4、个迹象是一只死羊顺流而下,接着是一匹活马英勇地与水搏击。但我们担忧,洪水的力气将使它上岸之前就筋疲力尽了。突然,消失了一只筏子,看起来很像诺亚方舟,上面载着他们全家老小,还有几只母鸡、几只狗、一只猫与一只鸟笼,那里头有一只小鸟。我们意识到他们肯定是被不断上涨的洪水吓坏了。由于他们的房子地基坚固,即使洪水几乎灭顶也不会倒塌。我家的男人们手拿船篙蹚过被水沉没的草场,盼望能够钩住筏子一角,将它拽出激流,拖回岸边。他们最终胜利了。至今我们仍认为这是个奇迹。 Multiple choice questions多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the followin

5、g questions. Unit 3 Lesson 56 Comprehension 理解 1 People whose property was less favourably situated than the writer”s _ . ahad no means of pumping water away from the river bfarmed land which for the most part lay on a level with the river banks clived where the climate was more variable and the rai

6、nfall heavier dhad land which lay upstream where the river current was stronger 2 The writer”s family suspected that their nearest neighbours might have trouble managing _ . aas their farm was liable to flooding and they had not lived there long bbecause the floods had put the telephone out of order

7、 cwhen they saw the river sweep over the boundary between the two farms das soon as they saw a dead sheep floating down the river 3 When the writer”s family saw a raft appear along the river, they _ . athought their neighbour”s house must have been submerged browed their boats down to the bank and p

8、ulled the raft in with the oars cmanaged to get down to the river in time to save their neighbours dwere surprised that their neighbours had been able to save themselves Structure 构造 4 _ is only enough to supply the needs of the house. (11. 3-4) aWater of the spring bThe water in spring cThe water f

9、rom the spring dSpring water 5 We have parties at the boathouse, built in the meadow _ (11. 9-10) aat the farm by a predecessor of ours bfor us at the farm by a predecessor cby our predecessor at the farm dby one of our predecessors at the farm 6 After it _ for a long time, the river may overflow it

10、s banks. (1. 14) ais raining brained chas rained dhad rained 7 The strength of the current would prevent _ anywhere before it(1. 24) athat it landed bit from landing cit to land dthe landing of it Vocabulary 词汇 8 We _ the seasons by the riverside(1. 11) agreet bgo out to greet ccelebrate the arrival

11、 of dinvoke the start of 9 We were, however, _ our nearest neighbours(1. 19) aconcerned for boccupied with cagitated by ddistressed about 10 - and _ we took turns in watching that point. (1. 22) ain the peak of condition bin place of the most severe critic cat the most dangerous boundary dwhen the flood was at its height 11 - and pull it towards our bank before the current carried it _ (11. 28-29) aout bin coff dunder 12 _ we think it a miracle that they were able to do so. (11. 29-30) aTo this day bUp till now cAs yet dEven so


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