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1、Strictly Private and Confidential 绝密Information MemorandumProject GinkgoSeptember 25, 2007目 录第一章 释义11第二章 概览13一、行业概述13(一)概述13(二)国内城市商业银行的发展历程14(三)国内银行业市场格局15二、公司简介17(一)概况17(二)本行组织结构17三、股权结构19四、业务模式19五、业务特点19六、经营战略20七、治理结构20八、管理团队20九、财务状况20十、引资概要21第三章 投资亮点22一、得天独厚的政策和区位优势22二、准确的市场定位23三、优秀的管理团队24四、规范的公

2、司治理结构25五、网点优势和信息优势25六、高效的管理体制26七、良好的成长性26八、良好的银行品牌27九、西部地区最佳跨区域发展平台29十、显著的稀缺价值29第四章 本次引资安排30一、引资的目的30二、境外战略投资者需要具备的基本条件30三、引资前股本结构31四、引资后股本结构32五、本次引资所募集资金的运用32第五章 中国银行业概要33一、总揽33二、中国银行业成长的格局与环境33(一)国内银行业市场格局33(二)中国银行业的经营环境34(三)银行业的监管35三、中国银行业成长的轨迹和方向38四、中国城市商业银行的发展历程39第六章 公司简介42一、历史沿革42二、本行业务43三、组织机

3、构43(一)组织结构图43(二)管理体制45(三)主要的管理制度45四、公司治理47(一)股东大会47(二)董事会47(三)监事会48(四)独立董事49(五)本行接受下列机构的监管与检查:49第七章 业务发展情况50一、业务发展历程50二、运营结构55(一)业务运营结构图56(二)主要业务组织流程57(三)营销渠道60三、本行主要业务62(一)公司银行业务63(二)个人银行业务65(三)资金业务68第八章 风险管理70一、概述70(一)风险管理构架70(二)风险管理概况72二、信用风险管理73(一)公司类贷款信用风险管理73(二)个人贷款信用风险管理74三、市场风险管理75(一)现有组织架构7

4、5(二)部门分工75(三)制度建设和控制措施76(四)内部监督76四、操作风险管理76五、流动性风险管理76六、信息技术风险管理77七、违规行为的报告和监控77第九章 财务会计信息和分析78一、财务会计报表78(一) 最近三年资产负债表78(二)最近三年利润表81二、财务会计事项及说明82(一)审计事项说明82(二)主要会计政策83三、财务指标和监管指标分析84(一)财务指标84(二)监管指标分析86四、管理层对特别事项的说明88(一)原汇通银行事项88(二)境内外会计师审计差异事项89五、管理层对下一步发展的展望89(一)本行总体发展战略目标89(二)未来三年的增长计划89(三)战略实施措施

5、89DisclaimerYou must read the following before continuing. We have prepared this Information Memorandum (this “Memorandum”) and have provided it confidentially to a limited number of investors at their request so that they can consider whether to proceed with their investigation of the transaction d

6、escribed herein. By reading or making any other use of this Memorandum, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions, including any modifications to them any time you receive any information from us as a result of such access. No offering or sale will take place in connection with the

7、 transaction described herein except pursuant to definitive agreements and documents as are prepared in connection with the transaction.Use of this Memorandum is governed by the term of the previously executed confidentiality letter which strictly limits the circulation and copying of the informatio

8、n contained in this Memorandum. Persons in possession of this Memorandum should familiarize themselves with the terms of the confidentiality agreement before reading, circulating or using this Memorandum.Our securities have not been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, a

9、s amended (the “Securities Act”), or the securities laws of any state of the US or any other jurisdiction. Our securities may not be offered or sold within the US or to, or for the account or benefit of, US persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act), except pursuant to an exemptio

10、n from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state or local securities laws. Our securities have not been approved or disapproved by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, or by any securities commission of any state of the US or

11、any other jurisdiction or other regulatory authority, nor have any of the foregoing authorities passed upon or endorsed the merits of any offering of our securities or the accuracy or adequacy of this Memorandum.By accepting this Memorandum, you agree to keep confidential at all times all informatio

12、n contained in it or made available in connection with any further investigation of us or any potential investment in us. Neither this Memorandum nor any other information you obtained in connection with your potential investment in us may be forwarded, distributed or reproduced in any manner whatso

13、ever. In particular, this Memorandum must not be distributed into the United States or to any “US person” (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act). Failure to comply with this directive may result in a violation of the Securities Act or other applicable laws.By accepting this Memorandum

14、, you further agree that you have received it for information purposes only and that you will use it only for this purpose. The information in this Memorandum has been provided by ChengDu City Commercial Bank (“CDCCB”)and not by China Securities CO.,Ltd (“CSC”) (Financial Advisors)or Enrst&Young (As

15、ia Pacific) Ltd, and the Financial Advisors have not verified and do not endorse its contents. This Memorandum does not purport to be complete or to include everything that might be material to a person contemplating an investment in our securities. No representation or warranty, express or implied, to any person contemplating an investment in our securities is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted, by us or the Financial Advisor



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