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1、有关介孔材料的牛人课题组信息及相关文献A mesoporous material is a material containing pores with diameters betwee n 2 and 50 nm.Porous materials are classified into several kinds by their size. Accord ing to IUPAC no tati on (see J. Rouquerol et al., Pure & Appl. Chem, 66 (1994) 1739-1758), microporous materials have p

2、ore diameters of less tha n 2 nm and macroporous materials have pore diameters of greater tha n 50 nm; the mesoporous category thus lies in the middle.Typical mesoporous materials in clude some kinds of silica and alu mina that have similarly- sized fine mesopores. Mesoporous oxides of ni obium, tan

3、 talum, tita nium, zirc onium, cerium and tin have also bee n reported. Accord ing to the IUPAC no tatio n, a mesoporous material can be disordered or ordered in a mesostructure.The first mesoporous material, with a long range order, was syn thesized in the late 80s/ early 90s, by a research group o

4、f the former Mobil Oil Compa ny (see Kresge et al., Nature 359 (1992) 710). Since the n, research in this field has steadily grow n. Notable examples of prospective applicati ons are catalysis, sorpti on, gas sensing, optics, and photovoltaics.1. 介孔材料的诞生一一1992年MS41系列分子筛(典型的是MCM-41,MCM-48,MCM- 50)的合成

5、(严格来讲,应该是1991年日本人合成出来):Nature. 1992, 359, 710-712(J. S. Beck)J Am Chem Soc. 1992, 114: 10834-10843(J. S. Beck)Scie nee. 1993, 261: 1299-1303(霍启升)2. 介孔材料制备的另一里程碑一一1998年赵东元合成了 SBA-15Scienee. 1998, 279: 548-552 (赵东元)J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 6024-6036 (赵东元)3通过硬模板法合成炭基介孔材料,也是一大重要成绩一一1999年由韩国人刘龙完成:J A

6、m Chem Soc. 2002, 124: 1156-1157( Ryoo R.)介孔相关的几个牛人的课题组:http:/www.mrl.ucsb.edu/mrl/info/publications/ (G. D. Stucky) http:/www.cem.msu.edu/pinnweb/ (Thomas J. Pinnavaia) http:/www.chem.toro nto.edu/staff/GAO/flashed/me nu.htm (Ozins group) http:/homepage.fuda n. edu.c n/dyzhao/ (赵东元) http:/rryoo.kai

7、st.ac.kr/pub.html (韩国刘龙 (R. Ryoo)http:/cheed.nus.edu.sg/chezxs/ n.htm (新加坡赵修松 Xiusong Zhao) http:/www.ucm.es/info/inorg/inv . iones/2001/2001.htm (西班牙 M. Vallet-Regi 首先把介 孔材料应用到药物缓释|因为以前不小心把自己的收藏夹弄没了,所以有还有几个课题组现在没有了链接,但是其课题 负责人还是记得:台湾的牟中原和他的弟子林弘平;上海硅所的施剑林;吉林大学的肖丰收 和裘式伦;大化所的包信和(涉及得不多)推荐几篇介孔材料重要的综述:Ch

8、em. Mater. 1996, 8, 1147-1160 Surfactant Control of Phases in the Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica-Based Materials(Stucky和霍启升表面活性剂的堆积参数和结构的关系) Chem. Rev. 1997, 97, 2373-2419 From Microporous to Mesoporous Molecular Sieve Materials and Their Use in Catalysis (主要介绍介孔作催化载体的应用Chem. Rev. 2006, 106, 3790-38

9、12 Adva nces in the Syn thesis and Catalytic Applicatio ns of Organosulfonic-Functionalized Mesostructured Materials (有机官能化介孔的合成及在催化中 的应用)Acc. Chem. Res. 2002, 35, 927-935 Structural and Morphological Control of Cationic Surfactant-Templated Mesoporous Silica (牟中原具体谈论介孔形貌的形成) An gew. Chem. Int. Ed.

10、2006, 45, 3216 -3251 Silica-Based Mesoporous Orga nic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials (Frank Hoffmann 所著,非常好)Acc.Chem.Res.2005, 38,305-312 Past, Present, and Future of Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas-The PMOs (Ozin 重点介绍周期性介孔)NATURE 2002 417 813 Ordered porous materials for emergeing application(大牛 Davi

11、s 所著)Chem. Mater. 1999, 11, 2633-2656 Tailored Porous Materials(Thomas J.)介孔分子筛的应用:介孔分子筛吸附氨基酸:Carb on 44 (2006) 530-536 Adsorpti on of L-histidi ne over mesoporous carb on molecular sieves(印度人 A. Vinu)Separatio n and Purificatio n Tech no logy 48 (2006) 197 -201 Amino acid adsorptio n onto mesoporou

12、s silica molecular sieves (首篇)介孔分子筛吸附蛋白质(酶)Journal of Molecular Catalysis B Enzymatic 2 (1996) 115 126 Enzyme immobilization in MCM-4 1 molecular sieve (首篇)J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 9897-9898 Mesoporous Silicate Sequestration and Release of Protei ns (stucky)J. AM. CHEM. sOc. 2004, 126, 12224-122

13、25 Protein Encapsulation in Mesoporous Silicate- The Effects of Confin eme nt on Protein Stability, Hydratio n, and Volumetric Properties |J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 8297-8299 Adsorptio n of Cytochrome C on New Mesoporous Carbon Molecular Sieves(Vinu, A)介孔分子筛负载催化剂J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 15212-1

14、5217 Fabrication and characterization of mesoporous Co3O4 core-mesoporous silica shell nano composites (典型的 coreshell 结构)CHEM. COMMUN., 2003, 1522-1523 Ultra-thi n porous silica coated silver-plat in um alloy nano-particle as a new catalyst precursorApplied Catalysis A Gen eral 308 (2006) 19-30 Carb

15、on oxide hydroge natio n over silica- supported iron-based catalysts In flue nce of the preparati on routeChem. Commun., 2005, 348-350 Metallic Ni nano particles confined in hexag on ally ordered mesoporous silica material介孔分子筛在药物可控释放方面的应用Chem. Mater. 2001, 13, 308-311 A New Property of MCM-41, Drug

16、 Delivery System (Vallet-Regi 首篇)Nature 2003, 421, 350 353 Photoc on trolled reversible release of guest molecules from coumarinmodified modified mesoporous silica (第一次只能化)J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2005, 127, 8916-8917 Fabricatio n of Un iform Mag netic Nano composite Spheres with a Magnetic Core-Mesoporous Silica Shell Structure-support (施剑林 所谓的“药 物分子运输车”)Angew. Chem. I nt. Ed. 2005, 44,


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