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1、盐城市中小学(幼儿园)教师教学基本功市级考核初中英语试卷题号一二三总分合分人得分得 分评卷人复核人一、教学设计与反思(20分)县(市、区) 学 校 姓 名 准考证号 密封线根据提供的教材内容9A Unit 6 Reading: Saturdays TV Programmes 按照新授课要求,完成下列试题:1写出本节课的教学目标和教学重点,并简要说明理由。(10分)2请为本节课预设一个学生活动,并说明设计思想。(10分)得 分评卷人复核人二、教学测评(20分)密封线1依据下面所提供的材料,为学生拟一道8-12分的主观题,要写出命题意图并做出参考答案。答案要科学合理、具体明确,并尽可能全面。(10

2、分)Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer and pianist. Many people think he was one of the best composers of music of all time.Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. He was educated by his father, a very good violinist. His father started to give him piano lessons when he was 4 years old. When

3、 he was 6, he went on his first musical tour of Europe. Mozart also wrote music. When he was only about 5 years old, he started to compose music. At the age of 8, he composed his first real song. He grew up to write some of his most beautiful music ever heard. However, he died when he was only 35 ye

4、ars old.2请从试题选材、命题依据、试题特点等方面对下面的试题进行简要分析。(10分)书面表达请你以My favorite Singer为题写一篇短文,向外国笔友介绍你最喜欢的歌手。你可以从该歌手的家庭教育、成长之路和其成名曲等方面谈起。词数为80个左右。密封线得 分评卷人复核人三、学科专业素养(80分)(一)判断正误。依据课程标准内容和二语习得理论判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。请将答案填入题前的括号内。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( )1. The purpose of the English course is to develop a healthy

5、mentality and strong will power by broadening the learners horizon and enriching their life experiences. ( )2. In teaching English, teachers should purposefully help learners formulate their individual learning strategies and become capable of constantly adjusting learning strategies.( )3. Culture m

6、eans history, geography and music for the teaching of a foreign language of a particular country.( ) 4. In teaching, teachers cant substitute inappropriate content or activities in the textbook, considering their teaching needs.( ) 5. A positive classroom atmosphere will ensure that both introvert a

7、nd extrovert learners are more likely to feel confident enough to participate fully in the class.( )6. Reading is a passive information-seeking process in which readers relate information in the text to what they already know.( )7. When studying a foreign language, one brings a knowledge of many fac

8、ts and procedures that can help him or her make sense of what is heard or read. ( )8. A qualified level-5 student should become familiar with topics related to daily life, interests and hobbies, customs, and science and culture. ( )9. A qualified grade 9 student cant understand correctly and carry o

9、ut effective day-to-day communications.( )10. Testing should create a positive wash-back effect, i.e., the test should positively affect teaching. This is achieved by making sure that the test actually tests what has been taught, and does not omit to test anything important.(二)单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分

10、)请将答案填入题前的括号内。( ) 1.After having a quick breakfast, the boy hurried to play _ football instead of playing _ piano. A. the, the B. /, the C. the, / D. / , / ( ) 2. How many students can you see in the computer room? _.A. Nothing B. None C. No one D. Nobody ( ) 3._ can we get to the airport? The plane

11、 leaves at 3:00 p.m. Dont worry. Well be there in ten minutes.A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often ( ) 4. Help _ to some fruit, my kids. Thank you.A. you B. yours C. yourselves D. yourself ( ) 5.Wake up, Nick. Its time to _, or youll be late for school.A. get up B. stand up C. put upD. se

12、t up ( ) 6. Mom, can I go out to play soccer for a while? No, honey. You cant go out _ you finish your homework.A. until B. when C. whileD. after( ) 7.We have no but so much homework.Achoose, to completeBchoice, completeCchoose, completingDchoice, to complete ( ) 8.I doubt youd like to come to my pa

13、rty.Awhether Bthat whether CthatDthat if ( ) 9.Do you know _ they got to know each other? It was last year _ they both taught Chinese in the USA. A. when it was that; thatB. when it was that; when C. when was it that; whenD. when was it that; that ( ) 10. Im extremely tired. I have been working at this since 7 oclock this morning. Me, too. _. A. Lets call it a day B. It doesnt matterC. Dont mention it D. Theres no way(三)完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请将答案填入题前的括号内。阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。We are always 1


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