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1、初一英语单选题(附带答案)一1. Are you _ your winter holiday next week?A. going to have B. will have C. had D. have2. Do you often _ from your parents? A. heard B. hears C. to hear D.hear3. _ Lucy _ her homework in her room now?A. Is,doing B. Does,do C. Do,do D. Did,do4. She dances better than Mary _. A. is B. ha

2、s C. does D. dance5. Mary usually _ up at five oclock. A. will get B. got C. get D. gets6. They _ four English classes a week last term.A. has B. have C. had D. are having7. A bird can _ but I cant.A. flies B. flying C. flew D. fly8. They _ to see me yesterday evening.A. will come B. comes C. are co

3、ming D. came9. Were moving to a different town _.A. the day before yesterday B. last Sunday C. the day after tomorrow D. a week ago10. Look! The monkeys _ the tree. A. climb B. are climbing C. is climbingD. were climbing11. When _ you _ to Australia? Next Monday.A. did,fly B. will,fly C. are,fly D.

4、do,fly12. Which team _ the next football match?A. wins B. won C. will win D. win二1. I _ home until I finish my homework.A. wont goD. wentB. will go C. go2. I dont know if she _ tomorrow, if she _, Ill call you.A. comes, comes B. will come, will come C. will come, comes D. comes, will come3. There _

5、more people in the next 5 years.A. is B. are C. will have D. will be4. She tried _ about her journey, but she found it difficult.A. didnt to worryB. to not worryC. not worrying D. not to worry5. I think _ food is fried chicken in the USA.A. more popular B. most popular C. the most popular D. popular

6、6. When you go to see your father, please _ these books to him.A. bring B. take C. carry D. put7. His backpack is the same _ Toms.A. at B. as C. from D. in8. I argued _ my good friends yesterday. What should I do?A. of B. with C. at D. to9. Han Mei _ a book from the library a week ago.A. lent B. ret

7、urned C. borrowed D. wanted10. - What can I do for you, sir? -Im _ a book on history.A. making out B. finding out C. looking for D. working out三1. Who jumps _ in your class?A. far B. farther C. farthest D. longer2. You must have _ Beyonce, and she is a very famous singer who sang a song for the 77th

8、Annual Academy Awards(第 77 届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼).A. heard from B. heard C. heard on D. heard about3. We must hurry up, and the plane will _in five minutes.A. leave B. go C. take off D. lands on4. Ted _ while he _ his bicycle and hurt himself.A. fell, was riding B. had fallen, rodeC. fell, were riding D. had

9、fallen, was riding5. The reporter said that the UFO _ east towest when he saw it.A. was traveling B. traveledC. had been traveling D. has traveled6. When I arrived at his office, he _ on the phone.A. spoke B. was speaking C.had been speaking D. had spoken7. His computer is _ expensive _ Toms. A. as;

10、 as B. so; asC. much; as D. as; than8. Tom _ into the house when no one _. A. slipped, was lookingB. slipped, had looked C. had slipped, looked D. was slipping, looked9She said she a paper kite at 7: 00 yesterdayA makes Bis making C will make Dwas making10I on the phone when a friend went into a bar

11、bers shopA talked B was talking C talk Dis talking11What about more trees to keep the air clean?Ato plant Bplant Cplanting Dplanted12When the UFO took , the girl was in the shopA out B off C on Dup13It will be to work out this problemin some yearsAenough easy Beasily enough Ceasy enough Dvery easily

12、14How I was at that time!Asurprised Bsurprise Csurprising Dsurprise15I am sorry youve missed the train It ten minutes agoAleft Bwas leaving C will leave Dleaves16 John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a treeABecause BSince CWhile DIf17My mother often asks me early Aget up Bgot up Cgetting up D

13、to get up四1. The volleyball match will be put off if it _.A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained2. There _ a football game on TV this afternoon.A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play3. This work is _ for me than for you.A difficult B the most difficult Cmost difficult Dmore difficult4. Ill catch up with Lucy before she _ the finishing line.Areach Bis reaching Creaches in Dwill reachAwheres the teachers office Bwheres the bus stopCwhats she doingDwhere the post office is6. I wont go if it _ tomorrow.A rain B is raining C rains Dw


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