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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: The Keys to Successful Business Negotiation 姓 名 : 00000000 班级、学号 : 0000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-10-29 2009年10 月29日24目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-26答辩委员会表决意见27答辩过程记录表28课 题 The Keys to Successful Business Negotiation 一、 课题(论

2、文)提纲0.引言1.商务谈判的准备工作 11 知道你真正想要的12 了解你的位置13 考虑时机和谈判方式的影响14 准备好你的陈述15 预想好应对措施,反对和回答16 使陈述有条理17 决定好谈判各方的报偿和利润18 提供选择比最后通牒要好19 用沉默缓解气氛110以协议草案结束所有谈判2.肢体语言在谈判中的运用 21 清楚你站的位置 22 第一次接触 23 发现对方的厌烦 24 不要相信你看到的所有事物 25 身体姿势举例3.谈判的七条战略性技巧 31挡箭牌 32当机立断 33得寸进尺 34 放长线掉大鱼 35 空头许愿 36 要不然。 37 拒绝谈判者4避免一般的谈判错误 41 过早的开始

3、谈判 42 与错误的人谈判 43 锁定在一个位置 44 无力感 45 担心失去对谈判的控制 46 迷失你之前设立的目标 47 对对方过于担心 48 考虑清楚你要说的话 49 为别人的错误埋怨自己 410 不要把精力放在结束谈判上5总结二、内容摘要随着全球经济的发展趋势,商务谈判扮演着越来越重要的角色,掌握商务谈判技巧也成为贸易中不可缺少的因素.除了因为文化的多样性而导致的商务谈判礼仪和禁忌的差别之外,谈判技巧也相当重要.三、 参考文献1王时成.策略性商务谈判技巧 M.北京:北京大学出版社,2008;2袁其刚. 国际商务谈判M山东:山东人民出版社,2003;3刘园国际商务谈判考试指南M上海译文出

4、版社,2002The Keys to Successful Business Negotiation0000000Abstract: This paper mainly discusses of how to win in the business negotiation which elaborated on four areas. These four areas are preparation for business negotiation, using body language in negotiations,seven great tactics in negotiation,

5、avoiding common negotiating mistakes.Keywords: business negotiation; skills; preparation; body language;tactics; avoiding mistake0. Introduction: Nowadays, to handle skills of business negotiation well isbecoming more and more important with the emergency of economicglobalization and Chinas entry in

6、to WTO. Winning negotiation not only means make profit for the company you work for, but also you can obtaina feeling success.1. Preparation for business negotiationConsider these ten tips for preparing for negotiation and improve your odds for a win-win resolution. 1.1 Know what you really want.Man

7、y people enter negotiation only to find they did not have a clear desired outcome defined in their own mind. Write down your desired outcome as concisely as possible and use this outcome as the center point of your preparation. 1.2 Know your opposition.Learn as much as possible about who you are neg

8、otiating with, what they want, their strengths and weaknesses, and their likes and dislikes. 1.3 Consider the impact of timing and method of negotiation.Whenever possible, negotiate face to face. It is easier to say NO over the telephone and in writing. Initiate the negotiation process so that you h

9、ave the advantage of preparation and timing. 1.4 Prepare your presentation. point by point.Outline your presentation carefully. Place emphasis on benefits to the other party. 1.5 Anticipate reactions, objections and responses.If possible, brainstorm with others who have had similar negotiations to g

10、et a jump on what to expect. 1.6 Structure your presentation to ensure agreement on one or two points at the beginning of the negotiation.For example, I think we can agree right away that we have a problem and that we both/all want to resolve it. 1.7 Determine paybacks and consequences for each part

11、y in the negotiation.A clear understanding of paybacks and consequences makes it easier to determine when and how to make concessions and when and how to stick to your requirements and requests. 1.8 Prepare options rather than ultimatums.An ultimatum should be used only as a last resort when you are

12、 sure you can back it up and the other party knows you can back it up. Even then, in virtually every negotiation there are options and alternatives that reduce defensiveness and lead to positive resolution for all parties. 1.9 Get comfortable with silence.Many negotiators feel compelled to jump in w

13、ith arguments and comments each time there is a pause in the interaction. Practice holding back on comments and responses. Silence can be a very powerful negotiation tool. 1.10Close all negotiations by clearly outlining agreement.When agreement or conclusions have been reached and you are ready to e

14、nd your negotiation, review the agreement that has been reached. Then, end your negotiation on a positive note. commending those involved and emphasizing the progress made. 2. Using Body Language in NegotiationsInsights into non-verbal behavior will add to your negotiating strength. You learn to interpret what the other side is saying in addition to their words. At the same time you can become more aware of wha



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