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1、英语语法词汇详解temperancetemperance英 temprns美 temprnsn.戒酒;禁酒英文释义:1. (old-fashioned) the practice of not drinking alcohol because of your moral or religious beliefs(老式的)因为你的道德或宗教信仰而不喝酒的行为2. (formal) the practice of controlling your behaviour, the amount you eat, etc, so that it is always reasonable(正式)控制自己的

2、行为、食量等,使之始终合理的做法举个例子:1.The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance.享乐主义的时代正被一个注重节制的时代所取代。2.Maybe all the Temperance Taverns have got a hanted room, hey, Huck?也许所有的禁酒客栈里都有个闹鬼的房间,喂,哈克,你说是不是?3.We may well treat someone we think of as distinguished in justice, or in courage, or i

3、n temperance.我们可能会彬彬有礼地对待那些追求正义 勇气可嘉 生活节制的人。4.But ordinary drinking dens are becoming a little drier, too, out of business sense rather than temperance principle.但是,普通的酒吧也开始迎合戒酒的风尚了,它们是出于商业的目的,而不是因为节制的原则。5.He worked at a variety of jobs-as a carpenter, insurance salesman, keeper of a temperance hote

4、l-before taking a position as a janitor at Andersons (now the University of Strathclyde) in Glasgow.之后他做过许多工作木匠、保险推销员、禁酒旅店管理员,然后他来到格拉哥斯安德森大学(现在的斯特拉恩克莱德大学)当了一名门房。6.Susan B. Anthony was born in 1820. She was part of the temperance movement, which was a group of people who believed that people should d

5、rink very little or no alcohol.苏珊B安东尼出生于1820年。她参与了当时的禁酒运动,该运动参与者认为人们应该少饮酒,或者不饮酒。常用短语:Temperance Movement: 禁酒运动;戒酒运动Operating temperance: 工作温度temperance drink: 无酒精饮料;低酒精饮料a temperance hotel: 不卖酒的旅馆temperance drinks: 无酒精饮料词汇拓展:近义词n. restraint, control, natural virtue, abstinence, combination, combinin

6、g, compounding反义词n. intemperance联想词suffrage选举权;abstinence节制;piety虔诚;virtues美德;morals道德;self-control克己;Whig辉格党;immorality不道德,无道义;zeal热心;whale英 wel美 weln.鲸v.殴打;猛击复数: whales第三人称单数: whales现在分词: whaling过去式: whaled过去分词: whaled英文释义:a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a very large fish.

7、 There are several types of whale, some of which are hunted一种生活在海里的非常大的动物,看起来像一条非常大的鱼。鲸鱼有几种类型,其中一些是被猎杀的举个例子:1.A whale was found washed up on the shore.一头鲸被发现冲到了岸上。2.The blue whale is the worlds largest living animal.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。3.The whale is the largest mammal in creation.鲸鱼是所有哺乳动物中最大的。4.They had a

8、 whale of a time at the funfair.他们在游乐场玩得很开心。常用短语:killer whale生物学虎鲸sperm whale抹香鲸white whale白鲸whale oil鲸油blue whale蓝鲸right whale露脊鲸whale shark鲸鲨a whale of a极好的;了不起的beaked whale剑吻鲸grey whale灰鲸pilot whale引航鲸;巨头鲸;圆头鲸baleen whale须鲸fin whale长须鲸;鳁鲸whalebone whale须鲸toothed whale齿鲸have a whale of a time玩得很痛快

9、, 过得非常快活bottlenose whale巨齿鲸sei whale鳁鲸Greenland right whale北极露脊鲸whale the tar out of狠狠地揍词汇拓展:近义词n. large person, cetacean, cetacean mammal, blowerv. hunt, run, hunt down, track down联想词dolphin海豚;shark鲨鱼;dolphins海豚;sharks鲨鱼;mammal哺乳动物;squid鱿鱼;otter水獭;octopus章鱼;jellyfish水母;penguin企鹅;mermaid美人鱼;slipshod

10、英 slpd美 slpdadj.马虎的;不严谨的;塌跟的英文释义:1.(typically of a person or method of work)characterizedby a lack of care, thought, or organization多指人、工作方法)马虎的,不严谨的2.archaic (of shoes) worn down at the hee(古)鞋)塌跟的举个例子:1.The subject is taught in a slipshod manner.那门课没有用认真的方式教。2.I was angry at his slipshod work.我为他工

11、作粗心而生气。3.Slipshod work will never pass muster.草率的工作绝对经不起检查。4.When driven with his mates to the new owners camp, Buck saw a slipshod and slovenly affair, tent half stretched, dishes unwashed, everything in disorder; also, he saw a woman.当巴克和他的队友们被赶到新主人的营地后,他看到的是一幅邋里邋遢、乱七八糟的景象:松松垮垮的帐篷,没有洗涮的碗碟,没有一个像样的地

12、方;此外,他还看到一个女人。常用短语:slipshod painstaking: 漫不经心的In A Slipshod Way: 随心所欲;不加考虑This is very slipshod work: 这活儿做得太糙be slipshod in work: 你别糊弄我rough and slipshod methods: 粗制滥造词汇拓展:近义词adj. careless反义词n. careful联想词shoddy劣质的;sloppy草率的;careless粗心的;inept不适当的;clumsy笨拙的;substandard标准以下的;unprofessional非专业化的, 外行的;atrocious恶毒的;incompetent无能力的;abysmal深不可测的;disjointed脱离开的,不连贯的;



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