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1、afternoonaircraftairlineairplane airportalongside anyhow atrawberrybackground ballpenbasketballbathroombeforehand blackboardblackmail blacksmithblueprintbreakdownbreakfstbreakthroughbriefcasebroardcastbutterflybypasscardboardcaretakerchairmanclassmateclassroomcockpit斗鸡场cocktailcommonplacrcommonwealt

2、hcopyrightcounteractcounterpartcountrysidecourtyarddatabasedatlightdaytimedeadlinedeadlock僵局downfalldowngrade 下坡、on the 每况愈下downloaddownstairsdowntowndrawbackearthquakeelsewhereevergreeneverybody everydayeveryoneeyebroweyesightfarewellfeedbackfiremanfireplacefirerunnerfireworksfishermanfootballfootp



5、nethelessnortheastnortheastnotebooknotwithstanding 尽管offsetoffspringoneselfonlineonlookeroutbreakoutcomeoutdoor(s)outdoorsoutfitoutlaw(逃犯、亡命徒)outletoutlineoutlookoutputoutrage暴行、蹂躏outright直率outsetoutsideoutskirtsoutstandingoverallovercoatovercoatovercomeoverdueoverflowoverheadoverhearoverlapoverlook

6、overnightoverride制服、压倒 a vetooversea(s)overseasovertakeoverthrowovertimeoverturnpaperbackpassportpassportpayrollpeanutpineapplepinpointpitfall易错、陷阱playgroundpostcardpostmanradioactiverailroadrailwayrainbowraincoatroundaboutrunwaysafeguardsalesmanseamanseashellseaweedshipyardshortcomingshorthandsight


8、etabletrademarktypewriterunderestimateundergoundergraduateundergroundunderlieunderlineunderlyingundermineunderstandunderstandingundertakeunderwearupdateupgradeupholdupright垂直的 uprisinguproar扰乱、骚动upset3upstairsup-to-dateviewpointwarehousewarfarewaterfallwaterproofwatershed流域、分水岭、分界线watertightwebsitew

9、eekdateweekendwell-knownwhateverwhatsoeverwheneverwhereaboutswhereby靠什么whereinwhereverwhicheverwhithinwhoeverwidespreadwithdrawwithholdhold back抑制、隐瞒withoutwithstand经受得住 the storm/testworkmanworkshopworldwideworthwhileyourself296个There are some compound nouns based on phrasal verbs. Guess the meanin

10、g of the underlined word from its context.In response to the pay offer, there was a walk-out at the factory. There is going to be a crack-down on public spending. There has been a break-out from the local prison. Last month saw a tremendous shake-up in personnel. I never expected the break-up of the

11、 USSR. A number of these nouns have economic associations.The takeover of one of our leading hotel chains has just been announced. Were trying to find some new outlets for our products. Take your things to the check-out to pay for them. Cutbacks will be essential until the recession is over. We made

12、 a profit of $1000 on a turnover of $10,000. What the computer produces depends on the quality of the input. Output has increased thanks to new technology. We have a rather rapid staff turnover. Just after leaving school he went through the stage of being a dropout. I can easily get you a printout o

13、f the latest figures.A breakthrough has been made in AIDS research. Some of the words can be used in more general circumstances.Many of the problems were caused by a breakdown in communications. The outlook for tomorrow is good - sunny in most places. There are drawbacks as well as advantages to eve

14、ry situation. The outcome of the situation was not very satisfactory. TV companies always welcome feedback from viewers. It was clear from the outset that the set-up would cause problems. We parked in a lay-by on the by-pass. The outbreak of war surprised them. Because of the accident there was a three-mile tailback along the motorway.Police are warning of an increased number of break-ins in



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