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1、免费体验美国外教口语互动课程 易格英语 东莞大朗英语培训东莞大朗英语培训机构学习英语,其中语法和单词的使用方式,是大多人比较容易出现的错误。很多时候不小心就会出现书写错误,语言交流也会用错句式。下面的一些单词我们要多注意,在使用上或许跟你的理解思维不一致。看到上面的这些短语和单词用法,你是否感触也很多?其实不同语言有其不同的独特的魅力,英语的不同,比较吸引人得地方也是这些表达方式的具体体现之一。学习英语真的投入进去,比我们想象中有趣。1. surprised spraizd dj. 感到惊讶的,出人意料的v. 使惊奇(surprise的过去分词形式)You might be surprised

2、 to learn that trees generate small amounts of electricity.你也许会对树木可以产生小量电流一事感到惊讶They were all surprised because nobody could see the suit.大家都很吃惊,因为没有人能看到衣服。2.curtain k:tn n. 幕;窗帘vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘His silhouette appeared on the curtain.他的侧面影像出现在窗帘上3. service s:vis . 服务,服侍;服役;仪式adj. 服务性的;耐用的;服现役的vt. 维修,检修;保养

3、。What is the fastest service?最快的服务是什么?How about the after service of your product?你们这个产品的售后服务怎么样?4. electricity ,ilektristi n 电流、电力There is electricity a few hours a day only, usually at night.每天房屋里都会有几个小时的供电,通常是在夜晚。They know that voters will punish them if fuel prices soar, or if there are electric

4、ity shortages.他们知道,如果燃料价格飙升、或如果出现电力短缺,他们会受到选民的惩罚。5.petroleum pitrulim, p-石油Petroleum has been important since ancient times.石油自远古时期以来就相当重要。Petroleum has been important since ancient times.石油自远古时期以来就相当重要。If youll only not tell papa, my going need not disturb the tranquility.你只要不告诉爸爸,那我去,也碍不着任何人的平静。6.

5、medical medikl 医学的;药的;内科的n. 医生;体格检查You will need to help your child cooperate with medical treatment.您需要帮助您的孩子让他与内科治疗相配合7. influence influns N影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事vt. 影响;改变He now thinks this influence was baleful.他现在认为这种影响是有害的。Foreign markets may also influence how people get their movies.外国市场也影响了人们获得电影的

6、渠道。8. society ssaitiN社会。交往;社团;社交界 Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience.许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。 A pretty good society needs more than just anonymity.一个美好的社会所需要的不只是匿名。9.create krieit vt. 创造,创作;造成n the end, people around the world must create the pressure

7、needed to save these big cats.最后,全世界的人都必须产生出必要的压力来拯救这种大型猫科动物。10.environmental in,vairnmentl adj. 环境的,周围的;有关环境的Such differentiation is an response to changing environmental conditions.这种分化是对变化着的环境条件的响应。Measures to improve environmental health conditions are, therefore, very important.因此,改善环境卫生条件的措施非常

8、重要。11.confident knfidnt adj. 自信的;确信的He moves with the slow confident gait of a successful man.他以一个成功男人缓慢而又自信的步伐走路For at least the first half of the reform period, few were so confident.至少在改革的前半段时期,很少有人会如此地信心十足。12.joke duk 玩笑,笑话;笑柄vt. 开的玩笑vi. 开玩笑Maybe it was no joke.这说不定不是玩笑。He treated his mistake as

9、 a joke .他把他的错误当作玩笑看待13.clerk kl:k, kl:k n. 职员,办事员;店员;书记;记帐员My Uncle Dachao is a clerk.我的大超叔叔是一名营业员.A clerk shows the guest to his room and answers the guests questions.服务员将客人带到房间,并回答了客人们提出的问题。14.supervisor sju:pvaiz n. 监督人,管理 管理人;检查员If your direct supervisor gave you a project, the regional manager

10、 gave you another project.如果你的直属主管交给你一个专案,区域经理又交给你另一个专案.I am a companys supervisor我是一个公司的主管.15.seriously sirisli, si:r- adv. 认真地;严重地,严肃地You make mistakes is very serious (siris, si:r-)形容词, and you didnt notice?你犯得的错误已经是很严重了,你没有觉察到吗?As concerned consumers and environmentalists, we must be prepared to seriously entertain these questions.考虑到消费者和环境,我们必须对这些问题予以认真的16. patient peint adj. 有耐性的,能容忍的n. 病人;患者The effect of the treatment upon the patient was magical.这种治疗对于病人的效果是意想不到的。What is best gift a doctor can give to his patient?一个医生能给他病人的最好礼物是什么?



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