牛津上海版三年级英语下册Unit 2 In the library 单元测试卷

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1、牛津上海版三年级下册Unit 2 In the library 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Listen! _. I can hear some ducks. ( )AQuackquackBMoomooCNeighneigh2 . _ is this? ( ) Its my new pencil.AWhatBHowCWhere3 . - Is that Marys schoolbag? ( )- _AYes, it isnt.BNo, it is.CNo, it isnt.4 . -Don

2、t listen _Sam, Bobby. -OK.A/BforCto5 . Please dont _ my milk.AeatBshoutCdrink6 . ( )AHe can dance.BHe can read.7 . Dont sleep, Mike. _.( )AIm sorry.BCome in, please.CNo, thank you.8 . 好朋友请我帮助他开门,他应该说: ( )AOpen the door, please.BOpen the window, please.二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hello! My name is Yang Ling. Im eleve

3、n and I come from China. I have a friend. His name is Teddy. He is ten. Teddys sister is Helen. She is ten, too. Helen is an English girl.9 . Helen is_.( )AtenBnineCeleven10 . Helen is Teddys_.( )AbrotherBfriendCsister11 . _comes from England(英国), she is ten. ( )ATeddyBHelenCYang Ling12 . Is Yang Li

4、ng an English boy? ( )_.AYesBNoCWe dont know三、填空题在横线上填适当词汇或短语13 . _ do you want to go?14 . _ do you want to do there?15 . I want _ the White House.16 . Its _ the east of the USA17 . Big Ben is a large _.四、任务型阅读18 . 阅读并了解David 在图书馆里的举动,请给他提出一些合适的建议或告诫。Hello! I am David. I am in our school library now

5、. Our library is very big. Look! I am running in the library. Look! I am shouting in the library. Look at me, I am eating a pie and drinking some milk here. Now I am listening to music(音乐)on my iPad. And I am tired(累). Id like to sleep here.To David:a. Dont run in the library.b._c._d._e._f._五、英译汉19

6、. 把下面的英文句子翻译成汉语。(1) Is that a rubber?_(2) Is this my pencil case?_(3) Thats my schoolbag._(4) This isnt my ruler._六、汉译英句子翻译。20 . 这是你的钢笔吗?21 . 保罗在上下走动。22 . 我想要睡觉。23 . 我想要讲话。24 . 它是我的英语书。25 . 你想要一块糖果吗?七、判断题判断下列发音是否相同。26 . hospital love hobby_27 . stay subway train _28 . theirthere thirsty_29 . ifill p

7、ilot_30 . right light tonight_八、填内容补全对话完成对话。补全单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。A: Hi, my name is Jack.B: Hi, Jack. Im Helen. N31 . to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too, Helen. Im new here. Can you tell me some of the school rules(规定)?B: Sure. Dont shout or r32 . in the school.A: Can we e33 . food (食物) in class?B: No,

8、 we cant. We also cant d34 . milk in class.A: OK. Ill remember(记住) that.九、选内容补全对话完成对话,填序号。A. This is my brother, Jack.B. Thank you.C. Its my English book.D. Dont sleep, Helen.E. Nice to meet you, too.F. How nice.Mike: 35 . Helen: Im sorry.Mike: Look at my new cap!Helen: 36 . Mike: 37 . Helen: 38 . M

9、ike: Hi Jack, nice to meet you.Jack: 39 . Mike: Whats this?Jack: 40 . 十、匹配题41 . 从方框中选出上面句子的应答语。AIts nice.BAll right!CReally?DGood morning!EWe have two1.Good morning! _2.How many doors do you have? _3.Let me clean the window._4.I have a toy dog. _5.Look at the picture. _第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、英译汉1、六、汉译英1、七、判断题1、八、填内容补全对话1、九、选内容补全对话1、十、匹配题1、


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