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1、人教版2019-2020学年度第二学期七年级期末考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What will the weather be like tomorrow? Itll be , and the temperature will .Asnow ; fallBsnow ; dropCsnowy ; fallDsnowy ; drop2 . We often do homework at school.AweBusCourDours3 . The exam is over and the results will beon Friday afternoon.Aput

2、downBput offCput upDput away4 . The professor reached Nanjing last Wednesday. He _ there for 10 days.Ahas beenBhas gotChas reachedDhas arrived5 . Do you like playing basketball or soccer? _. Yao Ming is my favorite player.AYes, I doBI like playing basketballCNo, I dontDI like playing soccer6 . 70% o

3、f the workers in the factory_young women.AisBareChasDhave7 . I have two good e-friends. One is a _ boy, and the other is from _.AGerman; JapanBGermany; JapanCGerman; JapaneseDGermany; Japanese8 . Which of the following(下面的) places is NOT a capital city?ATokyoBLondonCSydneyDParis9 . -Is she _China?-Y

4、es, She is _.Ain; ChinaBa; ChinaCfrom; ChineseDfrom; China10 . She says its good _ my _ .Afor; healthyBfor; healthCat; healthyDat; health二、补全对话7选5阅读下面的对话,从7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A: Do you like them?B: Lets think about the food.C: Some fruit and salad are OK.D: How much are they?E: I w

5、ant some hats and food for our end-of-term party.F: I need 3 purple ones, 5 red ones and 2 yellow ones.G: We like oranges and apples.A:What can I do for you?B:11 . .A:I see. Look, Here are many hats. They come in different colors.12 . B:Yes, they look great. 13 . . There are ten people at the party.

6、A:Sure.What about food? What do you and your friends like? B: 14 . . A: The oranges are 5$ for a bag. And a box of salad is 5$ too. Its on sale.B: I will take the salad. But we dont like oragnes. Can I have a bag of apples?A:Of course. B: 15 . ?A: 30$. B: Here is the money. Thanks a lot!A: My pleasu

7、re.三、完型填空Lets suppose it is a common day of 2060. Of course, things have changed and life is very _.Trips to the moon are being made every day. Taking a _ on the moon is as easy as taking a holiday in Europe in the 2010s. At a number of scenery spots (风景胜地) on the moon,many hotels have been _.What a

8、re people _ now? Still food. But many foods now come in pill (药片) form,and the food that goes into the pill comes mainly _ green plants. Because people in the world today are much more than those about fifty years ago,most of the earths surface has to be _. The deserts are irrigated (灌溉) with water

9、and crops are no longer eaten by pests. The harvest is always _._,of course,is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just using a few computers.People are now largely vegetarians, and they eat only bread,vegetables,_ and so on and they don

10、t eat meat or fish. You see,_ the number of people increases,the number of animals decreases. So people have to be vegetarians Will our life be like this in 2060?16 . AdifficultBdifferentCdeliciousDdangerous17 . AlessonBstepCshowerDholiday18 . AbuiltBbrokenCchosenDdrawn19 . AdoingBeatingCbuyingDcarr

11、ying20 . AintoBtowardsCfromDalong21 . AwrittenBthrownCtakenDfilled22 . AgoodBbadCterribleDwrong23 . AShoppingBLivingCFarmingDWasting24 . AbeefBpotatoCbambooDfruit25 . AalthoughBasCbeforeDuntilWang Jicais story moved people around China. When he first landed on Kaishan Island, there was no fresh wate

12、r, no electricity or trees. In three years he planted_trees, only one little tree grew. Wang was the fifth man who worked in the island which is the most_for the safety of China. Other four men hurried to leave here. He began to work here_he was 26. He never left his work until he_down on July 27th,

13、 2018. He went away suddenly because of illness. Wangs wife, Wang Shihua, was a teacher in a primary school. After visiting him on the island, she_her work and accepted the challenge with him. Their 2-year-old daughter was sent to her grandmother. They_vegetables and trees among the rock. A year lat

14、er, their second child was to come, but they couldnt go to the_because of the bad weather. Wang Jicai had to work_a doctor. Their children all staved with their grandmother. Wang Su, their_daughter, dropped out of school to take care of her brother and sister when she was 13. As a soldier. Wang Jicai kept rules. When someone sent money to him, Wang Jicai_at once. However, local fishermen regarded him as their relative. Although Wang Jicai left in a hurry, Wang Shihua has



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