小学英语(三起)牛津译林版4BUnit 8 How are you 第二课时 习题

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《小学英语(三起)牛津译林版4BUnit 8 How are you 第二课时 习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语(三起)牛津译林版4BUnit 8 How are you 第二课时 习题(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、111Unit 8 How are you 第二课时 习题一、英汉互译。1.at school2.对.讲3.感冒4.明天5.have a headache二、根据中文意思完成句子。1.我感冒了。 .2. 怎么了? .3. 我累了。 .2. 他发高烧。 .3. 你好吗? .三、用所给词适当形式填空。1.Can I_(see)your pictures sometime.2.We can (go) to the park this morning.3.I _(have) a headache.4. Helen (be not) at school5.Ill go and (see) the doc

2、tor.四、选择题。( )1.- hats are these?They are mine.A. Who B. Whose. C.Whom( ) 2. There some juice on the desk.A.is B.are C.am( ) 3. Can you to school tomorrow?A.coming B. come C.comes( ) 4.How much is ?A.it B.its C.you( ) 5.Helen me on the weekend.A.calls B. call C.calling 五、按要求完成句子。1. There is a coat .(

3、改为一般疑问句) _2. I speak to my mother. (改为否定句) _ 3. They are good students.(改为一般疑问句) _ 4. I have a high fever. (翻译成英文) _5. Do you come to school? (做否定回答)_Unit 8 How are you 第二课时答案一、【解析】该题考查短语的识记【答案】1. 在学校 2. spaek to 3. have a cold4. tomorrow 5. 头痛二、【解析】1. 我感冒了。译为“I have a cold”2. 怎么了译为“Whats the matter

4、”故答案为Whats the matter?3. 答案 Im tired.4. 高烧译为high fever,故答案为 He has a high fever.5. 答案: How are you?【答案】1.I have a coldWhats the matter?3.Im tired.4. He has a high fever.5.How are you?三、【解析】1. can 后加动词原形,故填see。2. can 后加动词原形,故填go。3. I是第一人称,故填have。4.Helen是第三人称单数,故填isnt。5. will 后加动词原形,故填see。【答案】1.see 2.

5、 go 3. have 4.isnt 5. see五、【解析】 1.改为一般疑问句把is 提前,故答案为Is there a coat?2. 改为否定句把借助助动词dont,故答案为 I dont speak to my mother.3. 该题考查一般疑问句句型把Are 提前,故答案是:Are they good students?4. 我发高烧。5. Do 开头引导的一般疑问句,否定回答为No, I dont【答案】1. Is there a coat?2 I dont speak to my mother.3.Are they good students?4.我发高烧。5. No, I dont.111



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