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1、长沙市2020年七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ your baseballs?Under the bed.AWhatsBWhere sCWhat areDWhere are2 . Where does your brother live _?AinBonCatD/3 . are you from?Im from Australia.AWhereBWhatCWhoDWhich4 . - I think students may bring iPad to school.-_ This can cause some trouble.AI agre

2、e with you.BI dont agree with you.CI like this.DYou are right.5 . I am afraid I will have to give up Chinese chess. I have made _ in the past few years. Youd better not. It takes time and patience, you know.Agreat progressesBmuch progressCfew progressesDlittle progress6 . I can see two _ and three _

3、 in the picture.Acows;sheepsBcows;sheepCcow;sheepDcow;sheeps7 . No one could answer the difficult question, but Jim could.Oh, hes really _.AbeautifulBoutgoingCcleverDhappy8 . _ do you like pandas(熊猫)? Because they are very cute(可爱的).AWhatBWhoCWhyDWhere9 . English is used _ travelers and business peo

4、ple all over the world.AtoBforCbyDas10 . Where _ my pens? on the table.Ais, ItsBis, ItsCare, TheyreDare, Its11 . People should know the _of protecting the environment.They should take action to save our planet.AconditionBforceCtourDimportance12 . your sister like apples?.AIs; Yes, she isBDoes; Yes,

5、she doesCDo; No, she dontDDoes; No, she dont13 . -Whats that man? -He is _.AtallBa cookCmy fatherDat home14 . The 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC was celebrated 1st October, 2019.AatBinConDfor15 . The motto of the modern Olympics is “_”.AFast, high, strongBFaster, higher, strongerCFaster

6、, high, strongDFaster, high, stronger二、完型填空完形填空My favorite subject is math. Its my favorite because I am_it. I never have t work hard at it and I_get good grades in tests. I am_that I was born with (天生具有的) a clearthinking brain(头脑).The great thing about math is that there is not much to remember. In

7、 other_like history and geography, you used to remember a lot of things.Though math is easy for me, some of my friends thinks its_.They often have difficulties with their math. I often help them with their_at school.Math is easy for me,_I dont have to spend very much time on it. I have_time to study

8、 other subjects. But some of my classmates cant_their math homework. It often makes the teacher angry. I feel sorry for them. I think I should give them more_. I am going to try to do that.16 . Agood atBworried aboutCgood for17 . AalwaysBsometimesCnever18 . AquietBangryChappy19 . AbooksBnamesCsubjec

9、ts20 . AdifficultBpopularCfun21 . AphysicsBmathChistory22 . AorBbecauseCso23 . AmoreBmanyCless24 . AlistenBfinishCfind25 . AhomeworkBtimeChelp三、阅读单选If you want to be healthy, you have to eat and drink healthily. Coke isnt very good for you because its very sweet. The sugar in Coke and in many other

10、sweet drinks can be bad for our teeth. Ice cream is also very sweet and has a lot of fat( 脂肪) in it, so you cant eat too much ice cream, either.We all know that there is too much fat in meat. If you eat too much meat, you will surely become fat and it is really bad for your health. It is much easier

11、 for you to get ill. Some other foods, like chips, cakes, cookies, also have a lot of fat. Before you eat them, think about the question. Which is more important, my mouth or my health?Some food is very good for you, for example, fruit and vegetables. So you should eat more fruit and vegetables. Its

12、 also good to eat lots of corn(玉米), rice and tomatoes. They keep you healthy.26 . What does the passage talk about?AHealthy sportBHealthy diet(饮食)CKeeping healthy.DKeeping strong27 . What is not good for our teeth?ASugarBFatCTomatoesDTea28 . What kind of food can easily make us become fat?ABreadBMea

13、tCFruitDJuice29 . Which kind of food should you eat more if you want to keep fit?AMeat and snacksBFruit and meatCVegetables and drinksDFruit and vegetablesIm David. I am making plans for the coming weekend. Its going to be fantastic.On the morning of Saturday, Im going to the music club and have a v

14、iolin lesson from 8:10 am to 10:10 am. Then at 10:30, Im going home and to do my maths homework. After lunch, I am going to have a rest. Then Im going to play football with my friends from 2:30 pm to 3:10 pm. At 3:30 pm, Im going to do some shopping with my mother. Im going to buy a birthday present for Peter. He is my classmate. He is also my best friend. My mother says she is going to buy some ne



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