“Coat and Scarf” 教学设计.doc

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1、“Coat and Scarf” 教学设计作课教师:河北省石家庄市金地小学 张雅娟 作课年级:小学四年级课题名称Lesson3 Coat and Scarf教学分游戏析学习者分析本课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生。四年级学生喜欢积极参与课堂活动,参与性很高,一些学生能较熟练的运用英语,但还是有部分学生掌握不彻底。通过教师的引导。学生能逐步学会四季的衣服及对穿着的描述。学习内容分析本课是一节新授课,这一单元的主要知识点都是在讲衣服,本节课主要学习冬天的穿着,学生在有趣的游戏和高度参与课堂的过程中,既要巩固单元知识,又要提高捕捉关键信息及阅读能力。教学目标知识、技能目标1学生能够听懂,会说,认读并书

2、写词汇;cap, scarf, coat, gloves。2 学生能听懂,会说句子:What is she/he wearing? She/He is wearing 3 在日常的生活中明白不同的季节穿什么衣服用英语怎么说。4 明白字母C在单词中的发音。教学准备多媒体,单词卡片,黑板,衣服剪纸,彩色吸铁石,学生活动时的四季背景画,胶棒。 评价方式1以分组合作共同完成集体参与的形式让学生充分参与学习过程。2.教师对学生注重鼓励性,有针对性,多层次的评价及引导。 教学 环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: .Class opening. GreetingsLet the class revi

3、ew the words we learned last class. GreetingsListen, talk guess and chant. 猜谜游戏是深受学生喜爱的的课堂活动之一,用动画卡通猜谜游戏开课,吸引学生的关注,尽快融入新的课堂。用chant轻快地节奏总结复习内容。Step 2: New concepts.1.Teach the new words1. Show a boy who is wearing the clothes in autumn and then change the weather, put the boy in winter and teach them

4、 how to read the new words 2. Teach them how to write the new words. 1.look at the picture and learn the new words。2.get the easy way to remember the new words. 1. 通过季节的变化让学生在情境中了解不同的季节穿不同的衣服,更能联系实际,运用于生活。2. 通过全新的单词记忆方式掌握记忆窍门,有效率的意义单词,并运用单词的读音和有规律的字母发音于日常学习中。2.Use the new words。1.Show a boy wearing

5、all the new clothes on his body, let them describe the clothes with color.2.Make sentences with their partner use“What is he wearing?” 1.Look at the picture talk with their partner.(black cap, red scarf)2.Use “What is he wearing.”“He is wearing”make sentences with their partner.1.让学生将所学知识加以运用和巩固,并结合

6、旧的知识内容进行扩充更加贴切实际。2.创设口语练习的情景和机会,让学生在词组的基础上掌握句子,并且熟练运用句型。3.dress up activities1,Show students a picture let them in a scene, show them how to use the paper-cut dress up a girl in winter and then teach them how to make compound sentences.2,Let students dress up their own picture and make the words in

7、right turn, especially use the word“and”in sentence.1.Answer the teacher what cloth is it? And then tall the teacher what color is it? 2.Students do this activity in their group, everyone have their own job to do.1.用装扮游戏的方式自然引出复式句子,并教授孩子怎么提取关键信息和and 的使用法方法。2.让每一个孩子都能参与到教学活动中,都能体验成功的乐趣,运用小组合作的形式进行取长补短。 Step 3: Class Closing1.show itLet the group show their own picture in the class.Read the sentence they made it by their selves on projector.以展示的形式展现一节课的最终内容,并让学生享受自己最终的学习成果。HomeworkRead the sentences, color and draw.板书设计:


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