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1、自考外贸英语写作常用语句第十章日常办公信 一、安排约会l Would you be free to meet me at?l Wouldbe convenient to you?l If it is not convenient to you, please suggest another time.l I shall be in for , fromtol I shall be please to see youl You are welcome tol We regret that or Unfortunately二、介绍信l This is to introduce who is (ha

2、s been)l We have great pleasure in introducing to you, by this letter, Mr. l It gives us great pleasure to introduce to you, the bearer of this letter, Mr. l I am very pleased to introducel Early next month you will receive a visit from who is l Anything you could do for him will be very much apprec

3、iated.l Any assistance you may render to him will be highly appreciatedl Thank you in advance for any assistance in this matter.l Id be most grateful if you could l I shall consider it a great favor if you will 三、出国访问往来信件1、 提出访问要求l We are pleased to announce that is planning to visit your country ea

4、rly next May.l I write to let you know that we are planning to send a purchasing group of four people to visit your country in the later half of this year.l Mr. Howard plans to stay in Guangzhou for a week to inspect your plant and discuss with you the details of compensation trade agreement.l The d

5、elegation will be headed by Mr. Steven Hunter, Director of Product Development Division and will include a member from International Projects Division and two members from Overseas Business Division. It is planned that they will arrive at Beijing airport at on and stay in the city for On they will f

6、ly to for a brief visit and depart from there for at on l We look forward to hearing from you if the planned visit suits you.l We should be grateful if you could send us an invitation to the Exhibition.l We await you reply indicating whether this visit is convenient to you.l Well appreciate it very

7、much if you could let us know whether this planned visit suits you.2、 访问邀请信l We would like to (cordially) invite to come to during for a-day visit.l We have great pleasure in extending our warmest invitation to to visit during l We are glad to invite and warmly welcome a delegation from to visit in

8、l It is our great pleasure to invite ABC Company to send a trade group to visit China in this autumn in order to further develop business.l We are looking forward to your visit.l Please note that all expenses incurred during the visit will by paid for by the delegation.l Dear Mr. You are kindly expe

9、cted by China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation to come to , China on for The duration in China will be days. Please apply for one entry visa at the Chinese Embassy in with this invitation and your passport(No. )Sincerely yours,3、 访问的安排信件l We are enclosing a revised list of the compositi

10、on of the delegation. Please note that Mr. , an official of the Export Development Corporation has been added to the delegation.l We wish to advise you that the delegation will leave Beijing at 11:05 a.m. on October19 by Flight CAl We would appreciate a copy of your itinerary while in Australia so t

11、hat we can advise our Sydney office.l We think it would be useful to have your views on the timing of the visit, together with indications of what you would like to see and do while you are in China.l We would like to meet with major suppliers of water conservancy systems while in Canada and would a

12、ppreciate it very much if you could make necessary arrangements.l The delegation plans to stay in New York for two nights and in Losangeles for 1 night. Please book three double rooms of medium price range for us.l All the expenses will be for the account of the delegation.四、通知函l This is to inform y

13、ou that l We are pleased to inform you that l We have the pleasure in informing you that l This is to formally announce that 第十一章就业写作一、求职申请信l I wish to apply for the position of sales manager you advertised in yesterdays China Daily.l You advertisement for a computer programmer in Beijing Daily of M

14、ay 23 has interested me very much and I feel I can fill that vacancyl I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of secretary to your managing director, advertised in Chang Chun Daily.l I learned from Miss Yang that you are looking for and English translator an

15、d would like to apply for the post.l I am writing in response to your advertisement placed on Beijing TV for a financial manager.l My friends in business told me that your company has the best sales staff in the computer field. As I am desirous of working as a successful salesperson in a large company, I should like to be considered a candidate for your sales training program.l As an experienced and conscientious secretary who has had excellent training in English business wri



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